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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i'm gonna bring my camera; they'd better let me bring it in... o, and i'm probably gonna wear a long-sleeved blue shirt with embroidery on it that my mom made for my dad in the 70s. so the girl in that vintagey thing'll be me. and i'll leave super early, shorty, to allow for time to get lost, just in case !
  2. yep, lalate explained it just right, except for the sleeping with the webhost part ...
  3. ooo - i can't wait to see that !!! makeup is amazing stuff - so many possibilities. i recently took out all of kevyn aucoin's books from the library; aside from his penchant from plucking eyebrows into near extinction (but a lot of people do that), the man was a legend .
  4. c'mon, you guys! i want to see the rest of your three things!
  5. there's a vaccine for it now, phobik!!! isn't that crazy? my ten-year-old sister will never have to have the chickenpox ! go to the doc and get it!!!
  6. my advice is to say as little as possible. it seems to me that you are still attached to this girl, and, if you start talking, you'll either start wishing you were together again or you'll get angry about the breakup again. seeing an ex again is enough to bring up all kinds of upsetting feelings; talking about the past only brings up worse. and if she never got back to you about getting back together and she's the one who ended it in a cowardly way (i know what you mean; i had to practically tell someone to dump me, once, too, 'cause he was too much of a coward to do it himself), then you shouldn't bring up getting back together.
  7. one part of what joeg is saying, i think, is that you say "good" in the main part of the sentence, but "terrible" in the parentheses. that doesn't make sense. if you were trying to say that sometimes the original songs are good and sometimes they are terrible, that wasn't made clear. (adding the word "or" and a couple of commas would've made all the difference, if that is what you were trying to say.) just explaining, not taking sides .
  8. yeah, really, joeg; i was gonna say that you, nmn, and xlr8ted only have a circle triangle going on. if you're gonna do it, do it right .
  9. funny - i don't think that being really hot gives anyone more of a right to have an attitude than if one were "only average-looking." with me, everyone can check their bullshit at the door.
  10. none of the above .
  11. weyes


    i do give her props for that and think that makes her a good example for the kiddies. just think, though; she's still so young that she hasn't fully settled into her woman's body, yet. who knows what other curves lie ahead?
  12. :clap2: :rofl: you guys are amazing!!! i knew you wouldn't let me down! my faves: double-clicking the mouse petting the kitty (it only makes sense!) tiptoe through the twolips lady fingers and cream playing the clitar some questionable ones (i dunno about these...): making soup battery testing the saddlehorn samba i always thought "rubbing one out" referred to guys, "one" being a load. you know, like actually jerking off till you shoot a load. i dunno. thanks, though!!! these are hilarious and i think i'll try to put them in conversation as often as possible !
  13. i'm deleting drama as fast as i can (those become bumps)!!! this board has been busy with good stuff lately, too, though .
  14. santa monica city college (smcc) is a great one, but it, like so many others, has had a bunch of cutbacks recently. i'd check them out, though.
  15. when making an important or expensive purchase, even if it seems that it's exactly what one wants, one should pay attention to the return policy to avoid costly mistakes or mishaps. tune in tomorrow.
  16. seriously, yo, this isn't fair. guys have so many good ones: "waxing my shillelagh," "spanking the monkey," and then just good ol' general ones: "jerking off," "beating off..." but all that girls have - that i know of - is just plain old "masturbating." i want a cool way to say it, too ! are there already terms out there? please enlighten.
  17. weyes


    beyonce's pretty, but she looks waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy older than she is; did you guys know that she's only 22????? i would've said more like over 28, at least .
  18. and in reference to your later post: well-said .
  19. have you been stalking me ?
  20. weyes

    Ladies.....how many??

    people - i can't believe what you're focusing on, here. hotchick just said one of her boyfriends had an 11-inch dick. hello?!?!?!? does anyone else find that hard to believe or, at least, notable??? ok, i don't see that much porn (just what my friendly neighborhood cp brings), but i don't know about this 11-inch dick shit. i mean, come onnnnn .
  21. that's always fun --- not !!! i've never been there. sim01 or lrcn - you guys know that joint, right? where's a good place? i know what shortystar looks like, but she's hard to find sometimes, and my vision is as bad as an owl's these days !!!i'll post what i'll be wearing, though.
  22. good luck on the job, shorty! and i've heard that stepping in shit is good luck, so i guess it should be the same for birds pooping on you!
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