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y is i that it seems like all the cute girls got ugly GUY's

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i mean wut ever happended to looks count cause i always see cute girls wth guys who shouldn't even be out in public let alone be with a cute girl, i mean look's count the most i kill my self tryen to get jacked by like 23 so i can get a playmate ad sh1t but i see these cute girls these dayswth these ugly peeps and it makes u think even if ther rich it still shouldn't count i'll walk around at nite with money in a none public place and i'll fuk for the money but i can't be seen in public withe the money onless it's cute LoL so wut are girL's thinken these days i hope by the time i get 23 or so girL's are reLazen looks first then mind and sh1t cause if u date a guy or a girl for ther minds and if yall disagree u got noting else to like bout them so at least if u date some 1 for looks u can just look at them and be like thats y i love u ;)

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Maybe it's because they have mastery of the English language? :rolleyes:attachment.php?postid=691041

No, but seriously, looks only go so far. Maybe they have *careers*, or maybe they have *personality*, or a *sense of humor*, things I'm sure you have heard of.....

I've dated some beautiful girls only to that they were utterly annoying after I got to know them. No matter how "beautiful" someone is, there's gotta be more than just a phycial attraction if the relationship is to go anywhere. Looking good ain't enough, sorry.

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I dunno but with me, I have to be attracted to them physically, no matter how great they're personality is.

I mean if I met the hottest guy and he was an asshole no I would not be in a relationship with him.

But anyways for me its looks/body first, then personality.

Sorry if that sounds bad but you know.


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Originally posted by romy20

I dunno but with me, I have to be attracted to them physically, no matter how great they're personality is.

I mean if I met the hottest guy and he was an asshole no I would not be in a relationship with him.

But anyways for me its looks/body first, then personality.

Sorry if that sounds bad but you know.


I'm not saying looks don't matter. Good looks are the baseline. Everything else is gravy. :cool:


The total package. :D

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oh and to answer your question, yes ive noticed that.

its funny cause a little while back me and my boyfriend were in the mall and we were talking about it.

But you know what I think too, is that maybe these girls feel secure with them since they are not as goodlooking.

casue maybe they feel like they will not cheat on them.

but i dont know just a thought.


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looks are definitely an important part of attracting someone... but what holds that person to you is the personality, and the rest of the package. My ex was really cute and all, but oh was she annoying! Didn't even realize until that whole newness factor wore off...

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I usually look for the total package but I'm also likely to pick someone passionate, with personality, over some numbwad that can't spell his name but looks really good. Something to think about, workenonlife - if you're working out trying to get diesel to attract a girl - you're never gonna get one. Trust me, we get pawed on by countless jacked up guidos every weekend. The guys we go for are the ones who DISTINGUISH themselves from those types :rolleyes:

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personally, i think attraction definitely has to do with the whole package, personality, intellect, interests, etc. not just appearence... a little bit of everything. of course good looking people catch our attention because who doesn't like something beautiful? but who cares really? what if your soulmate, the person you just *click* with perfectly, the one that makes you happy everyday, happens to be average looking?

lol i think i made the same point as about 398517 other people in this thread... sorryyyy :D i just think its absurd to like a person solely because they look good... shallowness is sooooo unattractive... :rolleyes:

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i personally think your looks have a lot to do with your personality. but of course there has to be physical attraction. thats kind of what separates a friendship from a relationship.

and yes, a friendship is a relationship, but i couldnt think of a better word to describe, well you know....

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I've noticed this too which confuses me. It has to be one of the following:

1) He's a candyman and the trunkette needs her fixes nowadays for free

2) He's loaded in which case the chick is a golddiggin hooker. As for that he's so romantic and funny, thats a bunch of bullshit. He treats her to expensive shit and makes her feel important by treating her like royalty.

3) He's hung like a donkey in which case, sorry but hes a little more gifted then most of us

4) He's an asshole and treats her like shit which she somehow likes in a twisted way due to a total lack of self esteem.

5) He's prestigious in some sort of field that she is interested in and in which case she is just out to brag to her friends


6) 1% of the time she actually likes him and she isn't the shallow type. These cases are rare, however these chicks are the gems that see past the bs.

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. . . I am personally of the opinion that looks do count . . to an extent . . . psychology will always win though . . .

. . . not so far back, when I was a lot more evil a person, I used to have quite a few good looking women around me . . . Now . .I'm not the greatest looking guy . . but I'll tell you this . . . The confidence I derived from one of my former occupations emboldened me with an attitude that I don't normally take with women . . . Let's just say I was an asshole . . . . And unlike what mommy said, you know that whole bit about getting more with honey . . . I used vinegar . . . and LOTS of it, and it worked great . . . a hundred times more effective than my current nice guy self . . .

. . Psychology will always trump . . . . plain and simple . . .

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that was a very shallow post. It ain't all about getting jacked n shit. Looks only go so far. I dated this gorgeous girl a few yrs ago and she had to personality of a brick. She was compeltely ignorant to the world around here, and I foudn out, racist. So what if she was slammin. Do you really want to be around them with an outlook like that. I don't think so. And secondly, who defines beauty. Everyone has their own sense of beauty. It doesn't mean u have to be some jacked-up guido. Or 5'5'', blonde barbie doll w/ fake boobs. i mean wtf is that. Lets not generalize. I'm not a big guy and I have no problem with the ladies. Being cute does not = overgrown muscles. I get girls all the time telling me that how cute i am. I weigh 150 lbs. for god sakes...I guess your rule doesn't really hold up.

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Originally posted by workenonlife

i mean wut ever happended to looks count cause i always see cute girls wth guys who shouldn't even be out in public let alone be with a cute girl, i mean look's count the most i kill my self tryen to get jacked by like 23 so i can get a playmate ad sh1t but i see these cute girls these dayswth these ugly peeps and it makes u think even if ther rich it still shouldn't count i'll walk around at nite with money in a none public place and i'll fuk for the money but i can't be seen in public withe the money onless it's cute LoL so wut are girL's thinken these days i hope by the time i get 32 or so girL's are reLazen looks first then mind and sh1t cause if u date a guy or a girl for ther minds and if yall disagree u got noting else to like bout them so at least if u date some 1 for looks u can just look at them and be like thats y i love u ;)

if a hot woman goes for a man that is not you, it's because she has the option

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Originally posted by workenonlife

i hope by the time i get 32 or so girL's are reLazen looks first then mind and sh1t cause if u date a guy or a girl for ther minds and if yall disagree u got noting else to like bout them so at least if u date some 1 for looks u can just look at them and be like thats y i love u ;)

:rolleyes: I can't believe you actually WRITE this shit in public and actually BELIEVE it. YOU, my friend, are extremely shallow and that mindset is NEVER going to get you very far. I agree that looks are what primarily attract you to someone, but after that it is never going to last if the person does not make you laugh, make you open your mind to new thoughts and ideas, carry on intelligent conversations with you, etc. And you think you could tell someone that you love them JUST because they are pretty? :laugh2:


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Originally posted by workenonlife

i mean look's count the most i kill my self tryen to get jacked by like 23 so i can get a playmate ad sh1t

oh- yeah, and this is another thing I meant to add. Please, I know I don't like you that much but I am sincere in my attempt to give you some sound advice... why don't you kill yourself "tryen" to improve your grammar, start reading or something in order to open your mind up a little, and learn some respect for women (cause your replies back to girls in other posts, including ME, are absolutely insulting and disrespectful).

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Originally posted by StArBrYte

oh- yeah, and this is another thing I meant to add. Please, I know I don't like you that much but I am sincere in my attempt to give you some sound advice... why don't you kill yourself "tryen" to improve your grammar, start reading or something in order to open your mind up a little, and learn some respect for women (cause your replies back to girls in other posts, including ME, are absolutely insulting and disrespectful).

your bring up past sh1t lol i get in mood i tell u off cause u was haten on me for some thing probley and u bring it up i don't even recall wut it was in first place so stop stressen it yes i know your gonna say your not stressen it but if that was the case u would of never mentioned it but any ways for YaLL who have met me in person know i speak white and i'm not all wut yaLL think but any ways yeah i kill myself tryen to get jcked by 23 i mean sure i wish i was smarter i went to a good college for football and never even opened a book i know i'm dumb as sh1t fuk it this is y i gotta work so hard to build other areas up damn i want a nose job and 50 pounds and deff wish my skin doc would clear my fuken skin up so it's perfect sh1t im 21, girls seem to get playmate like around 23 so i got a few years to build up those area's ;) and i don't care if yall Like me,love me or hate me cause all i am doing issaten m oppion and if t brings hate so be it cause some people will relaze wut i speak isn't always as bad as other's take it

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