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Everything posted by sauvee88

  1. what vic said *pad* Nah - happy birthday brother!!!! Glad to hear you went out....
  2. Damn you nourishment.... I was just going to ask him if Lizard's post wasn't good enough for him!!!!!!!
  3. Oh, I was just being the princess again.... and the conservative guy....... sorry.... it's boring here in NYC - I'm waiting for a damn meeeting to get going...... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  4. We have reputable place in Silver Spring???? Where??? gotta go, gotta go......
  5. My 2 mill............ I'll go to any of those "uppity/snooty" places with you!!!! I wanna try them out and see what makes them SO bad or well undesirable... and I don't mind dressing up to head out. I like going to 1223 every now and then. I was at 18th Street lounge once and liked it - wonder if it's changed. Sometimes you just have to go and enjoy the finer things in life..... Besides when I ask for a tanq 10 and tonic I'm not going to get the look. Or a Patron... or any of those other expensive drinks that are def. fun to have every now and then. I know some of the people on this board don't like to go to these places - so I'm saying I'll go - that was my .02
  6. Ok - it could be the early wake up this morning - but I don't get it??? explain yourself fool!!!
  7. I beleive my ass would get a whoopin from tini if I didn't go...... especially since I'm driving
  8. Now that just pisses me off!!! They say they are trying to protect the artists rights or whatever.... yeah well most of the shit I downloaded was shit you can't get anywhere... sets and what not - I thought AG did a pretty good job of keeping CD's off the site... but whatever........ fucking assholes!!!! So which one is the next best site?? Cause I'm cancelling the subscription. Oh, Vic - you HAVE everything I could swap..... but I may come and burn a shitload of sets
  9. Damn missing Henry on the Phazon!!! But I'll be getting in late from NYC and getting in a car to drive on up there would be asking a little much.......... Have fun and take pics naut!!!!!
  10. Hey no prob!!! Think I may have some people to go with from now on when no one wants to come with me!!! And dang it runner we were out till 1:30-1:45 anyways..... thank GOD for my internal alarm cause my regular alarm didn't go off at all!! 8am I woke straight up and was like"SHIT!!!!!" Made it in though - had a triple shot of espresso to get me going in the morning!!!!! Yes - runner the sights are one of the many pleasurable reasons to head to Modern....... oh yeah and some guy named buster spinns there...... perhaps that comes in a close second...
  11. Misstress Barbara is a Kleen night also at Trust. Their site is really under construction - the calendar never works - in fact I think they just put it up..... who ever is doing their site must be learning on the job.... you know??? Dragongrrl knows more about the party than I.... perhaps she could answer some questions - or someone else posted it up - perhaps Vic(who needs to shorten his damn sig, cause it's TOO long).........
  12. Misstress Barbara spinning at Trust???? I think a bunch of us are coming up for that too.
  13. Taped the game - care to watch it?? At least I'm pretty sure I taped the game - it was like 2:15 when I got back from Modern last night and I was tired - but pretty damn sure it taped. 2 mexicans got ejected??? Oh. hmmmmmm don't tell me any more I don't want to know - haven't seen it - just the score. PM me if you want to watch the game after work.
  14. Hey Vic!!!! What did I tell you....... NO AGOOS.............................................. US WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Do I know this friend???
  16. No the OTHER Ricardo..... HEY!!! This is an a and b discussion - C you later!!!!!! Oh, wait..... think you could puch it into my queue so I can dl when I get home??? Or atleast burn??
  17. Do you know if Ricardo would be correct cause he yelled at me and jumped all up and down and stuff when it was played - and if he's right then I liked that song!!!
  18. I thought he played it during the Delta Heavy tour?? In NYC at the very least. check ephob - I'm pretty sure.... so does that mean it will be available for download off AG??? Cause I've been looking for it for ever now!!
  19. Hey!!! Why have I never heard of these HOT girlfriends???? You coming up here tonight or not???
  20. Oh NO!!! You're a cat lover???? deal-breaker......
  21. Not too sure. I am definitely putting together my resume and if I get the same damn pay I'm fucking leaving this company. Or perhaps they'll actually listen to me and make things somewhat better..... All I know is I'm tired of this bullshit they've had me stuffed in for 8 months. My personal experience says piece of mind is much better than dealing with assholes for the sake of money - becoming an alcoholic and being depressed is no way to live life..... and I don't want to become that person.
  22. I think any job is enjoyable as long as you are in a good environment. Personally I think most of us are in bad environments..... perhaps it has something to do with how young we all are and our position in our work environment. Seriously how many of us really have a job where we get to make more than our fair share of decisions???? I liked my job - especially as an entry job - however the environment has done nothing but deteriorate. It is at the point now, that all I want to do is quit regardless of whether or not I have a job. My ideal job??? I'm too pissed off in this one to think of an ideal job..... how about a professional golfer?? Or soccer player?? That would be nice..... get paid a load of money to play like a kid!!! Now that is my IDEAL job!!!!!
  23. Thank you South Korea!!!!!! Jeff Agoos - needs to get on a plane and just come home...... I'd rather have 10 people on the pitch than him being the 11th!! I don't care how much experience he has - he's a liability back there and people lean on him, count on him to make plays, which he screws up. So US vs Mexico....... So how many goals does Mexico score if Agoos starts??? That's the question, if they take Agoos out perhaps the US can make a game of it???
  24. You in on Sunday???? Tonight's not good, sorry....
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