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What is your worst experience coming home from a club/rave?

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I'll start..........

Getting into a collision on the highway in Rhode Island. We were going about 75, the other car was going about 20. We hit it from behind.

The driver was completely cracked out, couldn't even talk. So were the rest of us (4 in total). I was in the back seat, not wearing a seat belt......slammed into the front seat, should have gone through a windshield. We were all fine, car was totalled though.

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i dont think i'll ever hear the end of this one from my friends

when i was coming home from Sasha and Diggers @ Ciprianis, at about 8 am, getting on the verrazano, and lets just say i wasnt in the best of conditions, alone in my car, radio off since i couldnt hear anything anyway from the horrible system that they had in that place, and i kind of drifted off, and next thing i know, i'm jummping the curb and heading for the wall of the bridge! good thing i opened my eyes in time. ended up just banging up my left wheel. got towed, and spent a good deal on fixing it, but hey, at elast i didnt wake up in the verrazano narrows!

and i was always able to drive no matter how sleepy i got. but one thing i learned, never drive without a cup of coffee or sometihng of the like if you feel like sleeping!

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Well...this was really fucked up...So I'm comin back from this sick party when I was 16. I was a bit too drunk so I had to get in a cab and get my ass back to BK. I got sick in the cab...:puke: and well the Driver threw me out on the middle of the BQE...So picture a drunken mess on the side of the highway...what a fucken prick? Anyway I guess the stupid motherfucker felt bed and came back.. Shit alcohol is bad...:bigfinger

I don't even want to get into incidents that have occured on the train:( Just plain awful...

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A few years ago in Boston, me and a bunch of my friends went back to my place after this big industrial party. Since the shit closes early up there, we decided to drop around 3am at my place along with a few bumps of K, and then we took some microdots just for good measure. ;)

Anyhoo, so we're partying and having a good time. I'm next to my turntables which are close to the window when I hear this horrible crash around 5:30am. I look out the window and can't even get myself to speak. They had been doing construction outside of my building, and this woman had slammed her car directly into this back-hoe (sp?), so hard, that the front end of her car was bent in a V shape around the tracks of it. Me and the other guys all ran outside while the girls called 911. Mind you, we're candyflippin pretty hard, and we still haven't really changed from our club gear.

So we get outside and the woman is unconscious, and we're trying to talk to her and wake her up without touching her. Luckily a cop was driving by down the street, so we ran and flagged him down. We get back to the wreck and the cop is checkin her out and calling for an abulance. Then he looks at us and asks "Ummm, are you friends of hers?". We look at each other, and all of us are barefoot, a couple are without shirts, we all had long black hair and we're still in our black vinyl/leather pants and what not. And most of us still have makeup on besides the fact that our pupils are about the size of the woman's tires.

So we spit out "Ummm, no. We just heard the crash." And then we made our quick exit back up to my apt.

So anyway, all we learned about the accident was that the woman fell asleep at the wheel. And all I know is that if you and your friends all look like Marilyn Manson and your systems are full of E, K and mescaline, then you don't want to see an accident like that, let alone trying to explain to a cop what happened.

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i got 2 stories FIrst i came out of the TUNNEL like 5 am to find the back window of my truck broken. They stole some tools out of the back. Not the end of the world right. Then while i was driving my friend home to rockland i ran out of gas on the palisades pkwy. I live in yonkers so you can only imagine what that was like. I was on the 1,9 train on my way home from SF. I woke up going south oh penn station went up to the BX back down south,north and then south again. It was like 1pm on sunday when i decided just to take a cab home for like $40

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Well, my car has gotten towed twice, but the first time was the worst.......it was about a year and a half ago, me any my bf were at exit, and i didnt feel good. So I told him that i was gonna go tothe car and sleep cause felt sick, and for him to go there in a couple of hours. well i go outside and its cold out, and stupid me left my jacket in the car. so i go to my car and its GONE , im like wtfff. i found out it was towed.

soooooo, here i am outside of exit, no jacket, no money nothing. and i have no clue how long my bf is gonna stay in tehre. so i wait for like an hour i really thought i was gonna die. so finally he comes out and he doesnt have a jacket either. but fortunately he has money so we get a cab and he drives us to the tow place. we get there and its $250 to get my car out and i only have 50!! sooooooo we have to take a cab back home to jersey which cost all of 50 dollars. the next day we take a bus alll the way bck to ny and get my car.

ughh that was a nightmare.

oh and to top that all of that night at exit we had gotten ripped off:mad: :mad:

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my worst story, not as good and Romina's or the other but...

I drove m,yself and my date to the city to park around 72nd and Park, we were sleepiung at her friends house. we drank a little (aiight, we drank a lot), the stumbled over to find a cab to get to World. [let us never speak of this club again]. Afterter spending twice what I normally pay for stoges (cigarettes). I took the time to sing up for the clubplanet gueslist save a couple bucks, TURNS OUT EVERYONE GETS REDUCED... after leaving early b/c it sucked, we arrive back at her apt. She (my dates friend 'Jess') wasn't there. We wake her prnts (who didn't know a guy was going to sleep over) and they didnt know wher she was either. Luckily after talking to them from the phone in the lobby we wited downstairs, and she showed about 45 min later, and about 2 hours late for her curfew, we walked up, her prnts all mad, me and my date reakin of alcohol and smoke, I won't describle the screams we heard that night.

Not as bad as the car staories, but it answers the Q

Aint this funny: :blown:

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Driving down the Atlantic City Expressway a few years back, when we get about 5 miles from home to the last toll.....there are cops everywhere, but we cant figure out whats wrong....as we drive up, we see two horses totally mangled dead in the road

it was soooooooooo disgusting:puke:


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went to WORLD...i think rich luzzi was performing.

my x and i recently broke up but we were still together...

he ended up grinding w/some girl....my heart just sank. it was the worst feeling ever. i told him i was going to leave...he said hold on...and took the girls #!!! so i got pissed and all hell broke loose.

it was the worst experience b/c it was more of a realization that we werent going to be together.

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:laugh: where do i start.. i think i have too many of these..

first I went to exit around 2am, left at 3:30 am b/c it sucked and my car was broken into.. they stole my box, amp, radio, cell phone, friends cell phone, cds and credit cards.

second.. we were about to leave exit and i had my keys tied on my pants, went to go get them and they were gone. So joey x gave me and jessie money, took the train home, jessie drove back in with me and we got me car, got home at 2pm just in time to shower and get to work by 3pm.. lol both of us

third.. left limelight and the damn parking garage guy parked my car in front of the gate, so i was pissed. I drove out of there adn realized i heard a noise.. Someone took my car for a joy ride, rode over something, tore out of it and ripped my whole exhaust-muffler system out of place. took me and hour and 45 mins to get home. Usually takes 45 mins.

fourth.. i think everyone heard about my alarm story a few weeks ago at roxy.. lol.. my alarm didnt work to get in my car, couldnt start it, froze my ass off, every guy that came to the garage tried to help, finally got it working

and lastly, i locked jessies keys in her trunk with the cds, radio face, her money, out pocket books and my phone. Had to drive home with no radio and i paid for everythign she wanted that night b/c her money was in the truck..

I HAVE NOOOOOOOOO LUCK.. lol And yet I still insist on driving far away from home :confused::tongue:

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I came home from ARENA (Palladium) about 10am...my best friend wanted to use my car to go to work, so i let her...aprox. 1/2 hour later I get a phone call from some guy saying "Do you know someone named Susan...dont worry she's ok" Mind you, i wasnt in the most sober condition...Well, it ended up that she got into an accident on the BQE...a Truck (18 wheeler) ran into her and DRAGGED her underneath the truck to side of the divider and then took off!!! I had to take a CAB to the highway...My car was TOTALLED and my friend was CRYiNG, Hyperventilating, in a state of shock...Thank God she was wearing her seatbelt...she didnt drive for over a year after that...AND the cops arrived there after I got there, and I had to say I was driving...because of Insurance purposes...WhaT a MESS!!!

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Having the car 6 blocks away when I broke my shoe, in the summer when I had a white tank top on and a white bra and it starts pouring raining and there are lil hoodie/gangster kids all over the place grabbing my hand and my arm tryin to talk to me. And on top of that being Piss DRUNK and falling down in the middle of the street!!


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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

I came home from ARENA (Palladium) about 10am...my best friend wanted to use my car to go to work, so i let her...aprox. 1/2 hour later I get a phone call from some guy saying "Do you know someone named Susan...dont worry she's ok" Mind you, i wasnt in the most sober condition...Well, it ended up that she got into an accident on the BQE...a Truck (18 wheeler) ran into her and DRAGGED her underneath the truck to side of the divider and then took off!!! I had to take a CAB to the highway...My car was TOTALLED and my friend was CRYiNG, Hyperventilating, in a state of shock...Thank God she was wearing her seatbelt...she didnt drive for over a year after that...AND the cops arrived there after I got there, and I had to say I was driving...because of Insurance purposes...WhaT a MESS!!!

HOLY SHIT... That takes the Cake!!!

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Nothing as serious as all these stories, but I live in Baltimore and the worst thing I experience is leaving Buzz in DC at 6:00 am while the sun is coming up and having to drive 45 minutes all the way back home. It is such a buzzkill. Thank god nothing has ever happened to us while we're a cracked out mess driving on I-95. Chasing the sun away is the worst.

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Wow, thats some crazy shit! Well the worst thing that has ever happened to me was my best friend and I were on our way home from SACI and she was really drunk, so she had to pee really bad, and I didn't want to stop cause I was a mess and just wanted to get home, so she made me pull over on the NEW JERSEY TURNPIKE for her to pee, mind you its like 4:30 am and the road is empty so I figured fine whatever just shut up and pee, so she opened my passenger side door and my back door and peeed in between, just as she was about finished (5 min later) A car is coming so I tell her to hurry up shes like 1 more second, so all of a sudden I see cop lights and that damn spotlight on my car, a STATE TROOPER pulled over to see if everything was ok cause my hazards were on! I was so embaressed, so he said to us if we weren't such "NICE" girls he would of given her a ticket for peeing in public lol i was sooooooo embaressed!

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. . . The worst experience I ever had was driving back to Orlando From Melbourne after Cyberfest . . . I was BENT , having eaten 5 on the night . . . so I'm driving back, drenched in sweat and the people in the car just HAVE to have the airconditioning on, so I'm freezing AND I'm falling off the rocker now . . . Every light on the highway, every tail light and headlight had a sparkly confusing halo around it . . and as I'd get closer, every light would multiply and divide like crazy, fucking with my perception . . .

. . . I ended up grasping onto the wheel for dear life and trying to keep the car in the lane by following the white broken line in the middle of the road. . . That white broken line was the ONLY thing that had reality at that point . . . I felt that if I took my eyes off of it for more than a second, we'd fly off the road . . . ugh . . . I did this for over 60 miles . . . NOT Fun. . . .

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well my bad luck was a span of 24 hours...

i finally convinced my sister to come out with me and my friends, but the club sucked that night and we left early. When we got to my car (which i just bought like 4 months ago) my passenger window was smashed! they only took my best friend's pocketbook. I ran back to the club to get help but the cops were dicks and just told me to go ot he station. we had to wait at the police statioin for almost 2 hours to fill out a report that took 10 minutes. I drove hme in 10 below zero weather with a trashbag ducttaped to my window. the fastest i could go was like 40 so the bag wouln't rip. Needless to say my sister has not accepted any invitations since.

My bestfriend/roommate's kitten was really sick and that morning she had to put down her kitty and she was absolutely heartbroken. an hour after that we got a random phone call from some guy that found her pocketbook. we get there and he never showed up at the meeting spot. She's leaving to go back to florida for xmas and we have to race her to the airpot bc we waited too long for the guy and she barely makes her flight

i stop by my parents to explain to them what happend and we decided its best to leave her car at my parents (bc she also had her keys in the bag) and i will take one of their cars. As i am driving home on 95, suddenly my parents car won't accelerate anymore! The transmission died right there. had to call my parents again and wait for triple A.

oh yeah and a week later, my company files chapter 7 and i lose my job...

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I was coming back from Sound Factory one time and my sister's bf was rolling face and crashed the car into the divider on the highway. No one was seriously hurt, but it sure sobered me up....

Another time I was driving down to Atlantic City after a PVD @ Twilo, and my ex fell asleep as we were approaching the toll on the Parkway.We caused a Domino's style crash where we hit the car in front of us and he hit the one in front of him, and so on....by the time we got to the toll, the troopers were there,but we got off on good behavior :tongue:

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