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Tryin' to lose

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I need to lose 10-15 pounds in the next month. I already exercise about 4 times a week with cardio and 2 times with strength training. I "watch what I eat" and am taking hydroxycuts, but none of this seems to be helping. Any suggestions on what I can do to jumpstart the process???:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by clubbingirl

how much do you weigh? and why do you NEED to lost 15 pounds??

plus, its gonna be hard to lose 15 pounds if you're only 120lbs or seomthing.

I weigh around 130 now, and I'm 5'5 . I wanna lose it b/c thats the amount I gained over the last year.

And btw, the other "unhealthy" alternative that some of you suggested works, but comes back in a few days anyway. Thanks though

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Cardio first thing in the morning before eating breakfast. Wait and hour after the cardio session before eating....could no abs in the mean time. Try dropping e, 2 doses of hydroxycut (or ripped fuel), and a long island iced tea....and the next message you post will be for suggestion on how to gain the 15 lbs back

And eat lots of salads.

.:idea: :

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Ok he is the low down....

Drink nothing but water... at least 10 glasses a day.... You will not lose weight if your drinking soda, juices, alcohol.

Try to eat 5 or 6 small meals a day revolving around whole grains (no white flours, i.e cereal, pasta) fruits and vegetables and no fried foods or anything w/ hydrogenated oils. Do not starve yourself! This will cause you body to hold onto its fat and burn its muscle for energy, which is no good!

How long are you doing cardio?? 30 min is more than sufficient, after that your body will go into a catabolic stat (again eating muscle before fat for energy).

Also besides taking hydroxycut try drinking tea or coffee (no cream or sugar though) to keep your metabolism up.

Good Luck


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Originally posted by kevinneci

Ok he is the low down....

Drink nothing but water... at least 10 glasses a day.... You will not lose weight if your drinking soda, juices, alcohol.

Try to eat 5 or 6 small meals a day revolving around whole grains (no white flours, i.e cereal, pasta) fruits and vegetables and no fried foods or anything w/ hydrogenated oils. Do not starve yourself! This will cause you body to hold onto its fat and burn its muscle for energy, which is no good!

How long are you doing cardio?? 30 min is more than sufficient, after that your body will go into a catabolic stat (again eating muscle before fat for energy).

Also besides taking hydroxycut try drinking tea or coffee (no cream or sugar though) to keep your metabolism up.

Good Luck



I've been doing cardio for around 40 minutes per session. I didn't know that after the first 1/2 hr. the body went into catabolic stat...Thanks for the tips

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you also need to make sure your heart rate is in the right place during cardio though - check out your weight on one of those charts at the gym - theirs cardio good and fat burning good!

Also, if you drink the coffie (no sugar or milk sweetie!), be sure to up the water in take too since caffeine's a diare...diarhet...well u know!

Walking everywhere is key too. If you get mild exercise like that 2 - 3 times a day, plus eat small meals 5 or 6 times instead of big 3 or 4, that keeps the metabolism up too.

Keep us posted - we'll keep you motivated :)

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1. Cardio before breakfast. Wait 1hr after to cardio session before eating.

2. Dont be afraid to hit the free weights.

3. Lots of water.

4. Eat carbs that are high in fiber. A big salad for lunch works wonders. Leaves you full, but most of it fiber and water. Wattch out for the toppings, dressings though.

5. Get enopugh protein.

6. Get enough rest....excluding the weekends.

7. Eat every 3 hours or so. Small meals.

8. Cut back on the cookies, sodas, chips, etc......this of course does not include any "refreshments" you might want to consume while at the club.

9. Hire me as a personal trainer.


Good luck!


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Believe me, it works. I was 30 pounds overweight and I lost it all within 2 months or so. I was doing most of the stuff everyone suggested, but no one ever told me these things. I just kinda realized that i needed to keep myself in check. Try soups and salads, fish, chicken. Try not eating too much red meat. Even doing 20 -30 minutes of running each day will make a big difference. Keep your chin up - motivation is the only thing that will help. Once you lose the motivation or the goal, it's all downhill... Good Luck!

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Alot of people who dont know shit about loosing weight the right way and they gain it back very fast. Everybody think that if they eat once a day big meal they will loose weight but they are wrong. Wehn u starve and than u eat, ur so hungry that u dont care how much and wat goes into u .. this way ur overeating. So much food cant digest at once and stores as fat. What u have to do is eat many small meals throughout the day, i would say every 3-4 hours. This way u never get hungry and u can easily control your colories intake. Also u have to forget about all the junk food, sodas(not diet)ALOT OF WATERRR is the best..try to have few glasses of water with each meal. Dont eat or very little carbs like cereal rice, pasta, potatoes.. if u eat it try tnot at night bc it all stores as fat. Substitute all these carbs with fuits and vegetables

also somebody mentiones before that the best way to loose weight is in the morning on an empty stomach( u burn all ur fat for energy) and wait an hour before u have ur first meal

e-mail me if u have any other q

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you know I eat real carefully.. low carbs, no sugar, bread.. high protein etc.. Work out alot and I can barely stay at my target weight.

however I work with one those people that eats cheese burgers and fries with a 20 ounce coke everyday. Smokes a pack a day and drinks 12 beers in an hour and he's in RIDICULOUS shape..

Life is not fair

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Originally posted by xxsweetie

I need to lose 10-15 pounds in the next month. I already exercise about 4 times a week with cardio and 2 times with strength training. I "watch what I eat" and am taking hydroxycuts, but none of this seems to be helping. Any suggestions on what I can do to jumpstart the process???:rolleyes:

just keep doing what you're doing and eventually you'll loose the weight
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Originally posted by misticminister

you know I eat real carefully.. low carbs, no sugar, bread.. high protein etc.. Work out alot and I can barely stay at my target weight.

however I work with one those people that eats cheese burgers and fries with a 20 ounce coke everyday. Smokes a pack a day and drinks 12 beers in an hour and he's in RIDICULOUS shape..

Life is not fair

hmmm looks like we are working with the same person!

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is that a girl or a guy you are talking about?

my dad was like that until about 35...and then it all started to catch up with him...im sure it will catch up with your fried-food-binging co-worker, too...or at least thats the thought that gives me some peace of mind =)

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