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Why do some people hate when someone only listens to EDM 24/7

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Sometimes i hear people tell me that people dont understand them and sometimes i get it myself. That why or how can i only hear this one type of music 24/7. To me the answer is simple, if you love something dont you want to be surrounded by it all the time? Hey it hink its great for the people who like other styles of music and choose to listen to them on the radio at concerts or whereever. But i dont think theres anything wrong with hearing edm 24/7.

Now i would think something wrong if you only listen to one artist only all the time. Whatever music you like hip hop, rock, country, latin, edm. That i will say is a bit weird, more like an obsession/love for the artist rather then the genre of music that is made.

Reason i bring this up is at my job today i was told why do i always have that "TECHNO, BOOM BOOM MUSIC PLAYING" and always have headphones. First i corrected her and said sorry lady but this aint techno its called house. And second i asked her if she loved someone she said yes and i said would you want to be with him 24/7 she said yeah. So i said i love my music go away.

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The only reason I would say listening to EDM 24/7 is that you are missing out on so much great music not in that genre imo.

I listen to house, drum 'n bass, ambient, jazz, classical, etc. etc.

I love beats, but I also need my fix of beautiful other music such as right now jazz singer (who channels Billie Holiday perfectly) Madeleine Peyroux

I just think it's nice to be well-rounded with all diff music...just like in life it's nice to have a variety of interest.

I don't know what kind of job you have, but in my professional career I cannot put on headphones and listen to music in my office and need something more calm than beats in the background playing as I go through the work week. Classical and jazz are relaxing and ease any stress.

just a thought

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I love house as well but really I only like listening to it when I am at a nightclub, it gives me a headache when I listen to it outside of a club i don't know why...if I am at a bar/lounge I prefer hip hop and alternativce. In my car, I listen to alternative like Nirvana and Guns and Roses ( my fav song of all time is Sweet Child O Mine lol) but I if you only like to listen to House 24/7 then more power to you bull.

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silverbull you make good points.

For me, I do listen to trance/house a LOT... but not always, sometimes I'm just in a different mood...

But then again I'm a fan of all kinds of music and actually have changed "favorites" since childhood, from country to freestyle, pop to gangster rap, to alternative, rock & metal... electronic is the current flavor of the month, but in reality, this is far more spiritual... i can't findmyself ever bouncing to something else...


So I like all kinds of music, and currently listen to EDM more than anything else... music to the next level.

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People ask me that all the time Gabe...my friends are always like, "it's fine at the club, but do you really need to listen to it while you're studying, chilling, etc.?" Since I was a little kid I've only listened to house and hip-hop..I've tried listening to different kinds of music b/c my friends' tastes in music vary very widely, but if you really only like 1 or 2 kinds I don't see anything wrong with listening to it all the time.

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I usually listen to EDM about 90% of the time. Every now and then, someone will say something negative, but more often than not, I find that people really like it. Many of these people are only used to hearing the usual pop/rock/hip-hop stuff that's on the radio, so they really don't know much about EDM. But after sitting in my car for a while, most people say that they really like it, and ask for a CD or something. Now, most of my close friends/family listen to some EDM or at least have a better awarness of it.

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Reason i bring this up is at my job today i was told why do i always have that "TECHNO, BOOM BOOM MUSIC PLAYING" and always have headphones. First i corrected her and said sorry lady but this aint techno its called house. And second i asked her if she loved someone she said yes and i said would you want to be with him 24/7 she said yeah. So i said i love my music go away.

any particular reason why you had to come off with such an attitude towards the lady?

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I listen to a wide variety of genres, and I listen to edm the most probably 75% of the time. Silverbull, the problem is that to people that dont understand house music and other types of edm, it sounds REALLY REPETITIVE to them. There have been times I was listening to house in my car and my mother asked if the cd was skipping. Alot of people just dont understand house music and this is the problem.

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i think in order to understand music as a whole, you have to keep your mind and heart in tune with other sounds from other genres.. understanding why we make the sounds we do and where they stem from can only make listening to edm and a more pleasureable and knowledgable experience.. i've found (and i'm sure most of you have as well) that in listening to different styles of music you begin to realize they're all connected in some form or another..

i adore rock, industrial, new wave, synthpop, goth rock .. most 80's genre's...along with other 20th century sounds just as much as i do edm and when i connect those sounds and those feelings with the past and what they do for me in my present.. it's such a beautiful thing.. more beautiful sometimes than being ignorant with just knowing one house track and not knowing how it got there.. that's why i get confused and feel betrayed when i hear someone say "i only get edm" .. cause you don't unless you get it all.

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its purely a matter of happiness. right now this is what makes you happy so thats what you listen to. with time your tastes may evolve and you may start giving other genres a chance. personally i will listen to anything except country although i do listen to house most of the time. but sometimes i have to breakaway just to listen to something different. you may discover another kind of music one day that you will enjoy. as far as ppl not liking house music, i think some of them sadly categorize everything under techno and they just haven't heard good house. and even if they have, they just wont give it a chance cos they are not open minded enough. this is true not just for music but other things as well. ppl just have different means of happiness. :smoke:

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my fascination with house music began in 1989 and i have been stuck with it since. But only since about 1999 has it been at the level of priority as it still is now. Im from brooklyn born and raise din teh projects so i grew up with hip hop but after 1995 i hate that shit and cant stand it. Im also latin so latin music has been a aprt of my life as well and use to do latin clubs upto about 98/99 as well. Since 2002 i refuse to hear the radio becuase music sucks on mainstream stations.

I also love old school rock and am a big kiss and led zeppelin fan as well as some other rock bands that came out a few yrs ago, disturbed,staind,linkin park, evenescence, etc. I just cant stand anything that is pop and i cant stand hip hop if it isnt from 1979-till 1995. So house music is very much a part of mylife 24/7. With 5000 records at home like maybe about 400cds wordth of music and like 100 or so mixed tpaes from 1987 till about 2001 of house music i have no problem hearing house music 24/7. Even at work where i have fast connection all i do is listen to www.deephousepage.com.

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I listen to electronic dance music 99.99%. Ever since I heard Vince Clarke's Yaz in the 8th grade I've been hooked on synths. The only non-synth group I've listened to is The Smiths back in the 80's. Everything else has been computer generated, from New Order and Depeche Mode to the current Electro sound.

But please don't tell me I'm missing out. You have no idea the impact the decisions on what I listen to have made on my life. Dancing was a huge part of me and my friendships and is and always will be a part of who I am. So if I choose to listen to EDM 24/7 then leave me be, go listen to your own headphones.

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i don't listen to it often, but i appreciate it's relevance.. there are similarities.. especially pertaining to structure of the piece.. great works of literature do that as well, juxtaposing good and bac, light and dark.. it's really hard to do.. only geniuses like dostoevsky and shakespeare can do it..

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I listen to about 80% edm and 20% classical music. Anybody else here enjoys classical? Good electronic and classical music have a lot in common....

try this is out: http://www.newwavehouse.com/mp3/rising.mp3

It kinda combines a classical orchestral feel with EDM. Please note: This might not be the right link. I'm at work and don't have speakers so I'm not 100% sure this is the correct song. The song may sound a bit dated - it's over 10 years old.

btw, Is New Wave (like New Order) considered EDM?

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