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Everything posted by weyes

  1. are you calling everclear yummy, or 151? everclear is disgusting, and 180 proof, which equals 90% by volume, i kid you not. "yummy" is not the word to describe it ! please post .
  2. everyone's perfect mate is out there somewhere; just think of your boss' troll of a boyfriend . tune in tomorrow.
  3. hey, don't rag on friendly's; fribbles rock!
  4. weyes


    very well-said. and i've tasted myself, too; my last bf surprised me once by putting his finger in my mouth during a fingering session. i didn't expect it, but it was definitely not something to freak out about; i really didn't care one way or the other. it turned him on no end, so why the fuck not ?
  5. weyes

    Funny story...

    that's not fair to us large-footed ladies !
  6. pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!!!!!!! my best friend and clubbing partner-in-crime is 32 and my oldest clubbing friend is 35. the "i'm older and wiser" thing is a little silly, to say the least. and never forget disco sally.
  7. ever had everclear? that stuff is insane (and illegal in some states).
  8. when going to a meeting, it's always a good idea to bring a pen and paper. even if it turns out to be unnecessary, it makes one look good and responsible . tune in tomorrow.
  9. i've been thinking about it recently, and it occurs to me that there are a bunch of peeps i've still never seen but have gotta see! so, in no particular order, here are the ones i can think of right now...: * steve lawler * junior vasquez * james zabiela * satoshi tomiie and here are some that i've only had the pleasure of seeing once (and a long time ago, i'll add) and would really like to see again: * paul johnson * david hollands * dj heaven next time any of the aforementioned come to town, let me know!!!!!!! seriously, y'all, if they come and you let them pass through without telling me, nevermind all the bad karma that will befall you ... i'll just be very sad !!! help an owl out! and who do you guys wanna see ?
  10. naughty - you look just the same! great picture !
  11. it's all about give and take. (a simple thought for today, all.) tune in tomorrow.
  12. weyes

    Do you grlz ... ?

    uh-oh... here we go ...
  13. i was just talking to my brother in nyc about how these threads keep coming up and how i want to post on 'em but that all my pics are in nyc. i've never posted my little weyes pics . i'm coming back east for x-mas and i wanna start this topic over again when i get those pics (you know how no one looks at threads that have been resurrected)!!!!!!!! mine'll be coming in late december/early january; please look for another of these threads then !
  14. i'm glad i don't have to worry about that . sorry to hear that story; i remember new york coat checks .
  15. hey, phuture,i hope you're still reading this thread; i could only get as far as the 8th page before i could read any more, but i wanted to respond to at least something you said, and i chose this. there are a lot of reasons why people are overweight, no matter to what degree we're discussing. i have a friend who had been overweight since we were in the 5th grade. a year had elapsed between my visits home to nyc, and, in that time, not only had she lost weight, but she was thin. i don't mean "average" or "normal," i mean thin. and if i hadn't met her at her house, i would've easily walked by her without recognizing her. her dad's side of the family is overweight; i thought it was just one of those things you inherit. it wasn't, at least, for her. it took hard, work, i'm not saying it didn't. she's very lucky that she likes cauliflower . my story: i entered college at age 17 (ok, i wasn't finished growing altogether) at 175 lbs., and i graduated at age 21 at 270. i had been on some medication that had made my weight go crazy like that (i mostly gained weight in the last 2 years). after college, a new m.d. switched my meds and i did the slim-fast thing till i got down to 180 (less than 2 years). the meds were a lot of what took it off - a lot of help there - but they were the main thing that put them on. this all happened really fast - the gain and lose - and you're right, the skin didn't "snap back together." but it's not like there's anything hanging around... maybe that happens after liposuction or something, but i just have stretchmarks up the wazoo . granted, those aren't the greatest thing in the world, but, as i said before, we all have features we like better than others. besides, they fade. i got them when i first started to grow breasts when i was 13-ish, and those are long gone. pros and cons, give and take. that's what it's all about .
  16. actually, to retard means "to slow." not taking any sides on the retard issue here, just wanted to drop that info .
  17. tweety bird always shows the chicks who's boss .
  18. when shopping, at a restaurant, at a library, or at any number of places, a lot of the best things are hush-hush. just knowing what to ask, who to ask, or, most of all - how to ask - is key. smiles can win a person many things ... tune in tomorrow.
  19. weyes


    there are sales jobs up the wazoo right now for the holidays. they mostly pay the kind of crizzap (read: next to nothing) that i make, and they may just be for the season, but it's something to bring home some cash for the meantime. and, if the place likes you enough, they might decide to keep you, anyway .
  20. glad you had a good time . as a nyc native, i loved growing up there, and feel very lucky for lots of reasons for that (freedom, culture, diversity, and did i mention freedom - at an early age?). but, after going back as an adult, i always say, "great place to visit, but i wouldn't wanna live there."
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