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If you're on a company network...

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Originally posted by lavendermenace:

and you change your preferences so that your computer doesn't keep a history of websites you've visited, does the main system, like the IT people, still have a record of it?

how many times you hit, etc.

ie- am I going to get fired for being on CP all day?

there r all sorts of ways they can track you. and theres realistically nothing you can do about it.


i love music!

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It depends on how a company's network is set up. Most companies these days have firewalls which keep a log of every site visted by each individual user. They can can pinpoint exactly when you visited a site and how long you were on for. This is especially true with the big companies and people have been fired because they spend too much time surfing the web and not enough time working. Unfortuantely, as a user, there is very little you can do about it. However, these firewall logs are not necessarily maintained properly. Its data which takes up space like anything else so it may get deleted after a short period of time. On the downside, most companies back up their data onto tapes but they probably wouldn't go back to the tape unless they were specifically targeting you. If they do, your probably fucked. We all like to play on the web, as i am doing now instead of working, but its like anything else; do it moderation and you'll probably be fine.


So short a boy, so long a man, play with your toys as long as you can.

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Originally posted by shugabooga:

i've gotten fired from three different jobs in the last year for being on clubplanet all the time. you better be careful. cwm5.gif

Your kidding me? Three times and you still have not learned?


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by shugabooga:

i've gotten fired from three different jobs in the last year for being on clubplanet all the time. you better be careful. cwm5.gif

Jesus. so, how long did it take before they canned you, and what kind of jobs were they?


"Life has no instruction manual. Parts and labor can be impossible to find. Many go down the road with parts that are in great need of service. A breakdown is eventual." - HR

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The firewall I use here catches all the websites and other traffic you generate.

AIM, napster type stuff, web pages. If it comes in or out to your machine it gets logged. It's just a pain sorting through all the data. Even if you cleaned out your IE history, I can still tell what websites people have been visiting. Not something that I use but it might come in handy if I want to post an internal webpage of all the slackers. smile.gif

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There is almost NO Way that you can prevent IT from seeing which places you have been to.

However, it should not matter unless someone submitts a request to IT asking for the detailed log of activity. Then whomever has asked for the report can see to which sites you have been, how frequently, and for how long.

Usually, the firewalls prevent you from visiting sites the Company does not want you to see. And even more so, if you are productive at work, no one will have any reason to ask for such a report ot be generated. On top of that, it is a waste of time for a manager to "spy" or follow up on their employee.



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Originally posted by lowmazda:

Oh yea, since I am the IT guy I guess that means I can play on the net all day and get away with it.


So, if your the IT guy, then does that safeweb thing work?


"Life has no instruction manual. Parts and labor can be impossible to find. Many go down the road with parts that are in great need of service. A breakdown is eventual." - HR

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safeweb is like golden seal for drug tests. if you use safeweb, there will not be a reference to the sites that you have visited (unless your company engages in targeted packet sniffing, in which case you're already probably screwed and not in the good way). However, if they are after you, they will see that you have visited safeweb, which is circumstantial evidence that you've been poking around where you shouldn't be. if you're THAT worried about it, you'd be safer just waiting until you get home. if its just for a little casual surfing, nobody will care. when the economy is tight these corporate pricks have to make sure there are NO liabilities, and they're looking for ways to fire anyone.



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I work for a major wall st. firm and I have the internet up all day. it usually is on cp since I bounce over to it when things get slow. I figure if they haven't canned me yet I'm OK.

There is a broker behind me that looks at porn all day so I figure he'll get in trouble before me LOL!



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

AIM: cathyoNYC

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Originally posted by shugabooga:

i've gotten fired from three different jobs in the last year for being on clubplanet all the time. you better be careful. cwm5.gif

Can you say "addict"? Damn girl.

I've been at my job for 3 years. I spend rediculous amounts of time on the web and I know the IT guys can see where I've been and for how long, they even work closely with my boss and I *still* haven't gotten fired. I prolly won't be as lucky somewhere else.


You're only young once


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and you change your preferences so that your computer doesn't keep a history of websites you've visited, does the main system, like the IT people, still have a record of it?

how many times you hit, etc.

ie- am I going to get fired for being on CP all day?


"Life has no instruction manual. Parts and labor can be impossible to find. Many go down the road with parts that are in great need of service. A breakdown is eventual." - HR

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Originally posted by bungee:

Your kidding me? Three times and you still have not learned?

cwm3.gif LOL I didn't think you guys would take me seriously. I was only kidding. I've been surfing the net daily since the first day I learned how and never gotten in one bit of trouble except for a little bit of a guilty conscience or a few minor mistakes that were easily corrected. cwm29.gifcwm30.gif

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I believe that Safeweb has a major flaw. What if a company simply goes to their firewall and restricts access to the Safeweb site. I don't think there is any recourse for that. It may work now but once word gets out, every administrator will be instructed to block the site. Let me know if I am wrong about this. On the plus side, there isn't anything holding another developer from putting up there own safeweb type site. Even still, it never takes long for people to catch on to the latest and greatest.


So short a boy, so long a man, play with your toys as long as you can.

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my boss knows by now that i'm up to no good half the time. i've worked for him for seven years and he's kept me around even though he knows all my faults. lucky me!

i think most everybody in the office world where computers are involved have it figured out. if you're just sitting there staring intently at your screen all the time, or typing, and the boss walks up, and you put your hand on your mouse and give it one little "click" to minimize a screen, they KNOW! i've even had comments from my boss' boss..."quick, here comes the boss!" as i click to miminize clubplanet!

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safeweb encrypts data so even packet sniffing won't be able to trace what you're looking at.

as long as you don't physically get caught looking at stuff you shouldn't, this will cover your trail completely.

even if a company blocks access to safeweb, you can normally get round it by typing the IP address of the site (to find this out open a command prompt and type "ping <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.safeweb.com")" TARGET=_blank>www.safeweb.com")</A> rather than the URL.

simple pimple,


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They usually block content by IP address, not domain name. This means that they can simply block any packets coming from safeweb, even if they are encrypted.

but that is splitting hairs here. You will probably only get in trouble for one of three things:

1) if your web surfing (even on "legal" sites) is so bad it affects your work, in which case you needen't worry about server logs since you're outtie anyway


2) you consume so much of the system's resources that it slows the network down noticably, which will probably not happen anytime soon


3) you are hitting websites which pose a threat to the company's intellectual property/confidential info, computer network security, or legal status (ie if you send e-mail to someone that is considered sexually harassing etc...). this you should worry about, because there the important thing is the apperance of impropriety as opposed to actually _doing_ something wrong.

I don't think spending some time on clubplanet will go against that. We have a policy against using any kind of messageboard, but if you didn't notice yet, i'm not listening smile.gif



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