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Everything posted by weyes

  1. weyes

    hello all

    check out our guestlist section, too. but go to spundae - the best club around!!!
  2. good luck, blue! i've always wanted my own bathroom and a walk-in closet.
  3. i've only humped 2 guys. there was a guy i was starting to go out with in college with whom i had some crazy animal magnetism. things were moving really fast, which wasn't my speed, but i liked him, so i stuck with him for the meantime. but when i found out what a slut he was (i went to a small school and he had slept with a bunch of girls i knew well) i got really turned off and ended what we had before it got really serious.
  4. jaysea's the one who posted a virus many months back. don't go talking about how everyone else is an asshole, buddy; people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
  5. weyes

    gay marriage

    i'm amazed at how you are comparing gay marriage with murder. you are a ridiculous human being, and, as you so close-mindedly say, "that is a fact."
  6. this was the first pic, but the whole first page was just random, unknown chicks:
  7. i want to photograph the club scene and make a living at it, blue; that's my dream. unfortunately, it doesn't really pay. but i do have a job interview on friday at my best friend's company; i'm a shoo-in!!! wish me luck, all!
  8. one should never answer the phone using profanity, as there is no way to ensure that the caller is who one thinks it is (even with caller id)! tune in tomorrow.
  9. hopefully you've started a trend for us cpla people in the getting a better job department ! i can feel it --- my day is coming...
  10. weyes

    Take This IQ Test

    i dunno how they think this is a real iq test, it being as short as it is, and i don't know who wrote it, but i got a score of 138. "We also compared your answers with others who have taken the test. According to the sorts of questions you got correct, we can tell your Intellectual Type is a Visionary Philosopher. This means you are highly intelligent and have a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a variety of different ways. Like Plato, your exceptional math and verbal skills make you very adept at explaining things to others — and at anticipating and predicting patterns." i'm with you on that mountaintop, shroomy, i guess!
  11. this came up in conversation a while back; i wanna take a survey on this ... have you ever masturbated in a public bathroom?
  12. yeah - her nipples are on the sides of her boobs !!! frightening... i'm sure her original boobs were much cuter (there's no way they couldn't've been).
  13. seriously, you gotta have a "none of the above" on polls, man .
  14. thank-you notes are always appreciated . tune in tomorrow.
  15. and you can get on the guestlist for this event by clicking " guestlist " and making sure you're in the l.a. section .
  16. weyes


    spundae ALWAYS rocks. i have spoken .
  17. i had a stupid meeting today about how to sellsellsell and i just wanted to leave... i am way too good for this piece of crap company. i want out !!!
  18. perhaps. spundae's never failed me.
  19. lina, i hope you're talking about me, 'cause that icon is a picture of a clock!!!
  20. weyes

    gay marriage

    wow, xpyrate; you're so young to be set in your ignorance. most people this closed-minded are only this way because they haven't been given access to diversity. i can only hope that your incest analogy is mostly in jest .
  21. this woman's boobs are nothing short of scary (you can see her left one at the height of its nastiness in this pic ):
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