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Stay Away From Vinyl!!!!


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It's as simple as this. The people who have been supporting this party from when it started see the change. I think it's great to see new faces there and into what's going on.......but the stumbling messes and rude meatheads need to Be Themselves somewhere else! Theses are the people that are going to ruin it for everyone else.

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it was different the other night from how it usually is at Vinyl..... the thing is it has nothing to do with the "SF" or "Vinyl" crowd it's about the people who aren't into the music people who go to parade around, do drugs, and hook up........I mean, I have sweat through two pairs of clothes at Vinyl, but you don't see me in shorts up my ass with my breasts hanging out....I dress to dance....... and yeah the pushing..well, that's why I stay away from the 3rd floor in SF until atleast 11am too many juiceheads standing around socializing....not dancing (therefore, not sweating and no need to disrobe) just hanging on the bar taking up space while some of us are trying to get by to reach the bathroom......... arrrrrrrgh and I don't care what size you are just SAY EXCUSE ME when you bump into someone it's about manners be nice damn yeah Jon lately even I have been putting those guys in their places (especially when sober) I mean WTF !

just whoever you are, whatever you look like, however you dress

be nice, use your manners (gosh, no matter how f*cked up you are remember to flush the toilet!) and dance! PLURR!!!!!!



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the crowd at vinyl has changed, but thats old hat, ya know?

random cp people coming cause its cool to be @vinyl, sf meatheads invading the party claiming to be blown away by danny... danny is not another excuse to rip off your shirt, stand around the dance floor in a hole, and be rude the entire time. fuck off.

if your gonna come to vinyl i say be yourself. but dt's fridays have been overhyped and overplayed imo...

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Originally posted by snoozi8

it has nothing to do with the "SF" or "Vinyl" crowd

it's about the people who aren't into the music

people who go to parade around, do drugs, and hook up

I don't care what size you are

just SAY EXCUSE ME when you bump into someone

it's about manners

be nice


whoever you are,

whatever you look like,

however you dress

be nice,

use your manners

no matter how f*cked up you are remember to flush the toilet!

and dance!

:D :D :D

this is the best post so far

It is NOT about how you look, it is about ur attitude.

I think that we can all agree that most would not have drama with--as most put it--"SF people" if they learned some manners.

If a girl can dance with hot pants and a tube top on, it's all good. That's her business; if she has a great attitude and is polite then I have no probs with her.

Same goes for the shirtless guys.

BUT not all people dance; that does not mean they cannot go to Vinyl.

As long as they do not interfere with the ones dancin, it's all good 2.

just my opinion:)

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Originally posted by xpander

Oddly enough, this resembles the sentiments I heard in the last days of Twilo....

Lots of Vinyl heads back then (When BYS Fridays were pretty empty!) wanted people to stay away....

Naturally, that didn't last with Twilo's closing....

But it sucks to hear that it's become a "superclub atmosphere"....

Vinyl's a great place when it's a bit empty and mellow. The first Howells night that I went to, I was there at around 11 and no one was there yet. I danced my head off and it felt pretty nice.

And then the masses came....to tell you the truth, it kinda felt odd in the place.

Wish Vinyl was a bit less crowded....it really feels nicer like that....

I'm glad I experienced NYE @ Vinyl this year -- early into the night (and when the clock struck 12) there was plenty of dance space, a great vibe, and Howells was tearing it up!

If only there were more times like that... :(

- meli -

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Originally posted by ADV

It's as simple as this. The people who have been supporting this party from when it started see the change. I think it's great to see new faces there and into what's going on.......but the stumbling messes and rude meatheads need to Be Themselves somewhere else! Theses are the people that are going to ruin it for everyone else.


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Originally posted by roha3000

I hate to jump into the middle of all the drama on this thread, but as an avid Vinyl fan I feel compelled to speak of my own feelings on this subject.

I have been going to Vinyl on and off for over a year.

Has the crowd changed in this time...hell yeah.

Has the music changed...more variety now...but still amazing.

Has the vibe changed...it has, but it is innevitable.

Like most of the people on this thread, I go to Vinyl because of a deep appreciation for the music that can only be found there.

Of course, I am no fan of the juiceheads who run around with their shirts off or show up with an attitude that brings down the vibe that places like Vinyl and Twilo are/were known for.

However, I wouldn't go as far as to tell people not to go there as some of the ppl on this thread have suggested. I think that ppl on this thread must come to the understanding, as I have, that not everyone can have the same level of appreciation for the music as we do.

It would great if a club with the best DJs and the best music could be filled with only ppl who are deeply passionate about it, but lets face it people, this could never happen. When the music and the vibe is that good people will come, whether they are as into it as you are or not.

I think that rather than telling people not to come, we should be telling them how to come correct. Check the attitude at the door, don't treat the place like Exit or Sound Factory by running around naked hopped up on roid rage, and respect all those around you. I think that if we spread a message like that at Vinyl, people will respect it and the place will be as fun as it ever was.

Sorry for the novel...just had to get in my two cents.

excellent. this is the only way to savior what is left.

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ahhh...what a mess!

guys this stuff happens all the time! So, LL is closed at the moment, Twilo gone, EXIT all assey cept occasional DJ's like Tiesto coming in, and Friday nights bad in general so people are decending on Vinyl. Its happened other places before. Centro used to be a way chill place, never too crowded, no attitude, and that changed too.

U know what - and i'm not actually sure if this is an anit-Be Yourself statement - why don't u petition Vinyl and / or DT to make a shirts only policy for fridays. U take it off and u get kicked out. They've already got a no glow sticks policy....

I think its cool that other people check it out...biggest issue right now is that its too crowded :(

And a large number of peeps come from JV at Roxy to Vinyl. Which i don't get really seeing as their music styles not only couldn't be more different, but DT and JV want and play to totally different crowds :confused: (well not so different anymore i guess)

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Originally posted by momadance

i dont know who the person who stated this thread thinks they are, but they need to get their head out of their ass with that attitude. your message will never be taken seriously when you choose to convey it in such a bitchy mannor.

klohe is such a sweetie... after being rudely pushed and shoved around by roided sweaty men, she deserves to speak her mind.

i think its the sf meatguidos that have the chip on their shoulders and need to remove their head from their anal sphincter

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I've been going to vinyl for about a year and in the begining I loved it, the cool crowd the best music amazing vibe, but now I simply accepted that this place has changed and moved on. I agree with the people who are frustrated and don't like to see their beloved place changed or "ruined" by "strangers who don't belong", but understand that it will never be the same, agree that you were lucky to experience vinyl in its best. I am sure something will fill the void left by Twilo and Vinyl.

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Originally posted by BRIAN1500

This must have the worst post of the thread. Anthony has been a supporter of this party since it started. He is true to his self and his a great producer/remixer.

I agree 100%. Bigpoppanils - you really should get your information straight before you go posting stupid comments!

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Now that its taken me a hlaf hour to read this damn thread...

A lot of people made great points....

For all the people complaining you obviously must stil like Vinyl or you wouldnt be going there.

Personally i know the attitude has changed drastically, not only the people there but the employees also (who was that drag queen guestlist girl giving us shit about the roxy cards the first night?). The whole back room is redone, who knows they might actually get a sign soon? But what do you expect when a club is rated best club in NYC by zagat and you have world class dj's there every saturday and probably the best residency anywhere in the world there on friday?? Well anyway you look at it change is change if you dont like it dont go... I still have a great time when i go there and i will continue to go there....


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Originally posted by boreese

:D :D :D

this is the best post so far

It is NOT about how you look, it is about ur attitude.

I think that we can all agree that most would not have drama with--as most put it--"SF people" if they learned some manners.

If a girl can dance with hot pants and a tube top on, it's all good. That's her business; if she has a great attitude and is polite then I have no probs with her.

Same goes for the shirtless guys.

BUT not all people dance; that does not mean they cannot go to Vinyl.

As long as they do not interfere with the ones dancin, it's all good 2.

just my opinion:)

I agree with everything you are saying except for shirtless guys. It is just disrespectful when some sweaty ass meathead rubs his wet ass back on you every time he passes by. any guys taking their shirts off in a club are white trash in my book

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Originally posted by boreese

:D :D :D

this is the best post so far

It is NOT about how you look, it is about ur attitude.

I think that we can all agree that most would not have drama with--as most put it--"SF people" if they learned some manners.

If a girl can dance with hot pants and a tube top on, it's all good. That's her business; if she has a great attitude and is polite then I have no probs with her.

Same goes for the shirtless guys.

BUT not all people dance; that does not mean they cannot go to Vinyl.

As long as they do not interfere with the ones dancin, it's all good 2.

just my opinion:)

oh c'mon dude.......don't we wish it was a perfect world and people weren't judged by how they look......especially in clubs......even better, especially in clubs like Vinyl........people preach the "Be Yourself" attitude but once a guy with no shirt and big muscles comes there with a few friends, even if he has given no attitude whatsoever, people will start bitching about "invasion of their club" by meatheads........

for instance, one time me and a few friends were dancing on the floor.......a few of them are pretty muscular and some of us were wearing sleeveless shirts........we could probably pass for some SF meatheads but in truth, I have always gone to clubs like Vinyl and Twilo and I am very into the DJs and good vibes......as are my friends.......but as expected, as I looked around people were just looking at us like, "get out of our club" there was a lot of dirty looks and pointing and I felt pretty uncomfortable......it really made me sick........

I wish people were more like the way you talked because they would probably realize that a lot of those people in the club who they assume to be attitudes, because of how they look, are really cool people who have the same attitude about clubbing as anyone else in Vinyl.......this will never happen though.......people always have to whine about something.

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You people are missing the point here, its not about which guy is topless or built.........

When I was hitting vinyl up a year and a half ago, there were topless big dudes......they were predominantly gay, but it added to the atmosphere. It was an awesome vibe because no one gave a shit and just chilled and listened to Danny.

Now it has become an attitude ridden hang out where people go be seen.

I don't look down on anyone who is dressed up at vinyl, shit......I have hit that place three weeks in a row after going to the Roxy, but there is something to be said about people who just stand around or walk continuously with sour puss looks on their face clogging up the space for the rest of us. Its the predominant attitude that overcame the vibe last Friday, the I'm too cool to be myself bullshit. These are the people that don't belong and should stay the fuck home.

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. . . So I'm gathering, from all the comments that I've seen in this thread, that the simply AMAZING time I had on New Years Eve is a rare event nowadays . . . . :( . . . that sux . . . That was such an unforgettable night . . .

. . . I had all of you guys and gals there . . . great music . . . awww . . . why can't things stay great . . . Damn this subculture of ours!! . . . Damnit . . . . :(

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . So I'm gathering, from all the comments that I've seen in this thread, that the simply AMAZING time I had on New Years Eve is a rare event nowadays . . . . :( . . . that sux . . . That was such an unforgettable night . . .

. . . I had all of you guys and gals there . . . great music . . . awww . . . why can't things stay great . . . Damn this subculture of ours!! . . . Damnit . . . . :(

PhuturePhunk: I think that NYE at Vinyl was a rare event for any club anywhere. It was simply amazing, but despite what many on this thread are saying, I personally believe that Vinyl is still a great club where great times can be had.

While the club may have lost some character in recent months due to new faces with different attitudes, it by far remains the best club in the city on any given night in my opinion.

So don't be afraid to come out and party with us. I will definitely be tearing that club a new asshole this weekend.

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