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Everything posted by captainbooty

  1. Arrrrr, me thinks o' swimmin' with bowlegged women!
  2. This damsel has amazin' "fuck me" eyes. Ooh la la!
  3. I'd be hittin th' dame fr' certain. In an' out, wham bamm thank ye ma'am.
  4. Ahoy, all ye landlubbers, avast such negativity as has befallen this thread. Me desire was t' brin' an air o' comedy between th' two battlin' warwenches, an' get laid too, but me plan fer a solid treaty o' peace, an' mad butt-naked frolickin' between th' three o' us, was all fer naught. So avast all yer name callin' an' feces castin' an' lets go back t' th' partyin' an' sex talk. But Diablo an' Raincry, if thar be nay hope fer that three-way, howsabouts seperate ports o' call from me t' yer seperate harbors on seperate nights? They's say that three in a bed be worth more than just one in a bush, but I`d be pleased t' dock me large vessel in yer berths seperately. So who`s up fer a grog an' a hearty horizontal tango?
  5. Arrr, I could stare into her sparklin' eyes an' call her me mistress o' th' sea.
  6. Rainspeak an` Diabolique, ye both seem like a fine pair o` wenches, each wi` a fine pair o` ass cheeks an` a fine pair o` titties, but th` hatred spills from yer lovely bung holes like sludge from th` leaks in th` ship`s bilge. I don`t know what happened between ye t` make yas hate each other so much, but seein` th` two o` yas goin` at each other like two cobras be downstarboard ugly. So, I`ve got a prospective suggestion fer th` both o` ya, t` patch up yer differences wi` a little help from me. Did yous be seein` th` film Wild Things? It was th` bitter two lasses hatin` each other near about t` rip each other`s overies out when th` classy mate played by Matt Dillon said that ye ought ne`er end th` night mad at each other, an` th` trio went on t` French kiss each other an` be havin` mad sick roasty sex wi` each other. Th` moral o` th` story be, three-ways be th` surest way t` mend fierce hatreds, so I suggest that ye engage in a three way sex session t` pump out yer anger an` feel better in th` morning. An' it woudn't be a fittin` tree-way without yer`s truly playin` th` part done by Dillon. An` then we`ll all feel better in th` morning. Mark me words, wenches, we`ll all be glad ye took me advice. Would an old sea salt steer ya wrong? Arrrrrr.
  7. Arrrr, yu be a fine assed lass. Care t' share a grog wit me, an' let m' be the capt'n of yer booty?
  8. Fattened damsels give th' best blowjobs. They's always hungry so ye know they''s goin' t' swallow.
  9. She looks a bit like Marilyn Manson, me thinks.
  10. Because thar be lots o' seamen on board. Arr, arr, arr, arr! When we say come aboard, we do mean come aboard!
  11. Whar be th` sportsmanship in that? A better player be one on `er knees, IMO.
  12. An' there be not a better place fer it.
  13. Arrrr, Pardon me fer th' unsual way o' speakin' thar, but me concubine typed that fer me whilst I was takin' me trousers off fer a cannon polishin' session. But what be this chatter about Smokesum? He nay be me, an' me nay be he. Ya limer. Arrr.
  14. Her tongue is green. Either she just sucked off Kermit the Frog or the Jolly Green Giant.
  15. Arrrr, a tear to me eye those two be bringin' me. Thank ye fer postin' them.
  16. Were one o' th' brothers named djalextorsell by chance?
  17. I`ve a good mind t` bend ye o`er an` pop ye in th` pooper. Yer reputation on th' high seas precedes ye, ye whiney wench.
  18. An' Captain Booty be linkin' you, ya fair wench. Now put haste in yer steps and retire to me bed, and prepare to be boarded. Arrrrr.
  19. Arrr, me wants me bloody 2 minutes back. That was abouts as foony as a pie'rit speakin` proper bloody English.
  20. An' all little Peter could do was watch an' cry his little pansy eyes out.
  21. An' all little Peter could do was watch an' cry his little pansy eyes out.
  22. Shit nigga, I bent that little slut o'er an' butt fucked her proper. Th' wench be tight, she was.
  23. Why thank ye m`boy, fer th' offerin' o' tobacco on me birthday. I`ll enjoy smokin' sum o' whate'er it be ye`re offerin' me this day.
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