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Top 20 Clubs in America

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as complied by the Ministry of Sound (they're pretty official)

Trust in Baltimore

Nation in DC

C2K in Vegas

Freedom in Tempe

Velvet in ST Louis

Release in SF

Ruby Skye in SF

USC Events in Seattle

Fluid in Philly

Crobar in Miami

Space in Miami

Spundae in LA

Hyperia in Houston

Necto in Detriot

The Church in Denver

Red Jacket in Dallas

Visions in Chicago

Mythos in Charolette

and NYC has 3


Shelter and


Now these arent in order b/c I didnt see the order, theyw ere just listed but its my understanding that Roxy was 7th (best among nyc venues). Im hoping to see the actual results soon. Also Im even more excited to be visiting Nation in DC this friday for Tiesto--

just passing it along

Mike Bugout

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

as complied by the Ministry of Sound (they're pretty official)

Visions in Chicago

Yep I agree with this one...just look for yourself


A new place called Sound-Bar was supposed to open up...Opening weekend had Juan atkins, Kevin Saunderson and Derrick May...but it was all politics and the place was not up to code so they haven't opened....it is huge and from what I heard visually breathtaking. Oh well soon enough...for now we have kick ass djs coming to both Vision and Crobar until the 1st of the year.

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

as complied by the Ministry of Sound (they're pretty official)

Fluid in Philly

i had sex in the bathroom there:cool:

that place is a tiny lil spot on the corner of some street....i dont know about that being top 20

knock it off and put in SF:rock:


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Originally posted by BRIAN1500

IMO C2K sucked. I liked Utopia better.

c2k does suck. how the hell does arc get up there, place reminds of just an empty building, boring. roxy i cant see either since it looks so run down inside compared to "big friday" days. unless they remodeled when they put hte phazon in. i spun at fluid and thats interesting to be listed too.

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all this says is that america's clubs suck. if shelter is on that list, you know something is wrong.. what is this list based on? obviously who has the most money to book the biggest dj's, not the place with the best interior or best vibe.

Buzz @ Nation is (or WAS) without a doubt the sickest club night i've ever been to.. i had great times at twilo when it was open, but nation just had an energy to it that I still have yet to experience anyplace else..

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Originally posted by smokesum

im surprised Filter14 isnt there :D

. . Looks to me like they were trying to keep it to medium and large sized venues . . But I'd agree, places like Filter 14 and Baktun have more right to be on that list then Shelter . . Especially with the horror stories I've heard about how they've mismanaged talent and room bookings because of the Speed parties . . .

. . . As for the other comments in this thread . . . Well, I do believe they chose venues that would bring in the greatest multitude of different people . . I've been to Space in Miami and Nation in DC and both of those clubs seem to attract alot of different types of freakazoids which, in turn, leads to a more balanced experience . . . You know what I'm sayin?? . . everyone feels comfortable to come out?? . . Oh, thats right . . . I forgot what city I was in for a moment there . . . :rolleyes: . . . .

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Now these arent in order b/c I didnt see the order, theyw ere just listed but its my understanding that Roxy was 7th (best among nyc venues). Im hoping to see the actual results soon. Also Im even more excited to be visiting Nation in DC this friday for Tiesto--

nation is great.. i thought it shut down or something. it is better when it is nice out and you can go outside. they have a 2 level deck with a dj spinning outside & a screen projecting stuff. the inside is cool too. interesting place, kinda ghetto but i like it.

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Originally posted by somebitch

nation is great.. i thought it shut down or something. it is better when it is nice out and you can go outside. they have a 2 level deck with a dj spinning outside & a screen projecting stuff. the inside is cool too. interesting place, kinda ghetto but i like it.

buzz, the firday party at nation, got shut down. and that was what made nation great. it is a nice place, though.

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . Looks to me like they were trying to keep it to medium and large sized venues . . But I'd agree, places like Filter 14 and Baktun have more right to be on that list then Shelter . . Especially with the horror stories I've heard about how they've mismanaged talent and room bookings because of the Speed parties . . .

. . . As for the other comments in this thread . . . Well, I do believe they chose venues that would bring in the greatest multitude of different people . . I've been to Space in Miami and Nation in DC and both of those clubs seem to attract alot of different types of freakazoids which, in turn, leads to a more balanced experience . . . You know what I'm sayin?? . . everyone feels comfortable to come out?? . . Oh, thats right . . . I forgot what city I was in for a moment there . . . :rolleyes: . . . .

yea i can understand filter and baktun not being on there.. but woulda expected centro to make it...

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Originally posted by codica3

Fuck that.. I'm moving to Miami.. :D


(W-M-C) (W-M-C) (W-M-C) :aright:

I'm right there with ya...been thinking about moving there even before I went to WMC for the first time last year and when I went it just confirmed my love of the city.

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The Reason why Sound Factory isn't on there is because they base the ratings on DJ's that book there, Sound System, How long the parties there have been going, and how many nights a week they are packed.

I love factory too but they just don't make the grade.

1. The Sound System is OK but is weak

2. The only night they are packed is Sat.

3. Jonathan Peters unfortonatley is not considered a big DJ

(He has little international pull)

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LOL - that list is pretty funny.

I suppose if they are basing it only on sound and dj's booked then the NYC clubs could be on the money - though they would have to be only including Roxy for the last couple months as the dj's weren't so hot before that.

baktun and filter aren't big enough to make a list like this...that would open it up to so many places IMO

since "vibe" is so a matter of choice i'd be happy if they didn't include it. i mean who's to say whether glitzy glam or laid back dive is more comfortable / enjoyable?

at least with sound there is an objective criteria basis and dj talent while we disagree all the time there's some basis for lists of the top X dj's, etc.

Avalon, btw...is a cool club that does bring in great talent..suprised it isn't here as well.

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Smaller market clubs suffer due the idea of "smaller is lesser" but what people fail to relalize is that it's all about "quality not quantity" .. Its funny, the best club in Miami is not Crobar and it's defenitely not Space. It's a smaller, warmer club called Lola which is owned in part by John Digweed and a few others. The vibe in there is bar none an the layout in nice. Sounds system is rocking and cover is dirt cheap (ranging from 5 to 7 dollars, compared to a 20-30 dollar cover at either Crobar or Space) and talent coming in almost on a weekly basis ...

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