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Everything posted by vegasguy25

  1. Kaskade is basically awesome. Have fun.
  2. Oh, to be able to show up at a party at 10am, and still have a few hours ahead of you to get down.
  3. I know everyone would like a room where half the space isn't taken up by tables, but the fact is those people paying 1500% premiums on bottles of alcohol are the people keeping your clubs open. That's where the money comes from. You just have to accept that as a trade-off for being able to party in top shelf nightclubs. These places are first and foremost a business, and they're out to make money just like every other business. If you had people willing to spend $400 on a bottle of Captain Morgan that you paid $18 wholesale for, would you not accomodate them? Here in Las Vegas, bottle service is huge business. At Ice, they put tables around the periphery of the dancefloor, taking up valuable dancing space. The bigger the DJ, the more tables they have set up. That's how they pay the booking fees for DJs such as Sasha, John Digweed, Carl Cox, Paul van Dyk, etc.
  4. What a shame that they have Meganite booked along with Armin. That's really too bad.
  5. How to lose all credibility in eight words or less.
  6. How is Rain doing these days? That place has pretty much zero buzz since Pure, Tao and Jet hit the scene.
  7. I was at Tao a couple of weeks ago, and they were charging $20 for a Red Bull/vodka. 20 FUCKIN' DOLLARS!!!!!! Unreal. There's about $1.50-$1.75 of ingredients in that drink, tops. If that's not gouging, I don't know what is. At least when you get bottle service you are getting a table.
  8. Some of the clubs in this town have developed a real bad habit of gouging. Charging cover to someone who is already paying a 1000% markup on a bottle of alcohol is gouging. So is charging someone who has bottles for a Red Bull. That Red Bull probably cost you $1 wholesale, and you can't just give it to someone who has purchased $800 in bottles? Absurd. When I was at Pure a few weeks ago, the woman who was serving us had the nerve to try to charge my friend $9 for a Red Bull. I was sitting right next to him, and I just went off on the girl. That is just unacceptable, and very unprofessional to try to take advantage of your customers like that especially when, with tip, their bill is going to come to about $1,000 or more.
  9. Are the mojitos as good at the NYC location as they are at the one in SoBe?
  10. You would seriously consider skipping Tenaglia? DT is a must-see everytime he steps to the decks IMO.
  11. That is the same system Space has installed. Space's main room system is the best sound system I've ever heard.
  12. Is it a Dynacord Alpha One by chance?
  13. What sound system does Pacha have installed?
  14. Technically, that was a temporary install. Empire Ballroom will be getting a permanent Funktion One system as soon as it is finished being built at the company's headquarters. As awesome as that one in there on Saturday morning was, the permanent one will be even better.
  15. After this morning's party at Empire Ballroom, I would like to update this thread. The best sound system in Vegas is the new Funktion One at Empire. It is clear as day, and with pulverizing bass. For those who were there last night, the system was not even displaying 50% of its power.
  16. Roughly Memorial Day to Labor Day.
  17. Pathetic. I started clubbing at 16. I am 30 now, and still going strong. The key is to pace yourself. People who say they are over clubbing after a few years of going out were never in it for the music in the first place, but rather the image.
  18. I can't stand him either, but even at $75 he will pack the place both nights. Watch.
  19. You actually like that shithole? You have got to be kidding me. It's a dungeon, hot as hell, a dump...I'd be happy to light the match to burn that place down.
  20. We got one bottle of vodka at I think $325, and a bottle of Captain for $400. We topped out at nine people I think, and the host who sat us is Hien Le.
  21. I actually have no idea. The one we got on the terrace has a three bottle minimum, but we talked them down to two bottles, which was enough.
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