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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i don't ever, EVER want to hear about post-rape life being easy from someone who's not been there. shut the FUCK up.
  2. consider your sources. tune in tomorrow.
  3. most of marko's posts shouldn't count; i don't think that:" " qualifies as a real post .
  4. ya get to kick the drama to the curb (otherwise known as the drama board). officer weyes , reporting for duty.
  5. you just gave it away! but you, wakeup, and i all got her wrong; she's the one who messed up what would've been our perfect score!if you go to the site and check out their other quizzes, there are "male or shemale 2" and "3." i got 5/16 on "2" ... very disturbing.
  6. there is too much outlandish and ridiculous shit in this thread for me to tackle (including how evan seems to have had a lot of trouble with his dates having had penises or deformed genitalia), and most of it was so long i didn't even read it. but i just had to repost this (even though i don't agree), 'cause i haven't had such a good laugh in a long time: Let's face it: there are few things in this world more stupid than dancing. Except break dancing, which pirates and lumber jacks would agree is awesome. Other than that, dancing makes me envy cripples. x 1,000,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. know your audience. tune in tomorrow.
  8. i'll tell ya what did work on me at spundae:"can i take you out sometime?" silly me; it only took me 3 months to figure out that that was feeding me a line !!!
  9. a move, eh? good luck in the new spot! if i ever get off of work on another sunday ... where's alex's post on this thread?
  10. i don't kiss girls, but i'll spread the word to my non-existent straight male friends !
  11. i'm wondering if it looks kissable - ya know, the smudge factor.
  12. guys: do your prefer if women wear lipstick or don't? then, of course, there's the "either way" option on the poll.
  13. no! roger lodge is the host of "blind date." he made the point of pronouncing it outrageously every time he said it, when the show had a couple of episodes there.and whenever i hear people talk about ibiza, they always talk about how it's the most spiritual place they've ever been to , pronounce it in that outlandish way (i mean really overboard), and all that, just to say that you (as the person to whom s/he is speaking) couldn't ever possibly understand . nothing to do with you, dg . haven't you ever come across any of these peeps? *anti-snobbery snobs.
  14. "yeah, like, i spent the summer in ee-BEE-tha and it was like, magical . you have no idea about the energy of that place, man."
  15. all right everyone, worldwide clubbing lesson #13: repeat after me:ee-BEE-tha try to sound as ridiculous and corny as possible on the "th." even though the accent of the word is on the "bee" syllable, it is important to sound like as much of an ass as possible when saying the "th." roger lodge will have this no other way!!! that's it for today, kids !
  16. lulumishka, you're so lucky!!! i love that penguin!!! i'm: i wonder what exactly the percentages mean.
  17. entries in websters:Main Entry: spe·ci·al·i·ty Pronunciation: "spe-shE-'a-l&-tE Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural -ties Date: 15th century 1 : a special mark or quality 2 : a special object or class of objects 3 a : a special aptitude or skill b : SPECIALTY 3 ------------------------------------------ Main Entry: spe·cial·ty Pronunciation: 'spe-sh&l-tE Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural -ties Etymology: Middle English specialte, from Middle French especialté, from Late Latin specialitat-, specialitas, from Latin specialis special Date: 15th century 1 : a distinctive mark or quality 2 a : a special object or class of objects: as (1) : a legal agreement embodied in a sealed instrument (2) : a product of a special kind or of special excellence <fried chicken is my specialty> b : the state of being special , distinctive, or peculiar 3 : something in which one specializes -------------------------------------------- both are correct .
  18. :funny: !!!*congrats on new moderatorship !!! *("oi" is british punk, though; "aye" is irish)
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