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Everything posted by lexxxi

  1. AAAAAAaawwwwwwwww......THANKS!!! What a truly sweet thing to say!!! ------------------
  2. Last Saturday we were at Element in Toronto for a B-Day party. It was awesome...our friend was the DJ for the night. He kicked our ass with his great beats and then he really surprised us as we were heading out. I went over to him to say goodnight and tell him thanks. He leans over and says: "These are for you guys...don't loose these tickets. They're for a private industry party on Feb. 26/01. There will be a surprise DJ...it's going to be Seb Fontaine and I want you guys to go." It was awesome...Mark Scaife (our friend) laid some huge beats (and he will be opening for Jimmy Van M here in Toronto on Mar. 01/01 too....yah yah yah!!!) as did Seb...as these two always do. Needless to say, it was a great way to start the week. ------------------
  3. I think her voice is great on her first track! She is a Canadian from Vancouver, if I remember correctly. A friend of mine is her keyboard guy. He says she's pretty cool to hang with. ------------------
  4. It was a set up from the beginning to get viewers and ratings.... Honestly....if your partner was off making relations with others in bed AND/OR emotionally, would you not say get lost?!?!?! ------------------
  5. Lawler is spinning at Element in Toronto on March 01....but don't worry....he won't be fatigued for you guys in NYC because he will probably do a very short set (like 3 hours tops) as do most DJs when they come here!!! Now, if I could only find people to go with because everyone has bailed!!! ------------------
  6. Shel Silverstein is and always will be one of my fave childhood poets. I still have his books! Very heart warming to read! ------------------
  7. DAMN THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS......they are screwing you!!! If it were me I would be freaking and I wouldn't care if I had an appointment or not! I would barge right into his office and give him a piece of me that he certainly wouldn't enjoy! I hate businesses that fuck people like this. What kind of customer service is that!!! Tell us how the meeting goes!!!! ------------------
  8. lexxxi

    Ass Mania!!!!

    I am definately saying I LOVE THE "ANAL RAMPAGING"...BUTTBUTTBUTT...I am also huge into the ass eating.....as long as it is clean!!! ------------------
  9. Kettle One Stoli Grey Goose In that order....'cause vodka is good....and I love to drink vodka.....n'k!!!! ------------------
  10. Could very well be....every newswire on my PC started flasing as soon as it was public knowledge.....dragged me away from everything else I was reading (porn, porn and more porn). It's an excellent way to distract us from other issues. What are some other conspiracy theories we can come up for this one??? AAAaaahhh HHhhhhaaaaa!!! Waging war just to see if Bush is actually up to the job!!! HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!!!!!!! ------------------
  11. What do you think of them apples??? ------------------
  12. Damn....I can't believe I live in Toronto. Well, at least I get Lawler, Howells, Breeder and Jimmy van M in Toronto in March. At least now I have something to look forward to!!! ------------------
  13. lexxxi

    Ass Mania!!!!

    There is nothing quite like an excellent ass reeming to put a smile on my face. I highly suggest those of you who haven't tried it go ahead and ask your significant other to do it to you or you do it to them!!! ------------------
  14. I never use to think alot of women were bi but just by going with my success rate as of lately, there are more of us than anyone could possibly believe!!! ILOVEIT ILOVEIT ILOVEIT ------------------
  15. <<<HUGZ>>> ***KISSES*** Have a great day chickie!!! ------------------
  16. Something to make you laugh at least!!!! Hearts and roses and kisses galore, What the hell is all that shit for? People get mushy and start acting queer, It is definitely the most annoying day of the year. This day needs to get the hell over with and pass, Before I shove something up Cupid's ass. I'll spend the day so drunk I can't speak And wear black for the rest of the week. Guys act all sweet, but soon it will fade, For all they are doing is trying to get laid. The arrow Cupid shot at me must not have hit, Cause I think this love thing is a crock of shit. So, here's my story... what else can I say? Love bites my ass... F*** Valentines Day! ------------------
  17. Just because you don't have "A Special Someone" doesn't mean Valentines Day doesn't apply to you. How about your friends and family...don' they deserve your love and attention too?!?!?! I know mine do!!! ------------------
  18. The thing that was so great about talking to him is that he was so nice! When we said goodbye, I said thanks and he gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek and said thanks too! So strange......he was so friendly. He said the reason he only did 3 hours was because after 2 hours he saw the place was half empty and thought he should just shut it down. These Torontonians lack stama and respect for these guys! Damn Torontonian Mo Fos!!! Oh well!! ------------------
  19. Hey Lillizzy....I love your Fight Club Slide Penguin.....very cute. As for my AIM: Lexxxi J ------------------
  20. That really sucks. Sorry to hear that this shit goes on. A little bit of the same kind of thing is happening in Toronto at The Guvernment and the Warehouse but it's because there have been several ssian gang related hits (drive by shootings and stuff). It sucks that everyone has to suffer because of a few idiots. ------------------
  21. ...and we were all his bitches!!! Local hero Mark Scaife opened up for PVD and this man was fucking us so sweet and gently. Even though PVD's set was only 3 hours, that boy was kicking our ass and taking names....speaking of names: As I stood in coat check line with JDogg, ROBY, PORN and other friends I look to the end of the coat check counter by the door. I see one of PVDs women standing there. I thought to myself "and she spent the nite up there with PVD". Then I looked to her left....and there he was.....PVD. Just smiling away like nothing had happened. I decided to walk up to him and introduce myself secretly!! "Hello Mr. van Dyk....my name is...! Thank you so much for kicking my ass.....that was fucking great." At that point I asked him to wait and he gave me gracious "hey, no problem, I wait for you". I grabbed JDogg, ROBY and everyone else and said...."I am about to make your dreams come true......Mr. van Dyk please say hello to......" After a 10 minute chat and a decline on drinks because he just wanted to watch the "tele", we took off with Mark Scaife and company to get a safe passage home!!! The End!!! P.S. PORN just wanted me to tell you guys that he was weilding his "18 inch" hammer. He thought you guys just need to know that!!! ------------------
  22. I just took a break to look at the board and this is the first post I have read today. I actually have been going hardcore since 7:30am. As for the rest of the day......FUCK IT ALL!!! My mind is on PVD in Toronto tomorrow nite!!! MMMMMMmmmmmmmm.....P V D!!! ------------------
  23. I have so many bitchz for us that we won't know what to do with them!!! YAH YAH YAH YAH YAH ------------------
  24. Not for this thread baby.... But, maybe one day Crackorn!!! We will meet one of these days!!! ------------------
  25. You know who you are.......it's all coming together in approx. 28 hours!!! I am so excited!!! I can't wait!!! ------------------
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