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Ultra Reviews!!!!!!!

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Way too tired to post a full review right now but it was fucking insane. Good seeing so many familiar faces and meeting new ones as well. Can't wait till next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bounce:


word up son, the mud fights were outrageous, yo NMN it was great finally meeting you man, next time i got the first round ..

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I thought I was going to have to eat my words after all the screwing around for Mylo - very disappointed I didn't get to see a whole set from him.

Still, it allowed me the chance to catch Danny Tenaglia for the first time (not sure why I've never got around to it before) and the good times started from there.

Then, the Chemical Brothers arrived..........

The sound at the start of the set seemed a little weak, but then all of a sudden it was like somebody turned the volume up to 11, Spinal Tap style, and it just seemed to take off. Absolutely unbelievable! It may just be a knee jerk reaction, but it might well be one of the best live performances I have EVER seen!!

I've seen them a number of times before at various festivals and gigs over the years, but yesterday was just a whole new level. Highlights for me had to be Star Guitar, Surface to Air and Golden Path, but enjoyed the whole set from start to finish - good to hear some of the older tracks.

So, thank you Ultra, come back again - just sort out those technical difficulties and make sure Tom and Ed sign on the dotted line........

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I thought I was going to have to eat my words after all the screwing around for Mylo - very disappointed I didn't get to see a whole set from him.

Still, it allowed me the chance to catch Danny Tenaglia for the first time (not sure why I've never got around to it before) and the good times started from there.

Then, the Chemical Brothers arrived..........

The sound at the start of the set seemed a little weak, but then all of a sudden it was like somebody turned the volume up to 11, Spinal Tap style, and it just seemed to take off. Absolutely unbelievable! It may just be a knee jerk reaction, but it might well be one of the best live performances I have EVER seen!!

I've seen them a number of times before at various festivals and gigs over the years, but yesterday was just a whole new level. Highlights for me had to be Star Guitar, Surface to Air and Golden Path, but enjoyed the whole set from start to finish - good to hear some of the older tracks.

So, thank you Ultra, come back again - just sort out those technical difficulties and make sure Tom and Ed sign on the dotted line........

Saw Tara reid....damn she looked hot...the ultra tent was off the wall...DT and Morillo ripped it....for some reason the main stage was having sound difficulties and there was no bass until Chemical bros came on and they absoloutely killed it....there were so many people in the Ultra tent...that next year...maybe it makes sense to put DT and Morillo on the main stage...just my 2 cents....otherwise sick time....the show should definitely be longer though....they started late and ended early...

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As somebody who has been to festivals all over Europe I can't believe how shoddy this one was. The organisation was miserable and who ever Ultra got to take care of the sound should be shown to the guillotine. Timo Mass, Mylo and Oakenfold all spoiled by a messed up sound system, that's unforgivable. But fair play to those of you in the tents I couldn't take the heat in those ovens, too much for me. Still The Chemical Brothers saved the day, what a stellar performance. They were in a class of their own.

I can't believe there are good reviews for this mess and i can only assume that those of you who thought it was great were:

a) Thirteen and happy to be out of Mummies sight for 5 minutes.

B) So wasted on pills you might as well have been at a line dancing event.

c) Your first festival and nothing to compare it to.

I have a stinking suspicion that © is the winner, which is very sad. Maybe next year they will fix the mistakes and give a festival worthy of the city, they sure have a lot to make up for.

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As somebody who has been to festivals all over Europe I can't believe how shoddy this one was. The organisation was miserable and who ever Ultra got to take care of the sound should be shown to the guillotine. Timo Mass, Mylo and Oakenfold all spoiled by a messed up sound system, that's unforgivable. But fair play to those of you in the tents I couldn't take the heat in those ovens, too much for me. Still The Chemical Brothers saved the day, what a stellar performance. They were in a class of their own.

I can't believe there are good reviews for this mess and i can only assume that those of you who thought it was great were:

a) Thirteen and happy to be out of Mummies sight for 5 minutes.

B) So wasted on pills you might as well have been at a line dancing event.

c) Your first festival and nothing to compare it to.

I have a stinking suspicion that © is the winner, which is very sad. Maybe next year they will fix the mistakes and give a festival worthy of the city, they sure have a lot to make up for.

I've been to a bunch of festivals back in the UK, and you're right in saying that compared to them, this wasn't exactly well run (slight understatement). Not really acceptable for them to have such major technical issues for the whole evening.

However, I'd go for option (d) - take it as a great Chemical Brothers gig with some decent support acts in the tents. The Ultra tent was extremely hot, but bearable for half an hour at a time. I have no qualms about paying $50 for last night's headline performance though.

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First off Nelo why are you comparing this to anything in the UK that was not the point. You have more than free reign to compare UMF to any other festival but not this one. Sorry this was an experiment....do you know how we mourn the loss of events like BOO and I Have a Dream the way they used to be. This was to start something. Try not to be so damn judgemental. 5000+ Electronic music fans came out and supported. No excuses can be made about the MYLO live performance he is a awesome guy about the whole thing and ripped the room apart at Crobar after.

Fact is a neccessary converter for UK equipment to US voltage was not there. Something that was unfixable at that point. I hope people understand that events like this support a greater cause for this kind of music. We aren't on the Radio, MTV doesn't plays our videos, and we live in a hip hop nation.

Again one small step for electronica......

Feel free to bash I was proud that people and so many organizations came together to try to expose our music to NYC in a positive way.

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First off Nelo why are you comparing this to anything in the UK that was not the point. You have more than free reign to compare UMF to any other festival but not this one. Sorry this was an experiment....do you know how we mourn the loss of events like BOO and I Have a Dream the way they used to be. This was to start something. Try not to be so damn judgemental. 5000+ Electronic music fans came out and supported. No excuses can be made about the MYLO live performance he is a awesome guy about the whole thing and ripped the room apart at Crobar after.

Fact is a neccessary converter for UK equipment to US voltage was not there. Something that was unfixable at that point. I hope people understand that events like this support a greater cause for this kind of music. We aren't on the Radio, MTV doesn't plays our videos, and we live in a hip hop nation.

Again one small step for electronica......

Feel free to bash I was proud that people and so many organizations came together to try to expose our music to NYC in a positive way.

you def have a point about getting our music much needed exposure, but if this is the best we can do we are doomed. this festival was so poorly developed and carried out. staff were rude. multiple equipmnt problems and no ventilation in the tents. it was inexcusable. this is a so called reliable organization running this, they should be ashamed. agreed chem brotheres were on the money but for many of us we were not there to see them. best for us was drum and bass mix in the first tent to close the night. there were 2 guys mixing that were simply amazing. it was refreshing to see djs working their craft they way it suppose to be. the night for us was a 4 out of 10. most dissapointing.

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The quality of electronic music at a party all begins with the quality of the sound system being used. Also, let it be known .. COPS HAD DECIBEL METERS AND WERE CHECKING TO SEE IF THE PARTY WAS STAYING WITHIN CODE. Which in itself is a whole other stress. NYC, and the americas in general dont really embrace electronic music and furthermore mass gatherings of people who want to hear the music.

I hear what CottonCandyDream is saying about this being an experiment. Of course there have been other huge parties in the past but you can compare, this is one of the few parties that ever was allowed to go down in Central Park. So hopefully the ultra people proved their abillity to maintain a large crowd w/o any real incidents. In my opinion this was just to build a reputation in the city, and i totally believe they will be doing bigger and better things in the future.

But hands down it was awesome to watch the chem bros again. Stellar performance and possibly saved the whole show. When they were playing Elektrobank, i got a kick outta standing next to this girl who was doing cheerleading moves. It was funny because the premise for the music video, which spike jones directed was a girl doing tumbling and cheermoves to the song, so it was kinda cool to watch..

The ultra oven, i mean tent was really fucking dope but, just one 2ft x 2ft industrial fan would have help 10000% with the heat situation. It wasnt easy gettin through the smell of BO, Ciggies, Spilled alki and mad blunts at the entrance... im sayin the smell of tree is usually a welcomed wiff, but some people must have been protesting deoderant last night, seriously!

Overall, this festival has made me curious to see if they will return next year to redeem themselves and the ultra name. Come on people, just cause you been doing it up in Miami for years, doesnt mean you know how to do it up NYC style .. we have our own way of doing things and it takes time to get with it ... lets give this festival one more chance ..

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Well I didn't get a ticket, but went anyway and listened near the summerstage in park..tried to follow this other guy and scale the fence..but got caught..I think the other guy made it....he was lightning speed like the road runner..........good for him..:-)...it didn't look crowded at all...This is why I am surprised that they said the tickets were all sold out...Unless many peopel who bought tickets couldn't make it...I wonder if this was some advertising ploy to just say this tix were sold out when they weren't, just to attract moe interest in the event........Glad it didnt rain much....lighting looked great...ssound wasn't too loud: that kinda sucked,...there wasn't much craziness which kinda sucked also....security had everyone in check....a very uniform crowd....and mediocre event...which I guess is OK for a start....my 2 cents from the outside looking in...

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Well first off i got there around 5:30ish and went straight to the back tent were there was this dj Q guy killing shit before DT came on after DT came on at 6 he started off slow then started to drop some shit all these electro tracks that sounded bananas if you were inside that tent with the heat and all Dt did a superb Job for the two hours they gave him he said him self that he would do the best job he could in two hours and he got it right.

IT was funny when morillo was walking into the tent he had this Crazy look in his face the kindda look that said "wow am i really playing in this little ass tent?" but i guess he did the best he could in there dropped some ILL old school Joints that iw as really loving danced a lil before it got fucking packed

there were Hot girls everywhere thats another thing that got me hyped,BUT

the beer situation was stupid i wasnt gonna wait an hour to get a budweiser

so i skipped the beers still had a good time tho eric morillo played good.

Now the only complain that i had was that they should have gave DT and mOrillo the main stage first of and also the tents should of had some sort of ventilation in them as it was scorching Hot up them MofukAzz other than that

i didnt really see anything else that bothered me.People were having a good time with DRugs and WIthout drugs so it was a good experience i give this one a 7 out of 10

ps: Great hanging out with ElevatedFlow and cKord and MikeY numbers and everyone else TY.

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ok first lets deal with cottoncandy, thiswas a major event, put on by an orginization that does things like this EVERY year, at a venue that always hosts major concerts, and it cost $60. NO EXCUSE for messing up, in buisness you get one shot to do the right thing and you did not. You should not look for sympathy from the paying customers PERIOD. Someone should have also figured out that the tents were going to turn into a sauna, how about some ventilation. I understand the sound could not interfere with the main stage, but the area behind the dj could have been leftopen, maybe some ventilation holes, fans, anything. Whether we like Oakenfold or not (and I know on this bord many dont) he is still a world class DJ, i have not been happy with his efforts in the past, but last night he gave it his all, he was visibly annoyed, but when he dropped traffic (tiesto) the crowd finally reacted. Teneglia and Morillo, 2 homegrown superstars in their hometown, was a recipe for success. They did a great job, conditions were small and hot. Beer prices were fair but they ran out, Chemical Brothers were great. listen i agree that edm needed the exposure here in Ny, but that has no relation with the failure of the production. Im glad they sold out and sold lots of merchandise, I am rooting for them because i love outdoor festivals, but we have to say what wrong so it can be corrected. I dont mean to bitch and moan but the money paid should equal a deserving performance. Morrilo and teneglia great job

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it was a decent event.. i had a shitload of fun despite the humidity, horrible sound, terrible lines for beer and bathrooms...

at the last minute i decided not to go but then decided since i had work in the am i wasnt gonna go out tonight anyway so then 20 minutes later i was on my way with no ticket...

got there, mad people were trying to buy a ticket right by the entrance, so i, not being a halfwit, walked a few hundred feet up the road to a path that lead to 4th ave guess?? the first person i asked up there was some german dude and he had extra tickets.. luckily he didnt know how many people were trying to get tickets so he said they were 70 and i offered him 65 and i was on my way...

mylo was ok.. too many technical problems so i decided to wait on the beer line while theyw orked out all the kinks.. the beer line sucked it was 20 minutes so i wound up gettign 3 beers at once bc i didnt wanna wait again.. chilled by some table with some kids who outdid me and got 4 beers each.. lol

oakenfold coud have been on fire but the sound sucked.. morillo was on fire playing a ton of remixes Ie: long train running, sweet dreams, some new pump up the jam remix and a ton of others i cant remember.. he was great.. dont know why people were complaining about the tent so much.. there's only so much room in central park.. it wasnt overcrowded and anyone who wanted to see morillo had the chance with no wait.. ULTRA CANT CONTROL THE HUMIDITY, PEOPLE.. get over it.. even with a fan they couldnt have had it comfortable in there, bc thenorpeople wouldve came in just making it more packed and then people would have complained about that. i think people just like to complain.. i had an ill time though..

cotton.. you guys did a great job... dont let a few clubplanet posters tell you otherwise..

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secondly.. i spoke with some kids who paid $100 a ticket...

i cant believe people bought a ton of tickets and then tried to profit off of them... that type of shit makes me sick.. save that shit for 50 cent concerts and yankee playoff games.. not ultra ny.. fucking gay..

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secondly.. i spoke with some kids who paid $100 a ticket...

i cant believe people bought a ton of tickets and then tried to profit off of them... that type of shit makes me sick.. save that shit for 50 cent concerts and yankee playoff games.. not ultra ny.. fucking gay..

Yo oldtimer where you in the morillo tent the whole time i didnt see you.. well then again there was like a million poeple in one tent.

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