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Everything posted by leftymo

  1. I loved it. But I figured that Armin would keep it a little more mainstream in a smaller market to which he's never played. He dropped all the classics or top tracks, which is never a problem with me. Good memories, haven't seen him since that time in SD.
  2. yeah, man. I have like one other friend in NY that likes EDM, so I'm tryin to convince her to come, and bring some of her friends! But I don't mind meeting up, since I'm goin solo too... Just look for the one indian dude in the place! lefty MO! i'll probably be right up front when Armin goes on, then move over by the bar to enjoy the set. (and the women)
  3. That was pretty funny. I don't think ANYONE outside of NY & MAYBE miami have any clue who Boris is!
  4. I care about the USA and all, but uh, last time I checked, the bulk of the USA likes teenie bop, pop, and hip hop crap (oops I'm hating, i take that crap part back). The best stuff comes from europe, its ok to admit it. At least in the electronic music genre. As for hating on music, I think its very common and little of people to think that the music they prefer is so much superior to the music they dislike. So I don't mind your hate, i just pity you. As for myself, I have recently transformed into an AVB whore, so I guess my old ars is going to be partying with the teenie boppers (18+). Just surfing the site to find admission cheaper (why is it so damn expensive to see talent in NY, when its cheaper everywhere else?)
  5. I wanted to know if anyone could help me out ID'ing the track on the tiesto in concert dot com site... much appreciated!
  6. silverbull you make good points. For me, I do listen to trance/house a LOT... but not always, sometimes I'm just in a different mood... But then again I'm a fan of all kinds of music and actually have changed "favorites" since childhood, from country to freestyle, pop to gangster rap, to alternative, rock & metal... electronic is the current flavor of the month, but in reality, this is far more spiritual... i can't findmyself ever bouncing to something else... So I like all kinds of music, and currently listen to EDM more than anything else... music to the next level.
  7. Pretty impressive. All of Song's flights estimate a 3 hour flight give or take a minute or two. Secondly, top speed for most of the aircrafts used to fly this distance is around 550 mph, which calculates by distance to 2 hours 22 minutes at top speed. (which we all know a jet doesn't do, especially with landing patterns) Math doesn't lie, but people do.
  8. $40 for Peters is rather steep. Where did they get the idea that $40 for a DJ who pretty much does all his shit in NY anyways is a deal?
  9. I wasn't able to make it, but I think a better way to do it, would be like what I saw in San Diego. Armin's first performance there, he had some dude (i know dude's doing vocals usually aren't that great), but he overlapped it onto a track that armin was dropping. At first I was like, wtf is this, but it actually flowed pretty well. I'm guessing that they stopped the music for Nadia's live performance right? That kinda stinks. Let the vocalist blend their shit into the music already going. It flowed pretty well in SD.
  10. Uh, actually I think he is paying his respects, to the correct city I might add. The city that holds Ultra & the WMC, and has a club (that doesn't close or change its name 7000 times) that goes all night and day with a 24 hr liquor license.
  11. This thread is rather comical, we've got some guys so high they think they can get from NY to Miami in under 2 hrs... I don't care if you're running the from the back of the plane to the front in midflight, you ain't getting there in an hour and 45 minutes... then again if you're on the SR-71 blackbird you might. And hope it rains? Actually a friend of mine was thinkin of flyin from LA to see PVD in NY, but I told him it rains every other freakin day here, on top of that it'll only be 95 and humid as fu<k... So he decided against it... he chose wisely.
  12. Yo, where the hell can I buy tix? And where is this exactly? I'll search the boards in the meantime.
  13. just saw Armin in SD on Sunday... (memorial day)... double dose sounds tempting! If Armin doesn't drop Max Graham - Gone (Jessica Riddle) then he'll definitely drop Blank & Jones - Perfect Silence (E-Craig's 212 remix) It was nice hearin PVD - Crush, AVB - Communication, and Solar Stone - Seven Cities (AVB remix) in a club... doubt he'll drop those in NY though.
  14. i'd check groove tickets they list up what's going on, in terms of named DJ's for that time.
  15. There were a couple at Rhino... last time I remember, got a little tongue action (my first time kissin a stripper...sweet!) asians only, but man it sure burns my wallet!
  16. NY's dance scene is god awful. There is very little dance scene. The decent places all closed down. The only thing left is Crobar and Avalon. Occasionally Spirit. And even then you'll find enough to whine about. 18 and over just to get people in... Ny is ghetto, therefore hip hop dominates the scene. BROOOOOOOKKKKKKLYYYYNNNNN!!!! Miami's dance scene is the exact opposite! Las Vegas is small-time when it comes to clubbing, but its getting better.
  17. Well, for the first time in 5 months, I'm comin home... My brother's engagement party is on that saturday... but i have two friends w/ birthdays...and my g/f there. I will try to maximize my time. I was tempted to hit up Sasha on Sat, but might not be able to. 29th, Armin Van Buuren in SD... sounds like a plan. Nothing yet for Friday night. Should be fun...
  18. since he only spins for 2 hours its not worth it. He lives in LA now, so most of his gigs are locally there, or in vegas. I definitely would go see him, just not in NY. Boston yeah... and back home in LA yeah.
  19. don't forget new york. 50 bucks for PVD? Only in NY...
  20. Doesn't bashing other people's music preference make you feel so much better about yourself? wow, must feel really really good. It's way too easy to bash all forms of music... Obviously the genre the individual prefers makes or breaks whether the party is good or not. (example: the best party of the conference was when xhibit was at mansion on tuesday night 29th.... if you like hip-hop it was!)
  21. Honestly, I thought PVD was just throwing down tracks, randomly... with little or no organization to them. Almost like, here's my collection. I guess the best analogy would be to get in the back of a cab and tell him to drive... then thinking where the f are we going? While I didn't regret going to PVD, my friends did, they said that they should've gone to the perfecto party, and then hit up Sander/Ferry...
  22. They do that at the conference. I always wonder why people don't buy tickets in advance. for PVD's night, we walked right past a huge line, that didn't appear to be moving, and paid 50 bucks. While they would have to wait & pay 60...and later, probably more... just stupid if you ask me, but maybe its just me. Wait & paymore vs. go right in and payless.
  23. I have to agree with most on this thread. It wasn't spectacular partly b/c of some of the mismanagement. Wetgrooves wouldn't allow anyone in regardless if you already paid after 5 or 6, and that was after Oakenfold & Lawrence were done anyways. Nikki's line was so long, but we walked around back and some dude was letting people in through a fence, paid 10 bucks/head. But it was definitely worth it, b/c we would've never got in. But then at like 6 or so, the speakers go off, b/c of the essential mix? That was awful. Can't have a party without music. That happened again on Sunday night, so I bounced early. PVD was a huge disappointment, worst set of the conference, but Ferry & Sander were solid. Edgar V was good too. There are a few tracks that I'll try to find now, but overall my highlights included getting Darude into Spin (the bouncers didn't know who he was) for Armin and congratulating Carl Cox on a great set. I'm beat today...going to need a week at least to recover. Music wise, I liked last year better, but I was able to cover more parties this year...
  24. Wow, I think all of my friends were 100% in conjunction here, PVD was the WORST of the conference. He was all over the place, his mixes like usual were flawless, but his set stunk up the place. There was a short stretch of like 20 minutes where I finally thought he was going somewhere and then he'd bomb again. I first though b/c it was an extended set but I'm so glad Ferry saved the night. Ferry's first 1 hr and 10 minutes were flawless, and even in those few letdowns, he'd drop another kick ass track. I'm sorry folks, but I was quite disappointed with PVD, and keep in mind, I don't go to these events b/c of the drugs, and b/c of something I ate, I hardly drank. I was there 100% for the music. Sander was his usual space terrace self. Too bad, i felt like shit by 8am and bounced around 9... As for Armin, he's been a little darker in this recent US tour, he started out great, but finished too dark... But I do have to clarify, once Ferry got to the end, he was back to his usual slightly above average self. I think I was done once he dropped No One On Earth...
  25. the pc term i believe is native american.... but i'm indian from india (but like 3rd gen).... columbus thought he reached india and named a people incorrectly!
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