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Everything posted by lucky13

  1. I'm voting for Kerry, not because I think he is an outstanding candidate, but because of the fact that Bush is an incompetent fool who has screwed this country up in so many ways. Let's consider a few: 1. He is the only president since Herbet Hoover (president during the Great Depression) to preside over a net loss of jobs. 2. He never vetoed one spending bill. The deficit is out of control. (Guess who will be paying for it in the future?) 3. 9-11 happened under HIS WATCH. He ignored intelligence that pointed to such an event. 4. Iraq war is a joke and is costing us $200 billion and American lives. He had the chance to capture Bin Laden, and then relied on Afghani troops to do the job. ......need I say more?
  2. Infected Mushroom puts on a performance like no one I've ever seen. Words can't really describe it. I saw them back in May and was completely blown away! Can't wait for this one!!
  3. Boston is gonna choke just like they always do. They might be up by 4 runs in the 9th, but they'll find a way to blow it. Remember last year? BTW, if the Yanks can't beat Derrick Lowe, then they don't deserve to be in the World Series. Bottom line: Bet all the money that you have on the Yankees tonight. You can all thank me tomorrow.
  4. Anyone else wish that Crobar would book Sasha AND Digweed together? That would be insane....
  5. Go Yanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm predicting that Boston will choke as usual. Probably due to the fact that their middle relief blows. 1918
  6. Yeah, Vivacious actually is a physical therapist by day. I've talked w/ him a few times and he's a pretty cool guy (don't know whether to call him a guy or girl!). You've gotta respect someone who has the confidence to dress is those crazy outfits and do his thing in the club every weekend.
  7. Sorry that I offended you bro. Keep pimpin' your trucker hat turned sideways. Whatever floats your boat. And I never said anything bad about guidos. They don't bother me as long as they are are respectful and not starting fights. But WTF are you ripping on Mask for? He's probably the most positive person on this board and never says a bad thing about anyone. Just shows how ignorant you really are.
  8. I would def. hit up Deep Dish @ Crobar. You won't be disappointed!
  9. More like wannabe meatheads LOL! I think my arms are bigger than that guy's on the right, and I'd never wear a tank top out to a club.
  10. Anyone who is over the age of 15 who wears a hat turned sideways should be banished from society.
  11. As long as people are respectful and friendly, I don't really care how much gel they put in their hair, or how much time they spend in the gym or tanning salon. I like to dress nicely when I go out too, but I wouldn't be caught dead in a tanning bed or getting my eyebrows waxed. But hey, if that's your style, than it's all good. It just bothers me when I see juiceheads who feel the need to push others out of their way rather than say, "Excuse me," and start fights and shit like that. BTW, Spirit definately draws its share of nice looking girls, but I think the ones at Crobar blow them outta the water. Just my opinion. Whatever your taste, it's all good. Just be respectful and have fun.
  12. That's awful. It's sad to see the direction that Spirit is headed into. You'd think that the owner would learn his lesson from all of the recent club closings and try to keep police/ambulances as far away from his club as possible. When Spirit first opened, I had a great time there. The crowds were classy and there was great talent being brought in (Satoshi Tomiie/Romero, Low End Specialists, DJ Vibe, etc.) I never saw a fight there, and the crowd was very friendly and having a good time. Even at some of JPs early parties, I never had any problems with the crowd/security. But after hearing things like this, I just kinda shake my head and wonder what the hell are the owners of these clubs are thinking. If people go to a club, they should at least be assured of a safe environment where their health is not jeopardized b/c someone was ignorant and let way too many people into the club. The owner better get his act together and learn how to run his club properly, otherwise it won't be around much longer. I'm just glad that Crobar is around and is bringing in good talent and crowds (and has good management), b/c I wouldn't want to deal with this shit when I'm out trying to have a good time.
  13. Is DT spinning @ Roxy on Thanksgiving Eve along w/ Lawler? B/c over on the Made Event site, it says DT/Lawler on Thanksgiving Eve, and says "Details coming soon."
  14. I couldn't agree more. I was listening to it in my car today and was definately feeling this mix. Track 6 (Tribal Madness) is insane! I'm gonna have to check him out live sometime soon. Thanks Sheldon.
  15. That statement about 75% of Al Qaeda's members being arrested is a bunch of BS! Their numbers are increasing at a higher rate than they are being arrested. Weak policies regarding imprisonment of these terrorists have allowed many of them to go free. Also, that statement Bush made about there being 100,000 trained Iraqi police was laughable.
  16. Bush totally got his ass handed to him by Kerry. What's funny is that foreign policy was supposed to be Bush's strong area LOL!! I can't wait until they get to the domestic issues........
  17. I pretty much agree w/ everything that Mask said. IMO, Crobar is the best of the big room clubs in NYC.
  18. I need the Cliff's notes for that post
  19. Only 1 more day left to vote after today! Results will be out by the end of October.
  20. Vote here: http://www.djmag.co.uk/vote.asp Voting ends on Oct. 1 @ midnight
  21. They need to get a new party going up in there. Sucks that such a great venue is going to waste at the moment. Gotta love the big dancefloor there.
  22. Nightlife in NYC is definately alive and kicking. It's not hard to find great DJs, fun clubs, and cool people. What the hell more could you want? But since people keep talking about Twilo, here's a pic for ya all......
  23. Based on the venue alone, I prefer Crobar over Avalon. I'd rather go somewhere that is 21+ (Crobar). Good music and a good looking crowd.
  24. Radio stations make money from companies that advertise on their stations. Big time companies will be afraid to shell out lots of money for an ad on an EDM station. They'd rather place their ads on pop/hip-hop stations where they will reach a larger audience.
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