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Everything posted by vegasguy25

  1. To be filed under "I'll believe it when I see it." This strikes me as one of those rumors that was started by someone just to see how far it would go. Having Morillo at Rehab would undoubtedly rock, but like I said, I will believe it when I actually see him there on the decks.
  2. Not including Ice, by far the best venue in Vegas, is a colossal oversight. Put Ice on there, and then you'll have a poll to vote on.
  3. I sure hope so, otherwise it will be just another exceptional venue playing shitty music.
  4. I don't know about the biggest, but this weekend will be big, no doubt. A new kid on the block plus Hard Rock 10th anniversary.
  5. Don't rip on LA based on a lame night out at the Concord. That, as LAlate said, is ridiculous. Go to Avalon, Skybar, etc. and then get back to us. LA is awesome.
  6. Are you sure about the date? That is a Wednesday. Anyway, pre-sales are recommended. As far as dresscode, nice jeans are ok, but unless you have a pair of those stylish black trainers, like from Sketchers, I would steer clear of those and wear shoes. Ice has a lot of tables for bottle service. I am not exactly sure how much it costs, but I think most bottles are around $300, with like 3 people per bottle.
  7. LMAO, this is a joke right? Area 51 is a military installation bro. There are not tours there, unless you count going up on top of a mountain 15 miles away and looking through powerful binoculars as a tour.
  8. Las Vegas doesn't have a professional sports team for two main reasons: 1) We have legal sports betting. 2) Las Vegas is, in terms of TV markets, ranked somewhere in the 40s, or low 50s. We would be one of the smallest markets in any league, were we to get a team be it MLB, NBA, whatever. Las Vegas has to do some more growing, I think, before we get serious consideration from the pro sports leagues. Once LV crosses the 2 million person mark, which will happen before the end of the decade, then you will see us getting some serious consideration from pro sports leagues, I think.
  9. I can't believe someone would say "Vegas shits on NY and Miami" with a straight face. I would say he is prone to hyperbole.
  10. Vegas is pretty good, but Miami wins, definitely. Las Vegas has a long way to go to catch up to Miami. I think a lot of this debate comes down to what your priorities are. For example, my priority is music. In that sense, Vegas isn't even the best on the west coast, LA is. Las Vegas does very well in the venue department, but almost all of them are playing the cheesiest, lowest common denominator radio music just about every night. Now, the clubs are obviously very successful with this formula, as many of them are packed to the rafters every week. That doesn't interest me in the least though, which is why I rarely go out to the clubs. The only club I go to on any kind of a regular basis is Ice, and only on Saturdays. I will check out Pure's Tuesday party once school is over with. Now, if your priority is the scene that the clubs provide, getting the VIP treatment with bottle service, and picking up girls, then yes, Vegas is tough to top. We have some of the best venues in the nation; with the exception of Avalon, our venues put LA's to shame. There is no venue in Vegas that can compare to Space or Crobar Miami or Mansion, or for that matter Opium Garden, Nikki Beach or the forthcoming Nocturnal. Miami has the venues and the talent hitting the decks, so imo they take the cake. NY has the same formula, so you could put them on an even level. Las Vegas has a long way to go to catch up. Fortunately for us, we have people here with seemingly limitless pockets, and new venues are on the drawing boards all the time.
  11. I know all that bro. That doesn't make a $500 bottle of Grey Goose any less of a ripoff. That price is outrageous even compared to other clubs here in town.
  12. The ridiculous thing is not that Pure charges that much. The ridiculous thing is that people pay it.
  13. How big was the bottle?
  14. Getting a cabana on the terrace at Pure would rock. Also, the tables right off the dancefloor at Ice are a lot of fun.
  15. Have you seen Erick Morillo? If you have, you would know what I am talking about. He puts on a record, a great house record, with an excellent groove, plays it for a few minutes, lets the crowd get into it, and then he breaks it down to near silence. I like him, but that is pretty annoying. It doesn't make any sense to me at all. I can think of at least three times during his terrace set at Space during WMC where he would bring the record down to silence for a good 6-8 seconds before bringing it back in. What is the point of that?
  16. He is Morillo without the breakdowns, which is why I prefer the S-Man. Morillo plays awesome records, but those breakdowns, while tolerable, are not ideal for a house set. That said, Morillo's sets at Space during WMC, both inside and outside, were quality. The live vocalist was a great touch.
  17. The S-Man is the real deal. So happy he likes Vegas enough to come here three times so far this year (including the upcoming gig in May). Hopefully this continues. Many thank-you's to Ice and Godskitchen for the talent they have been bringing through town. It is much appreciated.
  18. I worked at Bellagio here in Vegas for two years, at the front desk. Our check-in time was 3pm as well, but if we had a room clean and ready to put you in when you arrived, say at 10:30am, we'd go right ahead and check you in. Any hotel will do that if they have rooms available. You just have to know how to ask. The hotel, if they have rooms ready, does not really have a good reason to deny you check-in before their posted check-in time. If for some odd reason they deny you, be persistent but polite.
  19. Either Carl Cox at Crobar, or the Subliminal party at Space.
  20. Anticipation is reaching peak levels.
  21. No way they have a 3-4 bottle minimum for 4-6 people.
  22. Why would you make a post like that, and not tell us what this great lineup is?
  23. It took about three records for Josh to get going, but once he did, he played some solid music. Josh Wink is not a DJ who gets on the decks to bang it out. He plays house with a little bit more minimal bent, and I think he did a good job on Saturday. Brace yourselves for the return of Roger Sanchez this Saturday though. He laid down the law when he was at Ice back in January.
  24. I got my tix, for Howells on Thursday and Burridge on Saturday.
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