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Everything posted by weyes

  1. BROKEass. welcome to my world of toys.
  2. give a friend that ride home s/he needs in a tight spot sometime. his/her gratitude will far outweigh your inconvenience . tune in tomorrow.
  3. wow - that's one of those questions that makes my mind suddenly go blank... i'll try and get back to you.
  4. a meeting was called for this monday, with the district manager coming in and everyone's attendance required. the meeting was set up after the main lab tech had a "talk" with the district manager, and everyone's pretty sure that it was about issues he has with the store manager. the store manager's been nicer lately ... anyway, there's a "secret box" in which we're supposed to put our complaints, questions, or compliments (don't see many of them coming ), and i wanna add my 2 cents in about how i feel about the manager. pretty much, she treats us as though we're children, or stupid - sometimes stupid children. she's the one who doesn't have that much upstairs sometimes, but that's another story ... ANycrap, i did write a note tonight, but it'll be totally obvious to everyone that i wrote it. i correct the grammar and spelling in the company newsletters and the santa monica newspapers while reading them and get peeved that people are making more money than i am as copy editors, while failing at their jobs. i'm just bitter about that shit. people at my work don't have very big vocabularies, either, so put that all together and this note is obviously mine. i really do find it necessary to say something, though, and i wanna turn in what i wrote. i'm just worried that there might be negative repercussions. technically, the managers couldn't say or do anything against me and seem justified on paper, as it was a "secret" note... whaddya think i should do ?
  5. mssabina thinks the guy from newsies is hot !!! nyeah nyeah nya nyeah nyeah!!!
  6. the spundae messageboard usually offers presales for $15 on the tuesday before or so. you just have to register on that website: http://pub80.ezboard.com/bspundae44643 also, our own alex90028 sometimes has a list there. you can pm him . and yes, buy presales!!!!! you will sail in, no problem, in a few minutes (say, 3). without them, you will actually have to wait in a line . wait in line??? wtf??? o, and that night, they'll probably be $30. do NOT wait. i get there at 10:15ish or so, which some people consider early, but i like it that way. lostin310 has said that he's has to wait on line for a long time, even with presales, when he's gotten to the club at 11. might as well get there early. the patio's beautiful and a nice place to hang out if you need to waste time. there is no dress code. wear whatever you want . as for cameras, they've started confiscating disposables, but every now and then i see someone with a digital. i don't know if that's 'cause people sneak them in or if the management allows digitals and not disposbles, but the latter makes no sense. i'd think it's sneaking. you do go through a metal detector, though, so they'll probably find it during their frisk - which they generally only do if you beep. lastly, spundae's my fave place, anywhere . you'll have to have a great time - it's unavoidable .
  7. ever buy a new kind of razor only to find that it doesn't function the way it says it does on the package? has a company ever discontinued your favorite scent of body wash? well, be a responsible consumer! it may seem silly to write (and/or call) companies, but that's why they put their addresses and telephone numbers on the packages. make companies make good on their promises, and get your vote heard when it comes to the discontinued stuff; enough of an outcry may convince those who matter that continuing the manufacture of the item may be more profitable than they thought and that they just have to market it differently (or something). at any rate, giving that a shot doesn't hurt. and another thing, doing this keeps people employed!!! we've got such a shitty economy right now; i like to make management see the validity of and need for everyone's jobs. so, after your letter or the return of your dissatisfying product, one always gets a response. i have always gotten a letter back, and two companies called me (though i don't quite recall if i gave them my phone number...). and always, always, i have gotten free stuff - even if it's for a product that's just similar to the one they're discontinuing and that i loved so much. i had 2 pairs of patent leather converses (way back in the day) that tore apart within a month, and, not only did converse replace them with a pair of whatever i wanted after that, a guy called me on the phone just to chat for an hour or so. i was then surprised with another pair of shoes, totally free. anycrap, moral of the story: be an involved consumer and everyone wins in their own little ways . tune in tomorrow.
  8. (i know the answer and you hijacked my "knock, knock," but i'll answer you, anyway .)nunya who?
  9. you don't look too happy ; good thing you aren't together anymore !
  10. just a little reminder that today is drama-free in this forum, and, o - tomorrow will be, too. thanks for your attention to this matter .
  11. how about the time a guy stopped me on a platform in times square to ask me what size shoe i wear? i'm tall, so he figured i'd have big feet. i do, which only makes sense, but this was somehow exciting, for him. "would you take off your shoes for me?" he asked. but now spragga and i are good friends. jk .
  12. i think it's crucial that they know about each other. i could go through all of the scenarios that lead me to that opinion, but i'd be here typing just a little too long ... just know that, if you do anything behind anyone's back, it will not be well-received .
  13. yeah, really, play dead .
  14. weyes

    Self Tanner Cream

    putting aside the hilarious sass in this thread for a sec ... i think peeps should be applauding evan for his health-conscious avoidance of overexposure to uv rays. in this day and age, i am dumbfounded by people who not only seek out tans, but think they even look good. i used to just think they're tacky and are proof of a life of sloth; now i believe they demonstrate that and that, as cancer-chasers, their owners/wearers aren't very bright. feh, end of speech .
  15. weyes


    like the sig .
  16. snitching is low . tune in tomorrow.
  17. sounds good to me; never been to a tapas bar .
  18. whoops - sorry . i thought you'd change to "old skool."
  19. finally, someone said, "tom jones" !!! i was beginning to wonder if y'all had forgotten him .
  20. ice skating hot in herre, so take off all your clothes...
  21. your next post is your 100th and i believe you'll change status. get to it !!!
  22. one need not be somber while honoring someone's memory . tune in tomorrow.
  23. rock on, blue. do you know of a place? we should start a thread for a meetup as soon as someone can think of either a good place or day, and then we all can pick out the other (the place or day). ideas?
  24. the number of nights i go out doesn't reflect on how many i would, if i could . i only go out about once a month because i can't afford to go out any more than that. even with reduced admission and the fact that i drink water, the water's $4 sometimes & a tip for the bartender, then parking... seriously - to have to think about a night out in those terms is to really know that one needs to get a better job!!!!!!!!
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