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Everything posted by vegasguy25

  1. Is this trifecta party something you guys are going to be doing on a monthly basis? BTW, thanks for bringing these DJs to town.
  2. We're not looking to resolve anything dude. We're just comparing and contrasting clubbing experiences in different cities.
  3. Well, I can't really speak to who is the "best" in town, in terms of pure DJing skills, but the DJ I enjoy listening to the most is Faarsheed. He never fails to play exactly what I want to hear. He and I are pretty much on the same wavelength when it comes to music, so that is why I like listening to him the most.
  4. So, you live in LA, but somehow you're qualified to tell me what my opinion should be on the town I've called home for a decade (Las Vegas)? That's funny. Las Vegas' club scene is amateur hour. If you think otherwise, then perhaps you could explain why the best DJs regularly play gigs in LA, SF, NY and Miami while Vegas regularly gets the shaft. This town is fortunate to even get John Digweed this coming Saturday. He just happens to be in the area because he has a gig the night before in San Francisco, and was booked to play Giant Village new years eve in LA. Of course, San Francisco also has Danny Tenaglia playing Saturday night. Las Vegas gets a big name once in awhile, usually on holidays, but we don't have the steady house music scene here, and that's why Las Vegas is far behind those other cities I mentioned. Great house music is legion in those other cities. Las Vegas has amazing venues, but that's really it. We don't have much of anything resembling a scene here. We have people who are trying like hell to change that, but this town, at a fraction of the size of those other cities, has a lot of catching up to do.
  5. Miami blows Las Vegas away in pretty much every way possible. There are more and more people who are giving Las Vegas' club scene way more credit than it deserves. There were even some misguided souls last year who were saying our scene is better than NY's. Anyone who thinks that needs their head examined. Las Vegas has potential, but it is not in the big leagues yet. There is nothing in Las Vegas that is on the level of Space, Crobar or Mansion. I mean come on now. We have nice venues, but that's about it. They are manned by DJs playing radio music back to a crowd that just flew in from Michigan and doesn't know any better.
  6. Exactly. Whatever would the MGM Grand do without him?
  7. If you're looking to party at the clubs, you're going to be pretty bored. WMC is that week.
  8. You want to know if you can tip someone a couple hundred dollars so they can put their liquor licenses at risk (which cost $100,000 btw), because you can't wait four fucking months? Unbelievable. You can wait until you're old enough, just like the rest of us did.
  9. That is going to depend completely on the bookings. I think Ice will still be in better shape though, because like you said, that is their main focus. Their resident DJ, Faarsheed, is also an excellent DJ in his own right, and is worth the price of admission. I don't even know who Jet is going to have playing in the house room on nights other than Monday, when they have Mr. "I created house music", Jesse Saunders, booked.
  10. MGM Grand is right next door, and Monte Carlo and NY-NY are across the street.
  11. vegasguy25


    lmao, the aesthetics of the venue may not matter to you, but they definitely matter to the people who spend thousands of dollars on bottle service, which is what keeps these places open. If no one cared what the clubs in this town looked like, the people who build them wouldn't spend many millions of dollars to make them beautiful.
  12. Lots of room to dance you say? The NYC BED must be considerably larger than the one in Miami then.
  13. You're welcome. I apologize for any misunderstanding.
  14. Of course they are going to market it as a new club. But it's not new, it's a do-over of a venue that was already there. Wynn Resorts thought they could build a club, and they built a great venue, and run it just as well as the people in this town who do that for a living. They were wrong. So, Wynn signed a deal to bring in Victor Drai to run it, and accompanied the new mgmt. with a remodel. That hardly qualifies as a brand new club that they just built from the ground up. My message wasn't meant to demean your question, as the person who attempted to clarify my message made it sound. I was simply pointing out that the venue was already there, and was simply remodeled.
  15. Just to clarify, this is not a new club. It's a remodel of La Bete. This is a textbook example of why you should leave the nightclubs to the people who know what they're doing.
  16. That happens to not be my scene either, but look at it this way: if OPM wasn't around, the people who go there would be hanging out somewhere else, like the places I go to. Thank goodness for OPM.
  17. vegasguy25


    lol, I told you how big that club is like three weeks ago. 15,000 sq ft is plenty big enough if it's used correctly. Crobar Miami is something in the neighborhood of 15-17,000 sq ft, and that place seems enormous when you're in it.
  18. vegasguy25


    Tao is, in a word, awesome. I am sure you will like it. The place has class to spare.
  19. He said he's not looking to spend stupid money, which IMO puts him way out of the running to get a Mansion comped. When I worked at Bellagio, I don't ever recall their being a casino rate on the villas. You are either on that level, or you aren't. I suggest a Penthouse suite at Bellagio. I believe they can be had for around $1,500, and are 1,500 sq ft. They have one bedroom, 2 1/2 baths, wet bar, etc. There are also two bedroom versions which can probably be had for a few hundred more.
  20. I think that if Studio was new, then you might be correct. However, it's eight years old now, and is simply not mentioned in the same breath as the big three heavy hitters in town right now. I just think that if they're going to offer the same old thing, only bigger, that this will not do nearly as much for the future of the club as letting Avalon or Crobar take it over would.
  21. If price is no object for you and your friends, then you can live like a god for a weekend in this town. Some of the suites here will blow the minds of even the most experienced travelers.
  22. I disagree, in that the people to whom they would be marketing their club could largely give a rat's ass about the original. And why should they? They've heard about it, they've heard the stories, but why would they want a wannabe version of a legend that is long since gone? Clearly, the Las Vegas clubgoing public wants state of the art, hip venues, and the numbers at Pure, Tao and Body English reflect that. I mean come on dude, my father used to go to 54, and I am 30 years old. I know a few others who also used to party there, and they too are in their 50s. This is a new generation now, and they want something new and exciting, not a rehash. The names Crobar, Avalon and Space mean a great deal more to the clubgoer of today than Studio 54 does.
  23. I wasn't really a big fan of the layout, and the decor just has to go. The decor around the dancefloor is like Saturday Night Fever, and the rest of the place is basically a photography exhibit. Good for them that they've been successful for such a long time, but Studio is definitely in need of an overhaul.
  24. vegasguy25


    Well, the name of the company that bought the land is Edge Resorts, who teamed up with Starwood Resorts (Sheraton, Westin, W) in a 75/25 partnership to build a huge resort with condos, hotels, a casino, retail, etc. The resort will be branded as a W resort. For anyone who has ever been in a W Hotel, you will know that is the best choice of all the Starwood brands. The projected cost of the development is $1.7 billion right now, but of course construction hasn't started yet.
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