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Everything posted by clubbingirl

  1. A little boy came down to breakfast. Since he lived on a farm, his mother asked if he had done his chores. “Not yet,†said the little boy. His mother tells him he can’t have any breakfast until he does his chores. Well, he’s a little pissed, so he goes to feed the chickens, and he kicks a chicken. He goes to feed the cows, and he kicks a cow. He goes to feed the pigs, and he kicks a pig. He goes back in for breakfast and his mother gives him a bowl of dry cereal. “How come I don’t get any eggs and bacon? Why don’t I have any milk in my cereal?†he asks. “Well,†his mother says, “I saw you kick a chicken, so you don’t get any eggs. I saw you kick the pig, so you don’t get any bacon, either. I also saw you kick the cow, so you aren’t getting any milk this morning.†Just about then, his father comes down for breakfast, and he kicks the cat as he’s walking into the kitchen. The little boy looks up at his mother with a smile, and says, “Are you going to tell him, or should I?†OHHH SHIET
  2. One day Mom was cleaning Junior's room and in the closet she found a bondage S&M magazine. This was highly upsetting for her. She hid the magazine until his Father got home and showed it to him. He looked at it and handed it back to her with out a word. So she asked him, "What should we do about this?" Dad looked at her and said, "Well I don't think you should spank him."
  3. Oooo i was deciding between those and the coral shell C's....!
  4. a lil OT but... went to AC this weekend. JP was spinning at Mixx. it was $40/cover. so then we were goign to get bottles, but they wanted 3 bottles for 11 people. we knew we couldn't finish 3 bottles...
  5. yo have u ever heard of getting a job and buying stuff yourself?
  6. i absolutely HATE it when clubs do this!!!! I mean, just be frank in the beginning (flyer, whatever). we can take it, we're big kids.
  7. An English professor told her students that there would be no excuse for not showing up for their final exam, except for serious injury, illness, or a death in the student's immediate family. A smartass jock in the back of the room asked, "What about extreme sexual exhaustion?" The entire class did its best to stifle their laughter. When silence was restored, the teacher smiled sympathetically at the student, shook her head, and sweetly said, "You can write with your other hand."
  8. "Say, what's your name?" the bartender asked the first duck "Huey," was the reply "How's your day been, Huey?" "Great. Lovely day. Had a ball. Been in and out of puddles all day. What else could a duck want?" said Huey. "Oh. That's nice," said the bartender. He turned to the second duck, "Hi, and what's your name?" "Dewey," came the answer from duck number two. "So how's your day been, Dewey?" he asked. "Great. Lovely day. I've had a ball too. Been in and out of puddles all day myself. What else could a duck want?" The bartender turned to the third duck and said, "So, you must be Louie?" "No," she said, batting her eyelashes. "My name Puddles."
  9. i'd say usually boat parties are usually cocktail attire. What kind of party is it? (i'm actually going to one next next weekend too) It sounds like what you're planing to wear is fine. if you wanna look more formal, do up your hair, wear stillettos/ open toed heels, and have a nice purse w/u.
  10. how much is it per area? ^ it depends on the area...some parts i shave, others wax.
  11. is it rainy there tooooooooooooo?
  12. me toooooooooooooo! i just got a new pair this weekend. it set me back though $$$
  13. i feel like there has been 3948754 posts about what epople are doing this weekend. but yeah, going down to AC.
  14. word up^. we were in the top 15 in the nation when i left.
  15. ^ lacrosse & field hockey NCAA DIII
  16. i guess it depends on the body type. (ex. if i drink anything w/caffine tea, coke, coffee, i have a hard time sleeping at night) so my coaches in college didn't want us taking advil for practices b/c if we were hurting ourselves during a practice, but couldn't feel it...more damage than good was being done. [but thats just my experience]
  17. i dont get any pop ups either (ughh not that i want any)
  18. hmmm, well, i'd wear compression shorts if you don't bandage it during the gym and for your game. don't work out too hard - a slow long jog might help loosen it up? i guess dpeending on how it feels. also, i wouldn't take advil when u go to the gym. dont forget to take the time to stretch before and after. goodluck in healing.
  19. http://www.israel-music.com/browse/jewelry/bracelets/ $130 - "Beautiful Silver and leather bracelet with a touch of gold and a semi-precious stone. Engraved on the stone is one of the 72 names of god combinations. " CRAP
  20. you should def be seeing your trainer DAILY!!!!!!!!!!!! i went daily to get stretched and to ice for the swelling and to heat right before a game. you're not suppose to take advil or anything during a game (cause you could really hurt yoruself and not feel it), but i did it anyway. also you should be eating right so that the healing process goes faster.
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