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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i don't get it - do people actually fuck these things ???
  2. from the body vibes sex dictionary*:The Body Vibes Sex Dictionary E Easy: Slang term for someone who has sex with multiple partners. you started out this thread saying that "easy" was a bad thing. if you're now rescinding that and saying that you're stoked to be going out with someone who said yes, i'm not arguing ! in my last post i was just trying to point out that you should be viewing this as a positive thing (which you now seem to be doing), and not a reflection on her character, that's all . have fun, whatever you end up doing . ------------------------------------------------------- click the link, then hit "sexual slang," then go down to "e." http://www.slanglinks.cjb.net/
  3. some of that's true, but i think that the sistine chapel is a horrible bore!while i appreciate some older things, i generally am just a 20th-21st century girl . i was the only person at my school to use the letterpress, though, setting type letter by letter. i hear that, after i graduated, the lab director wanted to have the press removed since no one was using it anymore . it's not so much that i'm old-fashioned, necessarily - i just feel that photography is an actual craft, making something out of (or finding something in) reality, whereas digital is all button-pushing --- computers doing the work. while amazing things can be done with digital re-working, it's fake, and that's what i have a problem with. i don't consider it photography. i think that, if one wants to create a scene/feeling/setup, s/he should be able to do it without having to rely on computers.
  4. "if you got a labret i'd fuck you ev-ry night !!!"
  5. i like my sex x-rated like i like my funk, i like my funk x-rated like i like my sex...funkdoobiest and ok, iamme, but you guys snatch away my word as soon as i go to bed!
  6. other girls giving you attitude says more about them being rude than about this one being "easy." "giving a guy a chance" is a nice thing to do, and maybe she's genuinely interested in you on levels other than just wanting sex; just because it doesn't happen to you often doesn't mean that, when it does, the girl must be a slut or desperate.
  7. a new city ordinance, just passed by city council and awaiting approval by the mayor, makes lap dances and even any contact at all between strippers/dancers and patrons illegal. this bill even prohibits direct tipping of dancers, as touching is involved. a distance of 6 feet must be maintained between dancers and patrons at all times. check out the article - i'm tired of writing!: http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/news/091603_nw_lap_dances.html
  8. jealousy can quickly turn those with weak character and low self-esteem into assholes. tune in tomorrow.
  9. hey, dee, that's not cool - you only come over here to self-promote? you've never even come to this forum to say, "hello" before. how rude !!! "how do you do?" and shake hands .
  10. weyes


    why did he put the dog in the trunk ? bad man. boooooo .
  11. i'm waiting for the digital slrs to go down in price; canon just released a half-decent one for $1,000 - body only. but clubs probably wouldn't let me in with one of those, either, as they are too "official" looking, and therefore threatening.the only point-and-shoot-ish type of digital one that would really work for my purposes right now (the sony v-1, with nightframing) costs $699, and that really isn't worth it to me, when an slr will probably come out soon that'll have nightframing and be able to do so much more. so, for right now, i stick with film, which has better color reproduction anyway, and has a more realistic look to it. i don't like the way digital makes things look tweaked and unnatural. it's just too inaccurate a representation of what we see.
  12. weyes


    why didn't i know about that ???and check out our sticky - chock full o' info: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=136874
  13. halloween is my favorite holiday; i don't fuck around. i've dyed my hair for 5 halloweens (i think wigs are a copout), including one year that turned out to be permanent accidently (my hairstylist at the time said that his black dye would come out ...). but here are some halloween no-nos : 1. never be the same thing more than once. 2. don't just pick a normal, everyday costume and put "sexy" in front of it, like "sexy construction worker" or "sexy policewoman" (see previous page!!!) just as an excuse to wear next to nothing . [did you know that halloween is the night with the most one-night-stands of any holiday (beating out new year's and valentine's day)?] 3. most importantly, the following costumes are played the fuck out, are for people with absolutely no imagination, and should be laid to rest: * catholic schoolgirl!!!!!!!! ENOUGH WITH THAT, ALREADY!!!!!!! * sexy cat * sexy devil (male or female) * sexy fairy * angel * witch * vampire * maid * mummy * ghost * the guy from scream and yes, i've known who i'm gonna be for months now. i usually know a long time in advance, 'cause i think about halloween so much , but it also comes in handy if i have to grow my hair longer, like i did when i was bettie page. EDIT - i forgot the ever-played: * pimp * ho * random 70s disco guy * random 70s disco girl * any of the above w/ afro wig. an afro wig is not funny anymore.
  14. what does her being russian have to do with anything? how does her saying yes to "hanging out" make her easy, cowboy? and where near you would it rain? pffffffttt and a wizzalk along the bizzeach ain't 'riginal, neither . thanks, weyes* *bustin' chops since 12:26 a.m. all rights reserved.
  15. eeew liketheseguysare sooogeneric
  16. well, i've been going to spundae regularly for 2 years now and i have not only never witnessed a fight, but have never heard heckling, yelling in any sort of negative fashion, or even come across a disagreement. that place has the most chill patrons anyplace. and i can think of no other club where i've felt safer; it's not just a bunch of sleazebags out to pick up chicks and slutty girls only there to be picked up. the people at spundae love the music they come to hear. you'll rarely find someone there who doesn't know who the dj is, unlike at almost every other club i've been to (besides red), especially in hollywood or new york. this may not seem like a "dress-to-impress" kind of place, and that's because it isn't. people just don't obsess over what other people might think about their outfits. the primary goal is to have fun - not to be a clotheshorse. there's a great, big dancefloor, and it's meant for dancing !!!
  17. sometimes all one needs for success is a little support from friends and family . tune in tomorrow.
  18. thanks so much, blue ; but i really shouldn't. i have to work the next morning anyway. i only get in my "i don't care how late it is, even though i have work the next day," mode if i'm in it a bit in advance and it's for djs i really like.but that's such a nice offer !!! sheesh, blue; i'm overcome. the next time i'm almost positive i'm going out is on october 4th for my omniscient friend (trancekyd)'s birthday. i believe that's oakie at spundae. i've never seen him and, even though everyone says he's gone all mainstream and is a sellout and , trancekyd says that he saw him a few years ago and liked him, so why not go to spundae on the birthday night? p.s. you don't ever have to stay sober on my account !
  19. not to me; i bet you re-invent yourself every time you go out .
  20. and...?(that was such a non-story. come on, now - tell it or don't start, lady!!!)
  21. thanks, you guys. mala, i think i'll do that. i'll have to take out "hierarchy," for starters. and gmc, you're right, too. i think it's one of those "speak now, or forever hold your peace" things. if i don't bring up these issues now, people'll say i had and missed my chance to complain. a co-worker of mine said this to me, as well. if we want change, we gotsta speak up. i'll tell y'all how it went, tomorrow .
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