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Everything posted by sirdante

  1. its mostly samba music. if you like samba, it is a great mix from one of the worlds top DJs. if u dont like samba, its not worth getting! fans of DT who dont like samba music really hate his "back to mine." DT does *not* (usually) play these kinds of tunes at vinyl.
  2. last time i saw an interview with him, i learned that cat stevens still lives in the UK. he still practices Islam. he has no problem with music itself, ppl who make music, or the music of his former life. the BS of the music industry is one of the main reasons why he stopped doing gigs. also, he insists that making music, with all of the time required for practice, theory, playing out, etc, is not a very effecient way to praise god. being wealthy enuf to never have to work again, he has retired from music and devoted his life to god (allah). he says the simple life does not leave much room for a music career. cool for him. bad for his fans! "if you want to sing out, sing out/ if you want to be free, be free./ well, theres a million ways to go./ you know that there are."
  3. clear channel did *not* ban these songs. nor did they suggest that they *not* be played. the list was made at clearchannels corporate headquarters so that program directors at 100s of stations did not have to sit down and make a list themselves. there was no indication that the songs should not be played. rather, it was simply a list of every song that might be relative to the events of sept 11. many media outlets (all movie companies, every tv station, etc) are looking at some of the stuff they offer to make sure that they arent being total clods with what they present. after all, when 5000 ppl die in a burning building, "burning down the house" might be considered poor taste. take it easy. not everything is a big corporate conspiracy.
  4. sirdante has said it b4 and is about to say it again. in these troubled times, individuals can make the world a better place by doing the small things around them that make a difference. sure, you can debate what the gov should do to change things. yes, you can sit around and figure out what is wrong with other ppl. also, you can talk about them and what they are doing to ruin everything. however, the only thing that you can do to make a difference is that one "thing" that you can accomplish. its that real, tangible, attainable "thing" that can save the world. when war and hate step up, you need that "thing" to be peace and love. when bigotry and violence front, you need that "thing" to be unity and respect. you can cry everyday for 10 years after your brother dies in a war, but tears wont bring him back. if, however, u spend a lifetime practicing peace and working for justice u might prevent a war and stop many other brothers and sisters from dying. peace, love, unity, and respect is the motto of todays party ppl. these are nothing but empty words if not put into action. but once practiced, PLUR can make all the difference in the world. now, more than ever, we need love to rule the day. now, more than ever, we need a show of force through the strength that comes from peace. now, more than ever, we need to respect our neighbors, friends and enemies alike. now, more than ever, we need to unite. we, the party ppl, do make a difference. we have set the example that can change the world. lets not give up. u know what i am talking about if u, like me, have ever been stone cold sober on a dancefloor in a crowded NYC nightclub with the music thumping and the pretty ppl dancing and you thought "wow! why cant the world always be like this? this is so easy!" if u have been in that place, u realize how easy it is to love. now, as we watch the WTC horror, which some are calling the prelude to WWIII, we see how easy it is to hate. however, the choice is yours. do u take the easy way out and choose hate today? or do you work harder to bring out the love within yourself? if the only lessons of history are violent ones, where will the cycle of hate end? if, however, somewhere in the future, historians can look back on this time and this place where peace, love, unity and respect became the rule of day, then we will have changed the course of human history. pls dont reply by calling me a "pussy" (as some here have already done). i have personally seen what happens when ppl lose loved ones to the ravages of war. most of us have. thats exactly what we need to work to stop. sincerely, -sirdante
  5. well, first of all, there is no draft. second, shroomy is correct, theres no reason to panic about any possible draft yet. third, if shit gets bad enuf to warrant a draft, it could get worse. if it gets worse, all "rules" about the draft can be changed. look at russia or germany during WWII. by the end of the conflict, old men and young boys were in the service. and during any draft there are plenty of guys who were once "unfit" for service who suddenly become fit, in the eyes of the military.
  6. NYC cell phone towers were atop the WTC. there is a severe disruption in service. plus all pone lines (landlines or otherwise) are being overloaded with activity. keep trying.
  7. it already has. just look at all these posts around here calling for death to palestinians! we dont even know who the real threat is and tough *talkers* around here are saying how they are ready to kill (or more acurately-- saying they are ready to send our military forces over to do the killing for them). it happend in 1991, it will happen again. everybody will be so happy once we put a face to the horror. if its an arab, all arabs will be viewed as enemy. if its an afgani, all afganis will be viewed as the enemy. during the gulf war, many americans of arab ethnicity were terrorized (houses and businesses vandalized and burned) by the same kind of hotheaded, misguided, foolishness that we are already hearing around here. after all, its easier to be a pussy who terrorizes his own neighborhood or a tough talker who isnt in the military than someone who actually signs up to serve. put up or shut up, i say.
  8. shouldnt u know your enemy b4 u make threats? who are "those fuckers?" u call 4 blood, but have u ever actually killed a man or seen a man slain? only a fool calls 4 blood b4 he knows his enemy. same can be said of someone who has no idea who they are calling a "pussy bitch." show some respect. be careful what you say and who you say it about, mike.
  9. easy now ppl. what happened to love for your brothers? a few thousand assholes in the middle east doesnt justify hatred for all of them! dont let your anger drive u 2 hate.
  10. easy now ppl. what happened to love for your brothers? a few thousand assholes in the middle east doesnt justify hatred for all palestinians! dont let your anger drive u 2 hate.
  11. i bet your friend doesnt get laid much.
  12. i assume u havent been cheating on her. if you have never cheated on her, then i, and most other strangers on this board, are sorry to hear about ur troubles bro. if you are cheating on her, forget about what she did. theres no trust in ur relationship anyway. in a situation like this, it all comes down to respect. because of her foolishness, you now have every right to put yourself first and go out and retain your own self respect by whatever means works best for you alone. take care of yourself. just dont start playing any childish games.
  13. ha ha. i love the Idaho license w the picture of jack nicholson.
  14. u make a good point. alot of ppl talk too much sht. they need 2 just STFU n enjoy.
  15. u r still hung up on some1 from over 1 yr ago!? my best advice is 4 u 2 get over it! be happy with what u have and forget what u lost. ur ex would not live up to your memories of her anyway!
  16. loudeast / afterdark 3 monkeys / crazy people massimo vivona / vision shifter headstate / feel the vibe luzon / baguio track [for some reason i just cant get sick of this song!] ------------------ i love music!
  17. lock n load ------------------ i love music!
  18. yeah, hes talking about every hard house tune out there. jk. ------------------ i love music!
  19. mama mia! glad the pisano enlightened you! think about it woman: our italiano fathers invented the entire lexicon of oral sex-- cunnilingus, fellatio, et cetera! ciao! - sirdante ------------------ i love music! [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 07-10-2001).]
  20. i would expect a generous tip for my efforts. ------------------ i love music!
  21. being respectful is not the same as being "nice." nice is a trite platitude used only when no word of substance applies. some men have no substance so they exhibit only "niceness." most ppl regard niceness as synonomous with whimpiness and they are correct. if, in every relationship, you are always the second most important person you are being too nice. thats the basic problem with nice guys-- they think that they have to always give up their own feelings and attitudes to please the other person. if the other person is a prospective mate, that person would prefer a guy who knows what he wants and knows how to get it to someone who constantly gives up his own satifaction. "mr nice" is always perceived as a person who lacks confidence and self respect. if he doesnt respect himself why would any women believe that he will respect her? #1 above says dont be nice and #3 says be respectful. your feelings are *never* less important than anothers. in any relationship, it helps both ppl if they each respect everyones feelings and opinions. i am not telling you to be an asshole. i am only saying that if you keep finding yourself filling the role of nice guy, then you need to check yourself. most women dont want an asshole for a lover. similarily, most women dont want a guy who covers his own insecurities with whimpy platitudes. niceness alone is not a virtue. to please a woman, a nice guy must also bring along large measures of both self respect and confidence. ------------------ i love music!
  22. recently, on this board, theres been some talk about the "nice guy syndrome" where guys get sick of being friends with every chick they meet. so, what must a man do 2 get away from "mr nice guy" to become "mr lucky?" 1) first and foremost-- be yourself. even these self proclaimed "nice guys" are being fake. i dont care how nice you are, everybody is at least a little selfish. if you are "mr nice" all the time then you obviously try to hide this selfish side and are therefore not showing all of your true self. be selfish once in a while. you must champion your own self interests! for example, when your prospective bed mate (who is trying to pigeonhole you into the role of "mr friend") begins asking advice from you on which guy she should date, dont be "mr nice" who gives her advice! be real. tell her "look, i dont want to hear about those guys," and change the subject over to what you plan on doing with her on friday night! 2) dont be nice. nice is, well, "nice," or perhaps even "good." dont be nice. be real (see #1 above). girls never lust for "mr nice," nor do they want to spend time with "mr vanilla," nor will they sleep with "mr o.k." if all you have going for you is your niceness, then you need to get a life! find some new interests, go skydiving, take up rock climbing, calligraphy, or anything! dont be a drip. 3) dont be an asshole. just bc you arent "mr nice" doesnt mean you have to be "that asshole." sure, plenty of femmes, some hotties, always put themselves in harms way by going after a dangerous, abusive prick, but the rest of the female population (read the "sane ones") arent looking for someone to smack them around. just bc you arent nice doesnt mean you should be an asshole. 4) be a stand up, straight up, guy. just like #1 above (be real) and #2 (dont be nice) and #3 (dont be an asshole) this bit of advice is all about you. its not that women have a problem with nice guys its that you are using the nice guy syndrome as an excuse for your own failings! if you treat everybody with respect and are honest with yourself and with your lady, you can pretty much say and do whatever you want. this advice is so important i will repeat it: if you treat everybody with respect and are honest with yourself and with your lady, you can pretty much say and do whatever you want. "mr nice guy" doesnt understand this. "mr lucky," however, does understand. knowing how to show and demand respect gives a man the aura of confidence that makes women want him for more than good conversation. trust me on these things. dont blame the women bc you cant get a date. you need to look at yourself first. if you do what i say, itll be you with the georgeous chick on your arm walking by the bitter, boring "mr nice" who wonders why women always go for other guys! respectfully, sirdante ------------------ i love music!
  23. there r statistics about this. they r good stats b/c marraige is a legal arrangement, there4 everything gets documented with the courts. i dont feel like looking them up for you, but i am sure there are places on the web for these things. anyway... i always remember in the 80s that 2/3 marraiges were ending in divorce. i have also heard that it has dropped considerably since that time. BTW, my parents are still married, so i was def in the minority while growing up. ------------------ i love music!
  24. i am totally confused by this whole fucking post. i forget... who are we supposed to hate again? ummm...
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