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Everything posted by lucky13

  1. Yeah, what's wrong w/ my Now 'n Later gator shoes?
  2. For every one shipment of drugs that the authorities confiscate, there are probably about 20 other shipments that get smuggled into this country unnoticed. So while 290,000 pills is a huge bust, one can only imagine how much shit these guys brought in before they got caught.
  3. Are you a little slow or do you not know how to read someone's entire message?
  4. You guys are crazy!!! MTV rules!!!!!!!!!! .........if you're in high school and you don't know jack shit about what constitutes quality music. Cause MTV doesn't even play music anymore. Videos have been replaced w/ The Ashlee Simpson Show and other mindless garbage.
  5. It's impossible to say who the "best" DJ is. I'm sure we could all come up w/ some favorites of ours, but how could you really say who the best DJ is? I guess you'd have to factor in things like technical skills, track selection, ability to draw large crowds, etc. There are tons of DJs who are great in all those categories, so there really can't be a single best DJ. It's mostly a matter of opinion. With that being said, I think that Sasha/Digweed together are as good as you'll find anywhere. They have all of the above qualities and have stood the test of time.
  6. How many times is this topic going to be brought up? I can already see it now........someone will say something about how JP should get a residency there and someone else will say how JP is the worst DJ in the history of the universe 6 pages minimum on this one.....
  7. Some ones that I like..... Once Upon a Time in America (my favorite by far) Animal House Mallrats Strange Brew Vanilla Sky Troy The Breakfast Club Glory The Mothman Prophecies Blade
  8. There's a cool place in New Haven called BAR. They brew their own beer and some of it is pretty damn good. In the back room, they have a DJ who spins house music on the weekends.
  9. A button down and jeans will get you in just about anywhere
  10. There's a program you can download for free called Wavepad. The free version doesn't have many features, but it does allow you to record streaming audio and save it in mp3 format.
  11. I'm hoping he WON'T be there. That shit he did last time was so dumb.
  12. Oops, I messed up. It was definately '95 - '01, not '97 - '01. Guess all those years of binge drinking have taken a toll on my memory.
  13. Twilo actually opened in 1997. It closed its doors in the spring of 2001.
  14. Good luck finding any space to move let alone dance. People are gonna be packed in there like sardines.
  15. March 25 - April 3 http://www.autoshowny.com
  16. There probably won't be a list for this party. Door is $35 BTW. Wouldn't suprise me if they jack it up even higher considering that there will likely be a huge crowd showing up. This event would be way better if it were being held at a different venue. I hate paying lots of $ and having no room to dance. Might hit up Sander tonight instead.
  17. He was on point last time he was @ Crobar. Good chance I might drop by.
  18. DJ Vibe is one of the most underrated DJs out there. I'm pissed that I couldn't make it out last night, but I'll definately be in the house next time he's around.
  19. Funny you say that b/c those thoughts have crossed my mind a few times as well. I show up to school wearing a shirt and tie, but once I'm outta there I'm a much different person. Sometimes I wonder what these kids would think if they heard what kind of music I listen to or saw some of the places I go on the weekends. Some of the seniors are 18, so it's probably just a matter of time before I run into one of them at a bar/club. That will definately be interesting.....
  20. I'm a high school social studies teacher. I'm also working on getting my MS in history. Only 5 more classes to go...
  21. I hate to be pessimistic, but the new club that opens in the old SF space is likely to attract many of the same crackheads and guidos who went there before.
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