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JP @ Copa Reviewww

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Thats not ENTIRELY true.

I went to SoundFactory for about 1.5 yrs basically every weekend or so dead ass sober.

Not even alcohol.. just Redbulll and the dumdum lollipops they had on the bar on the 3rd floor.

I still had a great time.. I was very naive to drugs and how ppl were on them so it didnt bother me

From what I understand, JP used to spin alot more melodic and some uplifting stuff. Now its all tribal, dark industrial REPETITVE beats. He needs to stop locking himself in his room with Tina and tweaking himself the fuck out.

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From what I understand, JP used to spin alot more melodic and some uplifting stuff. Now its all tribal, dark industrial REPETITVE beats. He needs to stop locking himself in his room with Tina and tweaking himself the fuck out.

I dunno how much drugs have to do with him changing his music selection.. Times change and different music is in demand. He used to play alot more trance when trance was better from what I remember.

Just because he's playing more harder shit I dunno if its cuz of tina.. lol

If you go on that theory all Tech DJ's must be massive Tina Addicts huh?

And what about when JP went thru that gay disco phase? does that mean he was chewing on Shrooms in the studio?

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I would think that anyone that was at the party adn closed it out right now is either passed out in bed, or at an afterhours gathering discussing the night/ day or doing sometihing like dishes hahhahaha

I doubt you'll see any real reviews until tomorrow.

I did talk to a few of my friends that were there and I heard the same thing. There were an abnormally large amount of annoying teeny boppers there, it was packed but not OVERLY packed.. there wasn't a classics set played like the rumor that was flying around.

the only confirmed songs are

Show Me - Suzanne Palmer

Its over Now - Deb Cox

The Hurting - Donna someone

and Flow..

Thats all cuz my girl isnt' too good on tittles of songs, hehe

yea true, i didnt really think of that cause i didnt go. if i did then i would probally be sleeping still and recovering. i also talked to another friend of mine and he said he will never go see JP again in NYC in his life. all young people that dont know there ass from there face. all these wannabe factory rats there. like kids that are in the 18 to 20 group with SF shirts on and shit. like they really know how it was back then. all there was, were stage shows, he didnt see anyone perform. he said the music was ok. also stated that he thinks JP is changin his style of music but i dont understand what he ment by that.

anyway i personally think JP should get the hell out of NYC. im sure he can do alot better in other cities cause no NYC clubs will take him in without problems anymore. maybe his DJin days are comming to an end. but i had my sick ass times back at factory years back so im glad i was around then to hear him.

jack Z

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Just a little background on where I'm coming from before I start my review...I was a HUGE JP fan from about 2001-early 2004, but I think he has really gone downhill since then. I've been sober 90% of the time, so I'm not some reformed crackhead. The last party of his that I went to was the S&M one last April, and I wasn't impressed at all by the music and the crowd was gross. Hence, I haven't been to any JP parties since, but a guy I've been hanging out with convinced me to go and I was interested to see if JP has stepped up his game at all, so I went. Also, I was only there from about 11:30pm-4:30am b/c I was supposed to work today, but I figured I might as well throw my 2 cents in.

Music: sooooo boring...the only songs I remember are "The Hurting" and "Show Me" (Suzanne Palmer), which I LOVE, but all he did with it was loop one line of the vocal for awhile and then it was back to the repetitive beats.

Venue: Copa was very odd in general...the main room that JP was in was ok (of course it was packed) and the room upstairs was ok, but in general it reminded me of going to dance competitions in crappy hotels.

Crowd: Of course I expected the usual JP crowd but I thought it was particularly atrocious...wtf is up with people wearing shirts that say "I <3 JP" and other stupid stuff like that? Obviously you love JP if you're forking over $35 + to hear him spin at a shitty venue, and he couldn't care less.

I honestly never thought I would say this but this night pretty much confirmed that my JP days are over. Laughing at juiceballs just isn't entertaining enough if the music blows.

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leave the guy alone what are we goona do im pist i didnt even get in after a decade the rules were changed tonight no entry after seven hahah what a fucking joke i hate to hear that he is done cause i dont forget where i come from his name speaks for itself he was an incredible dj and no one could touch him when he is on ...but he has been off its a hit or miss these days what are you goona do ..but the door shit no exuse for that bullshit

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i almost died last night at jp's party i just got up from sweating my 103 fever now 7 pm. i'm still really weak and i dont know if i'm gonna go out for a while.the music was really Loud and banging i recognized a few old school tracks never seen a place so packed in my life.. it was crazy and you know how we're always talking about shuffle circles? well there was a circle every where it was beyond last night never again i think i'm done partying for a while after last night.Holy shit there was alot of 15 year olds tho geeezzz. it was hilarious when they showed the little docuDrama on the projectors showing his "legacy" there was no fucking way the crackheads were paying attention to that. last night was very fucking weird i've never felt so close to death as i did today. sooo done!!

ps:i'm sure there were poeple that o'd the cops showed up around 6:30

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I had a great time... The crowd was shitty of course. I kinda feel bad for JP because the crowd really is ruining it for him. Everywhere he plays theres always trouble. The music was alright with pretty good song selection I thought because I really didn't hear too many of the typical songs he always plays. I'm glad he didn't finish playing GTI and only played a clip of it but it got to me when upstairs started playing GTI and the full song. They even played the copa song upstairs.

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I was there from around 3 - 9...

The crowd was weird, some people were cool but most seemed like snobby crackheads. To give some credit though, there were a lot of good dancers... surprised me. The music was just okay leaning towards crappy. At some points he played some nice tracks, but for most of the night it felt like the same beat over and over.

Some tracks I remember:

Cevin Fisher & the Scumfrog - Paradise (vocal)

Suzanne Palmer - Show me

Capricorn - 20 hz (Chus Muchodrums mix)

Holmes Ives - 8 Letters (Calderone Edit)

DJ Paul - In your soul (Thomas Penton Mix)

Wally Lopez - I'm coming to London (Low End Specialists Fish 'n Chips Dub)

And thats all I remember for now... Overall, the night was bleh... could've been a lot better.

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You're right.. the music was pretty good.. but I liked it because I love that dark "evil" tribal which is mainly what he played. The crowd was pretty weird as a whole, I feel a lot of newbies came out that night and had NO CLUE what they were getting into. I stayed with a few close friends in the main room by the carpet area by the side doors and just ripped and had a good time. Does anyone know where we can get the videos that they filmed last night?? I know that you can all see pictures at i n l i s t dotcom ..but idk where to find the damn videos!

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