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Everything posted by djmasterweb

  1. Yes, and LaLate is actually a former gang member himself but decided he would rather gang bang hot chicks. But in all seriousness, he is correct. Even though some of us family bicker and make smart comments, the truth is we are all here to help people enjoy their experiences in Vegas. Thanks for keeping it real LaLate.
  2. Just in case people don't know what the Rock Steady Crew is all about... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rock_Steady_Crew With that said I still think its wrong to accuse someone of biting when in fact it didn't happen - obviously there's some sort of personal history there. We all do our thing - and no, that doesn't mean everything is a battle. AM is holding it down in a big way, as are several others here in Vegas, OPM included. Props and respect to the people who help formed hip-hop and some of that love should extend to the family who keeps the fire burning... Peace.
  3. It's mall security and on duty detail by Metro. OPM felt it would be smart to make sure customers enjoy the peace, so the club hires ample security every night. OPM actually cares about its customer's safety, hence the reason there hasn't been one major incident in over two years of being the city's premiere hip-hop spot, packed almost every night its open. As far as your experience at the club, it was packed tonight once again, hence the temperature hitting high numbers. And FYI 1342 girls came through and 726 fellas so not sure how you calculated the ratios. As far as the music, the club was crackin until 5:30 in the morning so luckily others appeared to enjoy it As far as Mr Freeze, it's all good in the hood my man. Stay down with it homeslice
  4. Thanks Mr Vegas for keeping it real. And I don't know who the dj was in the hip-hop lounge at Ice that night but I thought it was advertised as a Rock Steady crew and I didn't recognize who it was, but the night I went his style wasn't so earth shattering that all other djs should feel inferior the way Freeze puts it. But anyway its all good. I need to go do some work now.
  5. Despite the fact that your point included racism (who the hell cares what color Crooklyn and I am), I did enjoy that you wrote it in English unlike the post by Mr. Freeze before yours lol. My advice to Freeze is that if someone wants to be recognized for achievement, the worst way to get the message across is to rant and rave about how he is all that and everyone else is dog shit (and those other people are also holding it down now in a big way). That type of communication rubs people the wrong way and certainly builds the opposite of respect. Anyway I'm out. I need to put on my bullet proof vest for tonight's job
  6. Not a hater newbie. What DJ are you referring to anyway because I am friends with most of the guys out here who spin hip-hop. If you read through the threads, your boy was the one hating, disrespecting and accusing DJ AM in the first place. Then a bunch of well respected DJs came to AM's rescue (including Dig Dug, Crooklyn Clan and others) which sparked another round of hating. The worst part of it is that the accusations were false. Adam never bit the stuff he said, and now I see in other boards, Freeze is still accusing him of it - bad business. Anyway peace out.
  7. No problem. Also want to add that guest lists are limited in nature so there still is a very big value in working with hosts that can get you past the line, etc., especially after midnight. But if you are willing to come early (before 11) most spots can be easy to deal with directly. Pure may be an exception to that though.
  8. LOL this is good material! Someone who is "down" with hip-hop throwing out ignorant comments about gang stigma in an urban hip-hop club LOL! I cannot even start to imagine what else this cat has going on in his brain lol.
  9. Dude I'm sorry. Just been a bit overloaded with work lately and sorry if I took it out on you.
  10. One other thing: Nirvana stays open later - I believe until 10pm. I believe Rehab closes around 7pm.
  11. Well at least we have something in common.
  12. That may be true for Pure, but most clubs actually *do* honor their guest lists as long as people follow the rules and come on time, but then again independent hosts don't want people to believe that or the value of their surplus charge goes down.
  13. You must have one hell of a following if it required you spamming every single city's forum on CP to get the word out on your Sunday night event in Vegas. I sure hope your djs spin better than you market. First coming up on here and accusing AM of biting your mixes which turned out to be COMPLETELY false and I have proof. Then insulting everyone stating they don't know how to dj (yet you never even heard them dj) and now spamming the shit out this forum system. You really are a class act. Oh and by the way I heard one of your djs at Ice a couple of Wednesdays ago in the lounge. I won't even comment. So please hit me back with one of ebonic's best like last time.
  14. Well that's one way for them to save about $10,000 or more probably. If I were you, I'd just be happy there's a local club willing to shell out the dough to bring Oakenfold in the first place. Because they could bring Scotty Boy and other residents and still sell out that weekend. I know I'll be spending about $500 total for talent for my whole weekend at OPM and I guarantee you nobody will be complaining
  15. Saturday is the best of the three, but all nights get busy by midnight. Early there are way more girls than guys but after midnight the ratios even out.
  16. The ridiculously hot weather in the west is hurting room sales right now so that could actually benefit people looking for bargains, especially since the hottest weather has now passed.
  17. Ra is still doing house on Wednesdays but Ice is the better choice, Deep Dish tonight. Vivid all hip-hop nice cozy party. OPM Latin. Tangerine is torture on Wednesday unless you shell out for a table. My boy Riz is spinning there tonight and I still wouldn't go due to their blatant disregard of fired code times three.
  18. djmasterweb


    Last week was slow in town - I guess the 115+ degrees does that.
  19. P.S. I know everyone has their own way to market and that's cool. If you want to see how the honest approach works, sign up on my list at www.o-pm.com/index2.html I send out two emails every week and I talk about the busy nights and the slow ones. I try to explain the benefits of the slower nights (like free seating, drink specials, etc.) And I even mention other clubs and events that would be of interest to the people on my list and I rarely profit from those recommendations. The reward is amazing. People actually believe what I write because they know I'm not selling them on some hype that fails to deliver. Anyway, it's all good and my point stands. Keep it real and you will build credibility and earn other's respect. It's a principal that rarely fails.
  20. Actually that is *exactly* what I did - kept it real in both threads. Sometimes the truth hurts. My position has been and always will be pretty simple. Say the truth. And don't just support the things that line your pocket. Don't paint a picture that doesn't exist. When it comes to message boards, tell the plain truth and people shall respect. If you provide honesty, people will give you the credibility you deserve, and your parties will benefit from true loyalty. I do want to see Ice succeed just like every other club in Vegas. However I do not want to see people use misleading tricks or false representation to fool others into thinking something is what it isn't. If that's not keeping it real, I don't know what is.
  21. Well Pure is closed Thursdays. I would suggest switching Thursday to Rain and Friday to Pure.
  22. No hating intended. However if five people post testimonials in one thread and they are all first time posters, it is natural for experienced message board participants to jump to the puppet conclusion. I would suggest telling your team to put some credentials into their posts, and let people know they are real people, not sock puppets. It will add credibility. I'm sure this Wednesday will be off the hook and I wish you only the best success... as always I'm just trying to keep it real.
  23. Yeah check it out - its a nice party in a cozy venue especially if you don't feel like being a sardine at that other venue lol.
  24. Four first time posters all testimonializing a new night. Do us all a favor. Promote your night but you don't need to use sock puppets to get the word out. If the party rocks, real people will spread the word for you. I was there on Wednesday and it was quite dead actually. However I came at 2am so maybe missed the crowd.
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