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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. um take a look at the date this was posted - it was still open then keep smokin' addy
  2. Luis, in case you forgot, this *is* a messageboard and people can reply to whatever issues happen to spark their interests. I get your point on the theme parties and everything, but I didn't really feel it necessary to add my $.02 on that. You can say all you want about dancers but the fact is that people say the same shit about promoters *cough* Although, to be entirely honest, I think it's fuckin' excellent that someone will pay me $100 to $125 to dance on a podium like an idiot It pays for my turntables, records, and food and got to be the easiest bullshit job ever
  3. :rofl: I was trying to be nice and restrain myself from saying it too
  4. I didn't defend strippers at all, you numb nut. Strippers and nightclub show dancers are two entirely different things. I specifically said we don't do ANYTHING like that - and if your vermont ass ever made it to a real club you'd know there are dancers there that wear costumes and never take them off - and it is 100% NOT okay for anyone at the party to touch those girls, anyone who tries gets tossed. I would never strip, I never have stripped, and I have no desire to strip.
  5. I find your "dancing hewa troupe" statement to be rather offensive. I can speak for myself and two of the other girls I dance with, plus two more of my close friends who dance, in saying that none of us are promiscuous, do "extras" for cash, strip dance, etc - so I find it really naive of you to classify all dancers like that (although I won't speak for the other girls I work with simply because I don't know them). Please think a little harder before you make sweeping statements - it's practically a guarantee you'll piss people off and make yourself sound really... unpleasant (no drama, no accusations, not calling your mom a bitch - but making a friendly reminder).
  6. No, I think it was just the structure of the post that made it hard for me to follow - i was thinking you were some extra DJ trying to rip on jon and anthony and i didn't really get it. It has nothing to do with my reading skills - i'm an I-Law major at Georgetown and I read more daily than I would even want to read in a year so I'm jusssssst fine with that - trust me Makes much more sense now that you've rephrased it - paycheck --> booze --> party rather than party --> booze --> paycheck
  7. LoL I don't blame him - I'd be taking my pick of the possibilities too!
  8. I'm a little confused - how do fat paychecks, dos equis and anthony nero coincide??
  9. Are you kidding?! Was this just once? Every time I've been he's been incredible - and I have never heard him talk once until the very very end of the night right before he goes off, or unless someone fucks up and is ruining the vibe. He keeps awesome energy in that room and I'd highly suggest going to see him - he's one of the only DJ's that can make me dance even when I'm too tired to remember to breathe
  10. Well it's great to know that Justin's a waaaaay cool - now if only he could do something about that buttery elbow macaroni he has for hair he'd be good to go *ick*
  11. My votes go down for Groove Armada and Felix da Housecat but I feel like this whole thing totally fails to acknowledge EDM.... wtf... kylie minogue? pop no doubt? whatever the hell - doesn't belong in this category deeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrfffff.... who is in charge of this shit? can i please knock them upside the head?
  12. well it's nice to know you people are still alive in the joint
  13. You mean something can be TOO hard?? I can't believe that just came from YOU! lol
  14. Whoaaaa Thorin! Is there something you never told me??? JK hehehe
  15. What station & time is the reunion thing?
  16. omg puppy!!!!!!!!! i want one too!!!! lucky sassa
  17. I have no idea what you're talking about - it took me at least three days but it could have been more
  18. LMAOOOOOOOOO I think I will be in attendance for Hardwick though, lest Starshaped think less of me than he already does
  19. They're only horrible 'cause your ugly mug is in em I'm not tellin' who lolol
  20. I won't deny that you're correct about the usual clubbers bitching as well - and honestly, that irritates just as much most of the time (although sometimes there are exceptions where I feel it's justified). What bothers me about the "amateurs" I mentioned is that their bitching is misdirected and entirely based on a foundation of cluelessness that ends up hurting the scene instead of helping it. To say: "Arc needs to tweak their sound system" is constructive criticism that the club should maybe take heed of. To say: "Arc blows ass" is not constructive and leaves no room for the club administration to interpret it and fix the problems. To say: "I had a shitty at time at Arc therefore clubplanet is not getting my business, Arc is not getting my business and I'll ensure it's the same for my friends" may or may not be constructive but it is also DESTRUCTIVE because it chokes off the possibility of future business --> revenue from people who may have otherwise gone out or used these avenues to go out. That means less support for the venues and for the businesses associated with them, all of which are integral parts of the scene, esp. with regards to a business like clubplanet that plays an important role in getting the word out to the clubbing community on the whole about events and whatnot that require support to continue. Granted, much of the owness is on the promoters and venue staff for failing to provide what they promise, but for these random newbies to blame everything on clubplanet and discourage their friends from attending venues that are likely regularly run by other groups and from frequenting sites that had nothing to do with the administration of the party - does nothing to help our cause, and so ... These people are NOT welcome in my eyes. If they wanted to come on here and ask "hey, wtf?? whose fault is this and how can i get some reparation?" - I'd be happy to deal with them. But after post # 677 about how clubplanet and such and such venue (niether of which are responsible for the planning and veritous advertising of the event 90% of the time) are never getting the business of a poster's acquaintances I'm starting to get fed up. Amateurs on the whole are fine if they're actually going to be positive, let slide the bad experiences where possible and become a valuable part of the scene. Where they're not, I'll ask them to please find the door and mind not to let it hit them in the ass on the way out.
  21. Try a google search - go thru enough pages and you should find it eventually - I even managed to find a sequined UK-flag bikini in there - trust me, if it's out there, it's on google
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