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Everything posted by weyes

  1. weyes


    i'll copy it to that thread for ya .
  2. o, mala, you do not want to experience expired macaroni and cheese - trust me . it serves me right for not checking the date on the box, but how was i to know that that stuff goes bad? i'm passing this info on to you as a service both to your taste buds and your tummy, i kid you not .
  3. very often, people will lash out at others because they are bitter, lonely, or angry at the world; the behavior will have nothing to do with the person who actually gets yelled at (or even physically harmed). one should try not to take these outbursts personally. tune in tomorrow.
  4. you can't front on duran duran. their shit's deep.
  5. as i was walking back to work from lunch, i remembered a night when i passed some guys while i drank some bottled water. when i drink from bottles while walking, i tense my body up and put the movement in my feet instead of taking normal strides, to avoid spilling - naturally (do it right now and you'll see what i mean). that night, a guy made some comment along the lines of how someone with an ass like mine shouldn't be so tense - what a waste (i can't remember the comment exactly 'cause it was months ago and 4 a.m...). why do people feel the need to make remarks like this, i mean, rrrrrrrrrreally ? anycrap , today i was just thinking about that story, not even drinking, and after i passed two men and got about 10 feet ahead of them, one said, "baby got back." either it was a weird coincidence or it was "think about weyes' ass day" and nobody told me ...
  6. so, d'ya feel like a big man, quoting me out of context in your sig ?
  7. hey, clubspaceguy, no criticism on the writing itself, and i won't go after your punctuation (you can play with that later and use poetic license with that, if you want), but i do have some spelling and grammar corrections, if you're interested : par. #1: The iridescent hue of the candles is at its peak... the subject is "hue," not "candles." par. #4: ...ecstasy... par. #5: The undulating motions tense up the man’s penis... the subject is "motions," therefore the verb must be "tense," not "tenses." par. #7: ...he has awaited with bated breath for a woman like her... there's no "i" in this "bate," and no "e" in "breath," the noun. it's good to be passionate in your writing; rock on !!!
  8. no - some people are too ugly to look at, like puff daddy (that's what i call him. end of story.) and jay leno.
  9. thanks so much for asking on this thread !!! you have no idea how happy this makes me :D .well, it seems as though arena's friday night of hip-hop has been moved and has turned into some lameass i-don't-know-what. does anyone have info on that? that was the only hip-hop i ever really knew about, but i think alex90028 would have an answer for you .
  10. i'm betting dress code wouldn't be an issue, either !!! bump up for location!
  11. one should know how to give directions to one's house from many different starting points; only knowing how to get somewhere by sight can be confusing when giving someone directions to your house ("turn left by that ugly tree, go past the bent stop sign...") . tune in tomorrow.
  12. my favorite stupid lyrics, from the king of pop's "wanna be startin' something": you're a vegetable, you're a vegetable still they hate you, you're a vegetable you're just a buffet, you're a vegetable they eat off of you, you're a vegetable
  13. weho sounds like a good idea; let's just pick a place that isn't too loud and isn't 21 and over. got a place that fits that description?
  14. mac and does not have an eternal shelf life . tune in tomorrow.
  15. i never really had the chance to evaluate the quality amidst my pounding headache; i only can't stand the volume level. are you saying that that's now under control ???
  16. geoffrey holder was punjab in annie as well. he lives in my neighborhood in new york and i used to see him a lot on the street when i was a kid. i was so starstruck...
  17. my brand of razor has been discontinued, and it was unique !!! i don't know what to do; i think i'll look in the men's section and see if there's a men's razor with a narrow handle that doesn't pivot. all the women's razors (now that mine is off the market) pivot or move in other ways . i wrote a letter to schick telling them how upset i am and begging them to bring back the personal touch .
  18. thanks, x . by tomorrow i should be feeling better .
  19. "'cause i like ya." that's the answer, when you break it down to basics. what kind of a question is that? why else would you wanna hang out with someone? "what did she wanna hear?" is really the question... hmmm, anotherway83, the plot seems to be thickening. i hope it's in a good way .
  20. i've never seen your picture, but i love your avatar's hat . besides, you've always been one of my favorites and i imagine you smell nice .
  21. all right, peeps, here's what we've got. DEFINITELY A SUNDAY EVENING/NIGHT. anyone wanna pick one? it doesn't matter to me. PLACE??? someone suggested a tapas bar - i forget who ( sorry), but i'm open to suggestions and have none of my own. just any place where we can hear each other talk, get a drink and maybe a little bite to eat. nothin' fancy or too pricey. and not over 21, so that anotherway83 can come . let's get this going. if no one cares about which sunday, i'll just pick one, but i really don't know of a good place.
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