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Everything posted by lucky13

  1. The first CD in that set (the one where he produced all the tracks) is awful. He definately sucks as a producer. The other 3 CDs have some good tracks scattered throughout, but I could never listen to an entire disc w/o having to skip tracks.
  2. So all those people who practice other religions besides Christianity are going to hell? All the Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, etc? That is such a bunch of BS....and it's really sad that that you need to use scare tactics in order to get people to accept your religion. Let people believe what they want to and stop trying to force people to feel otherwise.
  3. I know. I was just joking about the Disco 2000 thing. Alig actually is eligible for parole in '06 though. Wonder if he'll get released.....
  4. Although it's not really new, I really like This Is Everybody Too: Sander Kleinenberg. One of the best CDs I've bought in quite a while.
  5. I heard that Michael Alig is eligible for parole next year. Him and Gaiten are gonna team up and bring back Disco 2000
  6. I just checked out Bad Boy Bill's site....cause he has a residency @ Avalon on the first Friday of each month. His schedule shows him playing in Germany on August 5th (first Friday of the month). So I guess this rumor may be true after all. Avalon simply can not compete w/ the other megaclubs out there at the moment. The DJs that they've been booking lately simply don't draw the numbers that events like DT @ Spirit or Deep Dish @ Crobar do. The lease on that space is very high, and if you're not drawing big numbers of people who spend lots of money, then the business is doomed to failure. Hopefully, someone will come along and reinvent this place. Install a better system, get some decent A/C in there, and book some great resident DJs. There's obviously a ton of potential.....guess we'll just have to see what the future brings.
  7. Everyone just assumes that this is true b/c someone posted it on a messageboard somewhere. I don't believe it. And if it did close, it would just be a matter of time before someone bought the space out and re-opened it. If that is the case, hopefully the new owners will make some much needed improvements to it.
  8. I think Avalon's system is terrible. Maybe it's the acoustics of the place or something...
  9. Did anyone see his St. Patty's day flier? That one was hilarious.
  10. He should just open a club in Jersey. That's where 90% of his fan base is these days.
  11. I'd suggest Webster Hall. Hands down the hottest spot in NYC right now to spot celebs. Door is gonna be tight though, so you'll definately want to tip the bouncer like $50. Just walk to the front of the line, and act like you belong there and you should be set.
  12. Yeah, my friend and I were talking to him one night. He's pretty cool. We got those cards too. I have mine lying around somewhere. It's like some pass that gives you free admission to clubs each day of the week. You have to call up the phone number to get the schedule.
  13. http://www.di.fm is what I've been listening to lately. Anyone know of any other good ones?
  14. http://www.di.fm is what I've been listening to lately. Anyone know of any other good ones?
  15. Don't know him, but I've seen him out at Infected Mushroom and a couple other places that I don't remember (binge drinking seems to have taken a toll on my memory). Some other regulars that you've probably seen out: That group of midgets who dance near the stage Tambourine guy @ Crobar 75 yr. old tapdancing guy @ Avalon and other places Guy that wears glasses that have hologram eyes on them
  16. God forbid anyone produces a track that blows up........cause then they're sellouts right?
  17. Can't wait for this party! I wish both Sharam AND Ali were spinning, but it's gonna be great nonetheless.
  18. LOL! That is pretty lame trying to use other clubs to promote your party. Why not just start a thread promoting your own party?
  19. I miss seeing all those guidos pumping their fists.......... Ahhhh, memories
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