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CP DJ OF THE MONTH...You Make The Final Decision

CP DJ Of The Month  

89 members have voted

  1. 1. CP DJ Of The Month

    • DJ Justin Higgins
    • DJ Mike Bugout
    • DJ Bennett Groove

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Thanks to alot of you, the thing I love most, causes the most problems.

I don't want to play at Roxy under CP. I don't want to play becuase most of you think this is rigged.

But thank you to A-Luv and Bobby Goodrich putting me in the Top3.

Michael, best of luck to you playing at Roxy.

I don't want anything to do with this.

Thank you guys so much for saying that this was "rigged/biased" etc.

Enjoy your Roxy! I'll be at Vinyl. :)

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Originally posted by djustinh

Thanks to alot of you, the thing I love most, causes the most problems.

I don't want to play at Roxy under CP. I don't want to play becuase most of you think this is rigged.

But thank you to A-Luv and Bobby Goodrich putting me in the Top3.

Michael, best of luck to you playing at Roxy.

I don't want anything to do with this.

Thank you guys so much for saying that this was "rigged/biased" etc.

Enjoy your Roxy! I'll be at Vinyl. :)

nah fuck that. dont let these people discourage u. it dont matter wut u think. if u win this contest u should spin. i know this is a popularity contest...and honestly..these votes shouldnt mean shit, cuz its not fair to all 3 of u. the promoters at roxy or whoever listend to the demos should make the final decision. IMO, i think u should spin one week, and bugout another, and the third guy (shit i forgot his name) another week
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No its really ok, im far from discouraged. I've had the oppurunity to play main floor at Exit, Sound Factory Friday, World, Aria, and many other places in new york... it's not a big deal

It's a big deal when people accuse it of being rigged, so be it. If bobby g. and aluv would like to put me on and open for JV, ** as long as CP isn't involved ** they know I would be more than happy to play for them.

All of my mixes are floating around, so it's really not a big deal to me honestly.

Im not in this for fame, money, or "CP Love." This board has their favorites reguardless of quality, skill, or not. So be it, i'd rather play and be asked then be voted. its okie... I mean shit, im in my studio allllllll day and night making drum loops, working on records, trading music, collectng musik, sorting through music, goin to distributors to pick up music, ripping vinyls etc. etc. dancing around in my basement with a record sleeve on my head while Robbie Rivera's Not So Innocent Dub is being slammed in my basement... i jump up and down to the sounds of drrrrrums. hehe i love what i do... theres more nights to come, no sweat :)

No biggie. Mike will have fun.

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Originally posted by djustinh

No its really ok, im far from discouraged. I've had the oppurunity to play main floor at Exit, Sound Factory Friday, World, Aria, and many other places in new york... it's not a big deal

It's a big deal when people accuse it of being rigged, so be it. If bobby g. and aluv would like to put me on and open for JV, ** as long as CP isn't involved ** they know I would be more than happy to play for them.

All of my mixes are floating around, so it's really not a big deal to me honestly.

Im not in this for fame, money, or "CP Love." This board has their favorites reguardless of quality, skill, or not. So be it, i'd rather play and be asked then be voted. its okie... I mean shit, im in my studio allllllll day and night making drum loops, working on records, trading music, collectng musik, sorting through music, goin to distributors to pick up music, ripping vinyls etc. etc. dancing around in my basement with a record sleeve on my head while Robbie Rivera's Not So Innocent Dub is being slammed in my basement... i jump up and down to the sounds of drrrrrums. hehe i love what i do... theres more nights to come, no sweat :)

No biggie. Mike will have fun.

Okay .. where to begin.

Justin, first off, only my mother calls me michael and thats when shes pissed. Now i scrolled back and only found 3 posts (2 by quoth and one other) that accuse this being fixed. Far from "most of you people"

Also, you calling it "your roxy" makes me think that you never even wanted to spin there in the first place. If you love the musik so much, you should be excited to play there for that many people. Somehow maybe its me but your replies kinda got a "screw u guys i dont need that place anyway" kinda tone to them. :(

Another thing, since I'm normally on good terms with you, Im going to assume that you didnt mean to sound demeaning to me saying that "mike will have fun" I know u prolly didnt mean it that way--must be all the drama left over on this ny board.:laugh:

I agree we should have had a way to let everyone hear some samples from the demos, but that kinda defeats the purpose of having a CP DJ open. The quality and skills are there for all of us who got picked. Bobby and Aluv picked the finalists, and they turned it over to daniela to find out of those 3 who CP wanted. So yes, it kinda was a popularity contest. But i know a lot of people who voted for me have heard me play or heard my cd's or heard good things about me, same for justin and same for bennett.

If it would have said, JP, JV or Draper, you would have considered your vote on what you heard from them in the past, and if u never heard them, you'd prolly vote based on what things you've heard.

Anyways--I dunno where this goes from here, but I am sad to see that Justin feels that way that he has to drop out. It would be fantastic to open for Johnny as the CP DJ or whatever u wanna call me. Ever since sexy fridays started I've wanted to play there (ask Lanie, I bug her all the time:D ). Stage crew!!

what goes on now?

Mike BuGouT

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Originally posted by ibclubbin

if you boys cant agree, then its gonna have to be me:D


I agree. I vote for BG, now that he is a changed person and out of that scumhole known as Silver...er..i mean Platinum. Just give the boy a bottle of wine and let the :cheese: flow. :D

just fuckin with ya big guy. :tongue:

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rigged shmigged. . .:blown: stop crying. . .

Am i the only one who came across the point that if there is to be a "CP Dj of the Month". . .CP'ers should decide which "Cp DJ's" should be top 3 or what have you? :confused:

or am i missing some greater plan? :idea:

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~~~im not gonna say who i voted for......but i dont think this is rigged at all...if a-luv didnt want higgins the fact that he is dee's bf would not help in any way!!!! besides who ever doesnt get picked this time will get picked next time so dont worry about

and justin.....noone accused u hun so dont worry about stupid ppl who are hating on others ;)

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Originally posted by msoprano13

i vote for nycmuzik2000

othewise my vote is none of em....sorry but i gotta hear them spin before i can vote

:laugh: Thanks alot bro

As far as all this is concerned. I feel sorry for the 3 dj's that were selected as the finalists. There should have been some system setup before they were announced where everyone could listen to their demo's before we voted. Unfortunetly that didnt happen and this has turned into a popularity contest. A majority of us have never heard ALL 3 of these dj's and thus cannot make the right choice. Everyone on this board knows about Justin and Mike. But what about Bennet? Most of us have never heard anything from him. But it doesnt mean that he's not capable of playing at Roxy. We just need to hear the damn demo's these guys sent in. I wouldnt mind sitting here for 3 hours listening to some music before deciding who to vote on. Although the people behind the contest were looking to do something good, the planning that went into it just caused it to look real bad....

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Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

:laugh: Thanks alot bro

As far as all this is concerned. I feel sorry for the 3 dj's that were selected as the finalists. There should have been some system setup before they were announced where everyone could listen to their demo's before we voted. Unfortunetly that didnt happen and this has turned into a popularity contest. A majority of us have never heard ALL 3 of these dj's and thus cannot make the right choice. Everyone on this board knows about Justin and Mike. But what about Bennet? Most of us have never heard anything from him. But it doesnt mean that he's not capable of playing at Roxy. We just need to hear the damn demo's these guys sent in. I wouldnt mind sitting here for 3 hours listening to some music before deciding who to vote on. Although the people behind the contest were looking to do something good, the planning that went into it just caused it to look real bad....

Although I wanted to ramain out of this thread, I completely agree. There is no way for everyone to know about all three and make a non-biased decision.

I am not going to vote for anybody because I have only heard three songs of a demo by Bugout and a couple tracks in the red room by Justin that I didn't particularly care for....but that is no basis for me to make a decision. It would be completely unfair and from what I hear Greg Bennett lays down a wicked set.

I am not going to throw stones cause I know for a fact that I didn't treat this the way I should of, the only demo of mine that Dee had was something I gave her after my Pseudo set one night that I whipped together off the top of my head that day for some of my friends and never put real effort into....but like I said its my own damn fault.

No one can really pull a true cast for a vote cause it is doubtul anyone has heard all three.....but if demos were put up so everyone could hear......then that would be another story.

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Ok point is what some people do not understand

We asked for "OPENING MUSIC" not gabber, not hard house, not anything that will out play Johnny or leave him with nothing to work with. I'm sure there are tons of DJ's on CP that play amazing music, but you know what I either didn't get a CD or their music wasn't opening music.

Opening Music = Progressive House

which is what Bennett and Justin spin

but since their was such a controversy over Justin spinning because we happen to be dating he dropped out. And since Bennett is not "CP POPULAR" he did not get as many votes and Justin or Mike.

Personally Mike you know you and I have no problems. And personally I like your music, but to me it's not opening music.

This contest has been taken out of my hands and has been put into higher powers of Bobby, A-Luv and Johnny, I am only the messanger.

Also to those who consistantly threw it in my face that Justin was picked as one of the top 3, you need to realize that you don't know all the facts, and you don't know the conversations that went on about this contest and you did not hear the CD's so just because he is my boyfriend does not mean that is a reason he was picked. If he wasn't my boyfriend I think no one would have had any issues with him being up their.

The majority of you that I spoke to said "there is something just not right about him being up their" and that is not fair to him, and that is why he dropped out of the running. I just wish you would all sometimes just re-think what you are going to say and also think about ROXY's crowd, the people it draws and the music that must be played there.

So in due time we will announce the winner and how things will be worked out since everyone mad such a fucking big deal about it things are in the process of being worked out.

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

Ok point is what some people do not understand

We asked for "OPENING MUSIC" not gabber, not hard house, not anything that will out play Johnny or leave him with nothing to work with. I'm sure there are tons of DJ's on CP that play amazing music, but you know what I either didn't get a CD or their music wasn't opening music.

Opening Music = Progressive House

which is what Bennett and Justin spin

but since their was such a controversy over Justin spinning because we happen to be dating he dropped out. And since Bennett is not "CP POPULAR" he did not get as many votes and Justin or Mike.

Personally Mike you know you and I have no problems. And personally I like your music, but to me it's not opening music.

This contest has been taken out of my hands and has been put into higher powers of Bobby, A-Luv and Johnny, I am only the messanger.

Also to those who consistantly threw it in my face that Justin was picked as one of the top 3, you need to realize that you don't know all the facts, and you don't know the conversations that went on about this contest and you did not hear the CD's so just because he is my boyfriend does not mean that is a reason he was picked. If he wasn't my boyfriend I think no one would have had any issues with him being up their.

The majority of you that I spoke to said "there is something just not right about him being up their" and that is not fair to him, and that is why he dropped out of the running. I just wish you would all sometimes just re-think what you are going to say and also think about ROXY's crowd, the people it draws and the music that must be played there.

So in due time we will announce the winner and how things will be worked out since everyone mad such a fucking big deal about it things are in the process of being worked out.

Dee, no offense, you are kinda missing the point of most of this thread.

This thread is about voting for the dj, and no one knows how each one performs. You gotta just upload the demos somehow so everyone can hear and vote. I am not knocking the process on how it was picked, and I don't think it was smart for Justin to drop out, but to choose by the board needs to be done on more basis than simply heresay and propoganda.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Dee, no offense, you are kinda missing the point of most of this thread.

This thread is about voting for the dj, and no one knows how each one performs. You gotta just upload the demos somehow so everyone can hear and vote. I am not knocking the process on how it was picked, and I don't think it was smart for Justin to drop out, but to choose by the board needs to be done on more basis than simply heresay and propoganda.

I told you, someone show me how to upload a CD and/or turn it into a wav or mp3 file and ill do it

but nooooooooooooooooooo no one showed me

but thats beside the point

contest ruined







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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

I told you, someone show me how to upload a CD and/or turn it into a wav or mp3 file and ill do it

but nooooooooooooooooooo no one showed me

but thats beside the point

contest ruined







Jesus.....ask Alan or Mike or any of the other tech heads on this board......there are only a few hundred of them.

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

Personally Mike you know you and I have no problems. And personally I like your music, but to me it's not opening music.

Mike spins all types of house, and If you wanted an opening progressive set, I am sure he would lay down something ill.

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