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Everything posted by rudeboyyouth

  1. Is there anyone who actually thought Jason X was a good flick? I thought the advertising of it turned many true Jason fans off, inasmuch as it only depicted the ending sequences in which Jason sports that stupid-looking futuristic costume. The premise of the film (Jason in the future) was also a bit far fetched, but the majority of the film is full of old-school Jason ripping people apart in true brutal, Camp Crystal Lake fashion. I actually thought that most of the murder scenes throughout the film were classic, despite the far fetched plot and stupid-looking costume at the end of the film. I also appreciated the fact that they kept many of the cheesey 80's elements that made the Jason flicks so great (i.e., tits, ass, bimbos, and murder during or immediately following intercourse). I loved the flick!
  2. Come to Nation on Friday night. It will be the best time you ever had. If you're into house music, it's the only place to be on the Island. Plus, we have our fair share of gorgeous women in the crowd, behind the bars, working the guest-lists, and in the coat-check.
  3. It's bone-numbingly cold out today. I usually walk to get lunch from my job. Today, I drove, and the distance is only about a block, lol.
  4. I have to admit that the flyer for this event is probably one of the dumbest I've ever read. How are you going to name the party "Freedom," have a line-up like that, and then advertise that you're giving preference to guys who come with girls? I know it's good to have a decent amount of women in a club, but it's shit like what's written on that flyer that makes real house-heads turn away in disgust. This party is just getting started. Why fuck it up by creating such a stupid-ass flyer? The words on that flyer read like those of a party that already has a loyal enough following to actually place such dumb shit on a flyer. You guys haven't even gotten the ball rolling yet - take that into consideration when you create your next promo flyer. Go back to the drawing board.
  5. Dak, couldn't have said it any better myself. Glad to see you really enjoyed yourself! Next time you hit up Nation, let me know; I want to do some shots with the individual who's been coming up with all this funny-ass Miami Vice shit!!! Those pictures are priceless!
  6. I'm sure alot of straight-up Factory heads will be more than pleased to see JP return to Factory. However, even if he doesn't, Grant has a beautiful nightclub in his hands that he can do quite a bit with. If he shuts shop for a little while and gives himself adequate time to put something really great together, I'm sure he can revive his nightclub.
  7. DEFINITELY a phat party. Got there around 12:30, and stayed until closing. As usual, Rob was at his best, and Merritt also turned shit out pretty nicely. The little mini-runway in the middle of the floor was classic! It was also in the best spot, lol. Made for some very nice photos, which I will try to get scanned a.s.a.p. Overall, crowd was a very nice mixture, and the vibe was nice, intimate, and reckless!!! Also, it was definitely a nice treat to hear Razor drop some tracks for us!! Rob James & Razor ripping shit up in the morning hours - Real old-school L.I. vibes!!! Team Nation - thanks once again for nothing but the best. Glad to see so many old-school heads coming out every week!
  8. My sentiments EXACTLY. You heading down tonight? If so, hopefully I catch you there.
  9. Nation is in Commack, NY. I'm not sure what party you're thinking about with Draper, but chances are this place is a little bit further out on the Island. Once you get on the Long Island Expressway, head East until you reach exit 52 (commack rd.). Once you reach this exit, get off, go to the first light, and make a left under the overpass - you will then be on Commack Road. Once you're on Commack Road, proceed straight for about 2-3 miles. You'll go under another overpass, and you'll pass a CVS on your left. Eventually, you'll come to the corner of Commack Road and Jericho Turnpike - you'll know because you'll see a Goodyear tires place on the left, and a big Blockbuster Video sign on the right. Once you're at this corner, turn into the shopping center that Blockbuster is in and go down towards the other end of the complex. That's where Nation is.
  10. I can't get over how good the flyer looks for this week. The artwork is superb, and you guys preserved the Nation colors! Whoever's been designing the flyers has been doing a wonderful job!
  11. The Asseteria road show at Nation in Long Island this upcoming Friday night will be pretty phat. The decor of the place is actually perfect for a party like Asseteria, plus Meritt & Rob James will be on the one and twos all night. Should be an awesome night!
  12. Dangerous Dave was definitely a good host for the KTU sanctuary. Despite the often cheesy poetry he came up with, he brought a very nice vibe to the show. At one time, he also played the Red & Black N.W.O. (Wolfpack) Sting for a little while in WCW. KTU Sanctuary was pretty cool though. Some fairly reputable djs and producers used to come through to spin for the show, inlcuding Sal Parm of Plasmic Honey, Johhny Vicious, Lord G., Jellybean Benitez, Hex Hector, and Boris.
  13. My original plan was to attend grad school, but I wound up taking the LSAT instead. I can't tell you how much I'm dreading law school right now. I just don't like studying law, and I can't get enthused about it. I study hard, and I do well, but I haven't been treating law as something I want to practice as a career. I really want to drop out and totally change the path I'm on, but I figured I'd tough it out since I only have a year and a half left. I have absolutely no idea what the fuck I want to do with my life, which is pretty much why I'm still in school. The law degree may open a few others doors as well, so it definitely can't hurt. Plus, it's a pretty good education. Even if I decided to stop going, I have no idea what the fuck I'd want to get into. I've been working at so many different jobs for years now, and I really need to set some type of ultimate career goal soon!
  14. Hopefully the class wasn't a requisite course. Even if it was, shit happens, and you have to just keep moving forward. Shit like that can make you pretty unenthused and discouraged, but keep your head up. If you have to take it again, at least you'll have thorough notes from the first time around. Double up on Summer courses!
  15. That's not true. During JP's last year at Factory, his non-theme nights were nothing great in terms of numbers. On many regular nights, the club would be more than half-empty during peak-hour, with only a few heads hanging around on the upper floors, and few die-hard heads on the mainfloor.
  16. Words can't describe the feeling of love and unity that was spread throughout Nation this past Friday by K.C. and Rob. Each of them dropped some WICKED fuckin tunes that made me dance until my heart was ready to explode. Nothing but deep, dirty, soul-penetrating house music all night & morning long. Also, the free-for-all during the latter part of the evening was nothing but a treat for the ears. I can't tell you how satisfying it feels to look around every Friday night and see the nastiest L.I. and N.Y. underground talent just chilling, enjoying the intimate vibes. I wound up running into a few old-school kats who I had not seen since C.P.I. circa '99, and they all wound up staying and dancing until the lights came on. From what I remember, the party ended around 6:15 or 6:30 a.m. After the party, I wound up running into Pete from "MTV True Life: I'm a clubber." Despite all the bullshit depicted in the documentary, Pete is a krazy kool kat. I didn't actually leave until about 7:45 a.m., and I had to drive straight into Queens for work. I don't even know how I got through the day. Jesse, it was good meeting you as well, and I hope you continue to play the integral role you've been playing in bringing this party to us. K.C. - good chatting with you after the party, and thank you for bringing it full force for us on Friday night. I have to check you guys out at Whiskey in the near future. Rob James - what the fuck else is there to say, bro. What you do for Nation (and what you've been doing for years) can't be summarized in words. Thank you once again for bringing your usual raw talent to us every Friday night. Matt - you never dissapoint, bro. Thank you for striving to bring us the best talent every Friday night! - Rudy
  17. I was thinking about it, but I want to get to Nation early to hear the opening lineup that's on before K.C. and Rob. Razor should be really good though.
  18. Irrespective of the contents of your post, you really need to learn how to write a little more clearly. I can't tell you how taxing that was to read.
  19. This Friday will be CRAZY. I've heard K.C. in the Hamptons @ Hom, and he's a lunatic on the decks! I'll be well-rested for this one, lol. See you guys there.
  20. Rob, I bet you tore that place a new ass. Sorry I missed out. I haven't heard you and Razor spin together (or at least in the same room during the same night) since Freedom afterhours.
  21. Fuck. I'm sorry I missed Rob at Disco. I'm sure he and Razor both rocked the shit out of the place.
  22. ......on "Three's Company" was your favorite, and why? 1) Mr & Mrs. Roeper 2) Mr. Furley I liked both of them. They were each very funny in their own ways, and they each brought something great to the show.
  23. Sounds like the night wound up going a while longer after I left. Rob & Matt, thanks again for a beautiful night. It's cool that some djs have been stopping by to check out the only real underground spot on Long Island - reminds me of Freedom days. K.C. should be crazy next week. Rob & Matt, you guys have been doing exactly what Long Island needs by struggling to bring in the best UNDERGROUND talent. Keep up the struggle - you guys are doing exactly what needs to be done to maintain the vibe that NATION has had since day one. If I don't see you guys at Disco, enjoy yourselves!
  24. Jazz, it's in Commack, NY, at the corner of Jericho Turnpike and Commack Road. Rob, you guys killed it last night. The music was crazy as always, and the vibe was very intimate. You dropped so many nasty tunes last night, including "Can I get a Bump," which brought back some fuckin memories!! I also thought I saw Razor chilling by the booth later on in the morning. Defintely great to see so much original Long Island underground talent in one spot, enjoying a nice vibe. Good times! For those of you who truly love house music: you know that parties like this don't occur very often on Long Island. NATION is the only place on Long Island with: (1) a totally chill vibe, (2) promoters & staff members who are constantly and wholeheartedly fighting to keep bringing in the FINEST underground talent (despite pressure to do otherwise), (3) music that is unheard of anywhere on Long Island, and (4) a resident dj who will NEVER spin anything else but the nastiest underground tunes for his crowd. This place is right here in our backyard for our enjoyment, and it's free of all the BULLSHIT that defines so many other Manhattan & Long Island spots (i.e., half-assed dress codes, arrogant dickhead staff, watered down house music, pricey admission, etc.). For those of you who are present every Friday night, dancing until 6 a.m., you know what this party is about. For those of you who have yet to visit Nation, give it a try - you will not be dissapointed. As long as you want to dance, the music will keep playing. - Rudy
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